Box 18
Contains 106 Results:
Rolf Harris, [no date]
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340051
Godspell [promotion leaflet], 1973
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340052
K.Lal and his Majal [folder contains notes on Basil Brush and handwritten notes on reverse regarding K-Lal], [no date]
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340053
Goodbye Pork Pie [about the movie], c.1980
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340054
Borough of Invercargill Year Book, 1914 - 1915
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340055
Majority of material found within 1914 - 1915
Suzanne Prentice, [no date]
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340056
Movie, 1978
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340057
Strike Another Match from Wedding in Paris [sheet music], [no date]
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340058
IV British Commonwealth Paraplegic Games, 1974
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340059
Borough of Invercargill Jubilee Year Book (1871 - 1921), 1921
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: S02340060