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Box ICC-0998


Contains 114 Results:

(14) Bank of Otago, Hunter and Hawkshaw, Tay Street, c.1870

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_014
Scope and Contents North side of Tay Street, Block II Sections 19 and 20, just along from corner with Dee Street.
Dates: c.1870

(77) Corner Dee Streets and Albion Hotel lane, K. Rose bookseller, c.1875

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_077
Scope and Contents From the Item: Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
Dates: c.1875

(28) View of Dee Street between the Albion Hotel lane and Tay Street , c.1870

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_028
Scope and Contents From the Item: Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
Dates: c.1870

(3) Home of Antonio Richard Williams, Dee Street, c.1859 - 1863

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_003
Scope and Contents Home of Antonio Richard Williams [the Black Doctor], Corner Dee and Leet Streets, Invercargill, Block LXIX, section 1 and Block LXVIII, section 22.
Dates: c.1859 - 1863

(4) Tay Street looking East, c.1870s

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_004
Scope and Contents Featuring a team of horses facing east on Tay Street. Buildings situated in Block XII between Nith and Conon streets, and Block XIII between Conan and Ythan Street, line the south side of the street. The building in the far distance is the Farmers’ Arms Hotel on the corner of Ythan and Tay Streets.The north side of the street shows footpath battens. The shadow comes from the archway at the entrance to the Lowther Arcade. Photographer unidentified, possibly Donald William Ross as it...
Dates: c.1870s

(5) W. Lewis Drapers shop, c.1870

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_005
Scope and Contents Block III Section 19, north side of Tay Street between Kelvin and Deveron Streets.
Dates: c.1870

(6) Ketch Danzig in Conon Street, c.1866

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_006
Scope and Contents Features the ketch (or schooner) Danzig which was built outside Mr A. H. Puettelkow's Provincial Hotel on on the south west corner of the intersection of Tay and Conon Streets, Block XII, Section 14. See the Southland Times 14 February 1866, p.2 for details of it's launch.

Also features the Theatre Royal on Conon Street, and a team of bullocks. The hotel also features in photo number 42.

See Bibliography for sources.
Dates: c.1866

(10) Tay Street with Old Royal Hotel and Fire Station, c.1865

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_010
Scope and Contents Tay Street - South side crossing over Nith Street and along to Clyde Street showing the first Ott family cottage, Old Royal Hotel and Fire Engine House and Belltower. Block XII Sections 1, 2 and 3.

Related photos are 78, 70, 62, 68 and 32.
Dates: c.1865

(11) View from Tay Street looking west, c.1863

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_011
Scope and Contents Taken from Tay Street looking towards Pleasure Bay, with the Otatara bush line in the distance.
Dates: c.1863

Corner of Dee and Esk Streets looking North, c.1890

 Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_108
Scope and Contents East side of Dee Street, between Esk and Don. Block IX, sections 1 and 22. Featuring (from Don Street): McLeod Bros, drapers; Smith and Smith, drapers; Thorn & Stead, bootmakers; Frank Steans, hairdresser (where the candy pole is outside); Leviathan Gifts (Wesney Brothers, ex Louis Rodgers); Imperial Hotel (Proprietor H. Sproull), Hatch & Co. Chemists, Wm Organ and Co, butchers, Matheson and Co. grocers; David Fairweather, bootmaker; Janet Webster, fruiterer; Benjamin...
Dates: c.1890