Box ICC-0998
Contains 114 Results:
(2) Old Customs House, Clyde Street, c.1870
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_002
Scope and Contents
Customs House, west side of Clyde Street in Railway Reserve/General Government Buildings, Block LXXVIII. Photographer unknown.
(7) Lowther Arcade, Tay Street, c. 1863 - 1864
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_007
Scope and Contents
North side of Tay Street, between Kelvin and Deveron Streets, looking through to Esk Street. Block III, sections 4 and 19.
c. 1863 - 1864
(8) Matheson & Camerons, Dee Street, c.1870
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_008
Scope and Contents
Block IX Section 22 East side of Dee Street, in the Langlands Block, between Esk and Don Streets.
(9) Colyer's Princess Hotel, Dee Street, c.1870
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_009
Scope and Contents
Block LXXI Section 1, east side of Dee Street, between Don and Spey Streets.
(72) Old Post Office and Government Buildings, Dee Street, c.1870
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_072
Scope and Contents
From the Item:
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
(13) R.D. Yule, Bank of N.S.W, and Police Station, Tay Street, c.1870
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_013
Scope and Contents
From the Item:
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
(15) Flour Mill, Esk Street, c.1880
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_015
Scope and Contents
From the Item:
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
(17) West side of Dee Street, looking North [Stereoscopic photo], c.1880
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_017
Scope and Contents
From the Item:
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
(18) Arch of Welcome to Sir George Grey over Esk Street [Stereoscopic photo], c.1878
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_018
Scope and Contents
From the Item:
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...
(19) Corner Dee and Esk Streets [Stereoscopic photo], c.1880
Component — Box: ICC-0998
Identifier: S27520001_019
Scope and Contents
From the Item:
Album containing 114 photographs of early Invercargill and surrounds. The location of the original negatives is unknown, but prints of many of the images can be found in other collections around the country. Some of the photographers have been identified but are largely unknown.See the Southland Times 9th and 10th of December 1924 'Years of Change' special report which features many of the photographs alongside updated views from 1924.Numbers drawn in ink...