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GEDDES, Catherine Anne (Cath) interviewed by Elaine Scott

 Record Group — Box: 57
Identifier: H0619


Catherine Geddes was born in Bluff in 1922. Gives details of her parents and grandparents. Explains connection with Knapdale Station. Recalls growing up at Pyramid Siding, their food, games, clothing, celebrations and education at the local school. Recalls visiting sports teams, sports day at Riverton, getting to school, the difficulty of getting to the local high school and secondary education at Columba College. Describes studying music, being a boarder and leaving school at the time of the outbreak of the war. Recalls going to Clutha Valley School as music teacher then working for Raymond Lusk in Gore in the music trade. Describes playing at Celebration Balls, the clothing worn including white gloves and playing at the Grand Hotel in Invercargill. Mentions being in the Musicians Union. Talks about `making do' during the Depression years and patriotic fundraisers during the war years. Discusses church and visitors on Sundays. Mentions marriage to Gordon Geddes in 1957 and sharing jobs within their marriage.


  • 1998


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1 folder(s)

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