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COSTIGAN, Leslie James (Les) interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box: 32
Identifier: H0235


This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview Les tells of his employment at the Awarua Station where he lived in the hostel. He describes having to practice Morse code, the receiving and transmitting processes on older radio equipment, and receiving messages from ships all over the world. His job included manning the disaster watch for large ships using Morse code to provide safety for life at sea. He also describes Mayday calls. In 1974 he spent 18 months on the Chatham Islands radio as a senior radio operator before returning to Awarua. He discusses concerns about when operators were wearing head phones. Post Office undertook a study of this. Les was a union representative for the Post Office and took redundancy in 1985. The radio station closed the next year.


  • 2015


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For access please contact the Southland Oral History Project Coordinator at [email protected].

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The contents of Southland Oral History Project collections are subject to the conditions of the Copyright Act 1994. Please note that in accordance with agreements held with interviewees additional conditions regarding the reproduction [copying] and use of items in the Southland Oral History Project collections may apply. Please contact the Southland Oral History Project Coordinator for further information at [email protected].


1 folder(s)

Language of Materials



COSTIGAN, Leslie James (Les)
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Southland Oral History Project Repository