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Box 3


Contains 25 Results:

Abstract of Vincent Paul BOOTH , 2010

 Item — Box: 3
Identifier: H00010002
Abstract Vincent Paul BOOTH. Interviewer: Jenny Campbell 28 January 2009. Abstractor: Jean Hawkes00:00 Interview identification00.36 VINCENT PAUL BOOTH born in September 1926 at NIGHTCAPS MATERNITY HOME. Seven siblings also born in NIGHTCAPS. Only member of family still in the area. Three sisters eldest in family, moved away for work and married away from NIGHTCAPS. Vincent youngest child.02.45 Parents – JOHN BOOTH and ANN SMITH both of NIGHCAPS. Records in Family...
Dates: 2010

Abstract of Hugh Dale WILSON, 2010

 Item — Box: 3
Identifier: H00040002
Abstract Hugh Dale WILSONInterviewer: Lee Wadds04 July 2010Abstracter: Jean HawkesTRACK 1 (shown as Track 10)00:00 Interviewer identification.02:01 HUGH DALE WILSON born in 1945.03:23 CANTERBURY family. Father born in QUEENSTOWN of Scottish parents. His mother (nana) to NEW ZEALAND aged about 16 to join other family members. Lived for about 91 years. Father Presbyterian Minister. Studied and married in ENGLAND. Mother...
Dates: 2010

Abstract of Frank Ivan BICKLEY, 2011

 Item — Box: 3
Identifier: H00230002
Abstract Frank BickleyInterviewer: Janice TempletonAbstracter: Jean HawkesTrack 100.00 Interviewer identification.00.52 Frank's Family Tree compiled by one of grandchildren for Golden Wedding on August 9th 2002 – used as reference.01.03 Frank Ivan Bickley. Father from England. Mother from WAIMATUKU (pronounced as Waimatook), originally from SCOTLAND Father named ALFRED WILLIAM BICKLEY. Went to school at RIVERTON, had farm at...
Dates: 2011

CARMICHAEL, Joyce Alberta interviewed by Marianne Widmer

 Record Group — Box: 3
Identifier: H0035
Overview This interview covers Joyce’s early life and family history farming at Dipton, her education and employment history. Gives an overview of the war years after which she married and shifted to Gummies Bush. She talks of this time, her husband, children and extended family. Joyce was very involved in the community e.g. Plunket, Anglican Church Thornbury, Southland Regional Council, Rural Women NZ (WDFF) etc. In 1993 she was awarded the National Bank Women’s Suffrage Award.
Dates: 2006

Abstract of Joyce Alberta CARMICHAEL, 2006

 Item — Box: 3
Identifier: H00350002
Abstract Interviewer: Marianne WidmerAbstracter: Jean HawkesJOYCE CARMICHAELFirst Interview: 19 September 2006TRACK 100:00 Sound check – JOYCE ALBERTA CARMICHAEL00:22 End of Track 1TRACK 200:00 Interview identification00:32 Born in INVERCARGILL in 1925 Third of five PALMER children – MILDRED – JOHN – Self – ERIC – REG01:16 Brought up on farm in DIPTON – Re-hab for father from...
Dates: 2006

BOOTH, Vincent Paul (Tinny) interviewed by Jenny Campbell

 Record Group — Box: 3
Identifier: H0001
Overview The interview covers Mr Booth's childhood in Nightcaps, farming at Bowmont Station, and work at the coal mines.
Dates: 2009

WILSON, Hugh Dale interviewed by Lee Wadds

 Record Group — Box: 3
Identifier: H0004
Overview Born 1945, Hugh Wilson's interview contains some family background, how Hugh came to write Field Guides and his fascination with nature from young age. He describes trips to Stewart Island, University experiences, study on Stewart Island, study on Mount Cook, and putting together his books.
Dates: 2010