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Digital-archive SOHP


Contains 137 Results:

Family Photograph, c.1930s

 Item — digital-archive: SOHP
Identifier: H00160003
Overview Named family photograph at their land in Marama Ave North, Otatara c.1930s.
Dates: c.1930s

Margaret and Allan Jaquiery , c.1920

 Item — digital-archive: SOHP
Identifier: H00160004
Overview Margaret 3yrs (left) and Allan Jaquiery 13 months, about 1920, George St, Invercargill.
Dates: c.1920

Birthday celebration, 2007

 Item — digital-archive: SOHP
Identifier: H00160005
Overview 90th birthday celebration for Margaret held at the Southland Museum and Art Gallery 2007.

Elisabeth Duyvesteyn nee Copeland (daughter), Margaret (Copeland) nee Jaquiery formerly Thomas, Peter Thomas (son).
Dates: 2007

Ronald Walker , c.2004

 Item — digital-archive: SOHP
Identifier: H00120003
Overview Photograph of Ronald Walker.
Dates: c.2004