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Box 7


Contains 24 Results:

Abstract of William John (Jack) WYLIE, 2007

 Item — Box: 7
Identifier: H00440002
Abstract Interview with Jack Wylie1st December 200601.00 Jack describes his first day at Seaward Downs School. Remembers the fights. Describes transport to school – pony for 3 years then horse-and-cart for 10 children. Names Miss Barrow as teacher of infants– standard 2, and Mrs Lin (?spelling) teacher from standard 3-6 Jack describes playtime and football teamDAIRY FARM. Describes milking cows by hand at age 7 . Father had 45-50 Fresian cows + team of Clydesdales...
Dates: 2007

TOU, Maiatua interviewed by Lisa Essetera Tou

 Record Group — Box: 7
Identifier: H0062
Overview In this interview Maiatua talks of his early life, family, education and Sunday School on Mitiaro in the Cook Islands. He goes onto recall arriving in Auckland, his first impressions and employment and moving to Bluff to work at Ocean Beach and Alliance Freezing works. He talks of his life highlights and the building of a holiday home in Raratonga.
Dates: 2011

Abstract of Maiatua TOU, 2020

 Item — Box: 7
Identifier: H00620002
Overview Maiatua TouInterviewer: Lisa TouAbstracter: W. Brent CoatsInterview: 28 May 2011TRACK 100:00 Interview introduction00:46 MAIATUA TOU – Born 1 March 1939 MITIARO COOK ISLANDS – Self is retired01:18 Mother – ETE TERA – Maiden name TE TUPU ARIKI – Born RAROTONGA01:54 Siblings – Brothers WILLIE – TAMAIEWA [sp?] – TARA – Self – TE PA [sp?]; Sisters – TONY – AKIRONG [sp?] – NO TU [sp?] – NA POU [sp?] – [?]...
Dates: 2020

Abstract of Alan Murray (Mick) WILSON, 2009

 Item — Box: 7
Identifier: H00220002
Abstract Alan Murray (Mick) Wilson Interviewer: Lloyd EslerAbstracter: Jean Hawkes00.00 Track 1 Interviewer identification00.49 Alan Murray Wilson. Born 1930 at GORE. Latter part of time lived at Grant Street, beside the Catholic Church (did not recall earlier address). House still in existence at time of interview – been away for 60 years.02.03 Mother a seamstress, father manager of J JOHNSON & SONS Engineering in GORE....
Dates: 2009

PRENTICE, Suzanne Lena interviewed by Rebecca Amundsen

 Record Group — Box: 7
Identifier: H0068
Overview In this interview Suzanne tells of family holidays and gives a detailed description of her musical career. She talks of her conscious choice to live in Southland and work outside the region. She discusses Southland, the Arts community and her time on the board of the Invercargill Licensing Trust (ILT).
Dates: 2011

Abstract of Suzanne Lena PRENTICE, 2011

 Item — Box: 7
Identifier: H00680002
Abstract Suzanne Lena Prentice Interviewer: Rebecca Amundsen Abstracter: Courtney Ellison TRACK 1 00:00 Interview identification01:10 Camping at FAIRFAX in farmers paddock, Christmas presents – described. George St Kindergarten INVERCARGILL, dress ups – explained. 02:48 Mother washing during camping – explained.03:15 Holidays with Uncle and Aunt in NELSON. KINGSTON, friends with the...
Dates: 2011