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Box 2


Contains 26 Results:

PULLAR, Gordon Joseph interviewed by Margaret McDougall

 Record Group — Box: 2
Identifier: H0094
Overview Gordon looks at his family history, growing up in Kaiwera, his family home and daily life e.g. food clothing, games chores, religion and education through to secondary school. During the war he was involved with the Home Guard – First Aid Group and discusses the war and its affects. He goes on to the social life of the time, his meeting of and marriage to Margaret, the trials of building their first home, children and the gaining of a Nuffield Scholarship and what this meant.
Dates: 2011

DUFF, Albert Gordon (Bert) interviewed by Avis McDonald

 Record Group — Box: 2
Identifier: H0067
Overview Bert speaks of and describes his family history, life, education and growing up at Rimu e.g. attending Rimu School, rabbiting, sports, working on and owning his farm and farming practices. He also covers the outbreak of World War 2 and its effects on family and country.
Dates: 2011

PATERSON, Hugh interviewed by Richard Savory

 Record Group — Box: 2
Identifier: H0078
Overview Hugh talks of his family history, his siblings’ lives and choices. He talks in detail of farming practices, produce and his return to the farm after his time in World War 2 and the benefits of his attendance of a farming course at Lincoln. He describes his time at war in detail.
Dates: 2009

Abstract of Hugh PATERSON, 2009

 Item — Box: 2
Identifier: H00780006
Overview HUGH PATERSON Interviewer: Richard Savory Abstracter: Jean Hawkes TRACK 1 00:00 Interviewer identification.00:41 HUGH PATERSON born in 1921 in GORE.01:49 Farmed at EAST CHATTON.01:55 HUGH'S father born at WAIKAKA. Member of Mounted Rifles. Joined First Expeditionary Force [1NZEF] in 1914. Invalided with rheumatic fever. EGYPT, GALIPOLLI – Mentioned. Parents farmed at...
Dates: 2009

O'CONNOR, Judith Anne interviewed by Jane Craske

 Record Group — Box: 2
Identifier: H0210
Overview Judith looks at her early life through school and growing up at Mokotua where the family had a mixed farm of dairy and sheep on 200 acres. Judith was a day pupil at James Hargest High School before leaving school and working at H & J Smiths until her marriage to Murray. They had three children and Judith gives a description of her time in Dee Street Maternity Hospital. Murray and Judith purchased a dairy farm at Kapuka which is now run by their son. She gives a description of her typical...
Dates: 2014