Box 18
Contains 32 Results:
WHITE, Thomas Samuel Kitchener interviewed by Janice Templeton
Record Group — Box: 18
Identifier: H0207
In this interview Thomas talks of his early years growing up on a farm at Ermedale. His father was a contractor building roads around Ermedale. He talks of marrying during the war years and his return after the war when he purchased a home at Gummies Bush. Thomas goes on to talk about the mechanisation of the contracting business and working for Wallace County as well as for farmers. He shares stories of road constructed and anecdotes of things that happened to him during this time. He goes on...
PEARSON, Charles Brian interviewed by Nancy Burnett
Record Group — Box: 18
Identifier: H0147
This interview is a topic based interview about the 1984 flood and was recorded following the 25th anniversary of the flood. Charles tells of the 1984 flood in Otautau. At the time he was the Deputy Chairman of the Otautau Community Board. He recalls and describes the lead up to the flood, e.g. warnings etc., and the need to balance the assistance of the Chairman and looking after his own family and home, which ended up being flooded. He talks about the after effects of the flood on homes and...
Map of Otautau with areas mentioned in the interview highlighted, 2009
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: H01470003
Abstract of Charles Brian PEARSON, 2009
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: H01470002
CHARLES BRIAN PEARSON Interviewer: Nancy BurnettAbstracter: Jean Hawkes
TRACK 100:00 Interview identification00:35 CHARLES BRIAN PEARSON born in 194000:45 Recording agreement01:22 At time of 1984 FLOOD family living at 9 RUSSELL ESPLANADE, OTAUTAU
Family at home consisted of 5 children, self and wife01:44 [OCCUPATION]: PVC Sales Rep for WINSTONE...
Oral History Interview with Charles Brian PEARSON by Nancy BURNETT [25 March 2009], 2009
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H01470001
Abstract of Desmond Walter TEMPLETON, 2022
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: H01660002
Desmond (Des) Walter TempletonInterviewer: Mary Anne WidmerAbstracter: Lynne GroveFirst Interview: 30 August 2006TRACK 100:00 Interview identification00.24 DESMOND WALTER TEMPLETON born in 1931. Lives at Milton Street, Riverton.00.52 FLAXMILLING in SOUTHLAND. Explains history and his family’s connection - Father ANDREW (ANDY) TEMPLETON flaxmiller ‘all his life’ - 44 mills from Clinton southwards – first...
Oral History Interview of Desmond Walter (Des) TEMPLETON by Marianne WIDMER [30 August 2006], 2006
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H01660001
DAVIS, Jane Ruby Karina interviewed by Rebecca Amundsen
Record Group — Box: 18
Identifier: H0052
This interview was recorded as part of the About Us Voices of Southland collection. Jane has lived all her life in Southland and in this interview she tells of her family history; her involvement in mutton birding, the preparation required to go to the Islands and life there. In 1989 Jane was elected to the Ngai Tahu Trust Board which later became Te Rununga o Ngai Tahu. She discusses the settlement results, involvement in conservation projects in Southland and Maori heritage and culture.
SAMPSON, Charles William (Sam) interviewed by Lee Wadds
Record Group — Box: 18
Identifier: H0152
Sam moved to Stewart Island with his wife Linda. There is mention of Sam and ‘Billy the Bus’ on the Island. Predominantly Sam tells/describes his involvement in journalism e.g. started Stewart Island News in 1986-87. He talks of the plans for the first copy and explains the interest and involvement of others e.g. Allison Broad, Margaret Hopkins, and Mike Te Au; as well as the collecting and collating of articles and various topics covered e.g. transfer of Kakapo, Power and Sewage Scheme and the...
Oral History Interview with Charles William (Sam) SAMPSON by Lee WADDS [6 and 11 April 2006], 2006
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H01520001