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Box 19


Contains 56 Results:

Emily Stirling (Betty) Donaldson, 1999

 Item — Box: 19
Identifier: H00090003
Overview Photograph of Betty Donaldson at the time of her interview.
Dates: 1999

MUNN, Allan Kenneth interviewed by Chrissy Wickes

 Record Group — Box: 19
Identifier: H0323
Overview This interview focuses on the kakapo recovery project in which Allan was involved. In this interview Allan details his work for NZ Wildlife Service in particular with Kakapo. The catching of the birds on Rakiura and their release on Little Barrier Island, as well as the ongoing work to increase numbers. He talks about the harm caused by predators e.g., cats as well as the areas throughout NZ the birds can be found and the people involved in saving them.
Dates: 2017

Abstract of Allan Kenneth MUNN, 2023

 Item — Box: 19
Identifier: H03230002
Abstract H0323ALLAN KENNETH MUNNInterviewer: Chrissy WickesAbstractor: April MilliganDate of Interview: 3 March, 2017Track 100:00 Interview Identification00:41 ALLAN KENNETH MUNN born in 196101:37 KAKAPO discovered 1977 on RAKIURA , STEWART ISLAND - Involved from 1981 – working for NZ Wildlife Service from 1978 – flew in to RAKIURA with RON NILSSON – visit Catching Team – catching birds for LITTLE BARRIER –...
Dates: 2023

DARBY, John Terrance interviewed by Chrissy Wickes

 Record Group — Box: 19
Identifier: H0324
Overview In this interview John talks about his involvement in the Stewart Island Kakapo recovery programme. He also worked at the Otago Museum as a Scientific Officer in Zoology starting in 1969, curating biological collections. John goes on to describe his career as a Zoologist based at the Otago Museum. Here he initiated the children’s programme and interactive science areas. He goes on to describe yellow eyed penguins and the differences to other penguin species.
Dates: 2017

Abstract of John Terrance DARBY, 2023

 Item — Box: 19
Identifier: H03240002
Abstract JOHN TERRANCE DARBYInterviewer: Chrissy WickesAbstracter: Judith ChristieInterview: 10 May 2017TRACK ONE01.00 Interview introduction. Self born in 1936. 01.45 Involved in Stewart Island kakapo recovery. Started work at the Otago Museum as Scientific Officer in Zoology in 1969 and curated biological collections. Describes03.00 Found a kakapo specimen from Richard Henry when curating, which was self dissected....
Dates: 2023