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Box 19


Contains 56 Results:

NICOLSON, Ella Vaughan interviewed by Margaret Ann Irving

 Record Group — Box: 19
Identifier: H0344
Overview Ella shares her family history, education and religion; as well as her family life growing up in Dipton. She tells of growing up in Dipton and the role her grandparents had. She looks at recreational activities as a child e.g. draughts, rabbiting and family picnics. Ella left school to become her mother’s helper meeting her husband Don in 1939. She was man powered to Sunnyside Mental Hospital 1943-1945. When Don returned home they purchased a farm at Waimatua where they farmed for 37 years....
Dates: 2005

Abstract of Ella Vaughan NICOLSON, 2005

 Item — Box: 19
Identifier: H03440002
Abstract ELLA VAUGHAN NICOLSONInterviewer: Ann IrvingDate: 31 October 2005 TRACK 1 (Note: Introduction is given on Track 4)00:00 [MAIDEN NAME]: ELLA VAUGHAN MILLIGAN – Vaughan from mother's mother was Welsh or French VAUGHAN COLYER – Mentioned ELLA born in 1916 – Home birth at BENMORE Mother born at ASHBURTON in 1892 Father born at KAIAPOI in 186302:21 Parents married 01 October 1913 probably at SCOTT STREET, INVERCARGILL...
Dates: 2005

Abstract of Roger Robertson SUTTON, 2000

 Item — Box: 19
Identifier: H03450002
Abstract Interviewee: Roger Robertson SuttonInterviewer: Beth CairnsAbstracter: Beth CairnsPLEASE NOTE: THE TIMINGS IN THIS ABSTRACT RELATE TO THE ORIGINAL TAPE VERSION OF THE RECORDING AND NOT TO THE DIGITIZED VERSIONFirst Interview Date: 15 August 2000Tape one: Side A01.04 Childhood memories01.12 Natural History01.15 Fathers farm at TARAMOA01.23 ORETI River across the road...
Dates: 2000