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Box 20


Contains 38 Results:

Abstract of Walter William Donald McQUARRIE, 2020

 Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01420002
Abstract WALTER WILLIAM DONALD McQUARRIEInterviewer: Lloyd EslerAbstracter: W. Brent CoatsInterview 4 July 2007TRACK 100:01 Interview identification00:43 Earliest memories – SOUTH INVERCARGILL - grandparent’s – MILLER’S bread – rugby commentaries – early radio - Details1:42 SOUTH SCHOOL – family connection - Mentions2:25 Difference in city from youth – History of his house DALRYMPLE STREET – Names early...
Dates: 2020

Abstract of John Francis McALISTER, 2020

 Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01370002
Abstract John Francis McAlisterInterviewer: Nancy BurnettAbstracter: Marion HawkesTRACK 100:00: Interview identification00:42: JOHN FRANCIS McALISTER born in 193500:55: Interview Agreement01:39: SELF was living at 5 Hume Street OTAUTAU at the time of flood01.50: four people living in house at time of flood – SELF – wife – GEOFFREY – BARRY02:10 SELF was ELECTRICIAN started 1952 - relates how he...
Dates: 2020

Abstract of Alistair Donald MACKAY, 2019

 Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H00540002
Overview ALISTAIR DONALD MACKAY Interviewer: Rebecca Amundsen Abstracter: W. Brent Coats First Interview: 22 April 2011 DISC 1: TRACK 1 00:00 Interview introduction00:31 ALISTAIR DONALD MACKAY born in 192700:37 Interview agreement01:23 Father DONALD MEREDITH GORDON MACKAY – Born TAPANUI 1895 Paternal grandfather ALEXANDER MACKAY – Paternal grandmother ANN (sp?) – Both from SCOTLAND - Details...
Dates: 2019

NATUSCH, Sheila interviewed by Lee Wadds

 Record Group — Box: 20
Identifier: H0145
Overview Shelia tells of life and education on Stewart Island i.e. chores, teachers, enjoyment of art classes and having a love of nature. She wanted to be a writer and artist; and wrote ‘Natural World of the Trails’ and ‘Out of Our Tree’. She left home to go to Dunedin Teacher’s College and she gives a detailed account of her time there. In 1942 she had her first work published called ‘Overland to Pegasus’ in the Wanderlust magazine. She moved to Wellington and worked for the Dominion Museum – then did...
Dates: 2008

Abstract of Sheila NATUSCH, 2019

 Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01450002
Abstract Sheila Natusch Interviewer: Lee WaddsAbstracter: Chontelle SymeDisc 1Track 12.24 Introduction6.38 Chores at the TRAILL household at STEWART ISLAND. Explains.8.00 TRAILL house and family life. Describes and explains.10.23 ALEC (ALEXANDER ROY TRAILL). Sheila Natusch’s brother. Called ALEX incorrectly by other people. Known as Alec. Never called Alexander. 11.04 Making tea....
Dates: 2019