Box 20
Contains 38 Results:
Oral History Interview of Sheila NATUSCH by Lee WADDS [3 May 2008], 2008
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H01450001
KEEN, Victor John interviewed by Nancy Burnett
Record Group — Box: 20
Identifier: H0129
This interview is part of the 1984 Southland Flood Collection and was recorded following the 25th anniversary of the flood. In this interview Victor tells of his experiences in Otautau during the 1984 flood. Victor was the Deputy District Governor of the Lions District 202F. Victor describes his trip to and from Invercargill airport on the day of the flood and his efforts to return to Aparima on the hundred line. He was delegated work with Welfare (Civil Defence) through the Lions and he...
Map showing Victor's farm and his route home from the airport on the day of the flood, 2009
Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01290003
Abstract of Victor John KEEN, 2010
Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01290002
VICTOR JOHN KEENInterviewer: Nancy Burnett Abstracter: Jean Hawkes
TRACK 100:33 VICTOR JOHN KEEN born in 193900:49 Recording Agreement01:24 At time of 1984 Floods living at APARIMA on HUNDRED LINE01:45 [FAMILY]: Self – wife and son at home
Own occupation FARMER02:02 [COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT]: Deputy District Governor of LIONS District 202F – Two...
Oral History Interview of Victor John KEEN by Nancy BURNETT [22 April 2009], 2009
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H01290001
McALISTER, John Francis interviewed by Nancy Burnett
Record Group — Box: 20
Identifier: H0137
This interview is a topic based interview about the 1984 flood and was recorded following the 25th anniversary of the flood. In this interview John talks of his work with Southland District Council as a water operator and prior to that as an electrical contractor. The subject of the interview is a flood and its effects on Otautau, Western Southland and his own work efforts during this time. John was working for the Wallace County Council at the time and looks at how they got the Water System...
MACKAY, Alistair Donald interviewed by Rebecca Amundsen
Record Group — Box: 20
Identifier: H0054
This interview was recorded as part of the About Us Voices of Southland collection. Alistair was born in Glasgow. During World War 2 his family returned to NZ by boat and there is a description of this hazardous experience. He compares life in Southland to Scotland e.g. farming techniques. His working life was spent farming which he describes i.e. impact of dairying on rural communities and changes to farming practice. Alistair had a close affinity with Scottish roots-societies which he...