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Box 24


Contains 30 Results:

Abstract of Shirley McMILLAN, 2019

 Item — Box: 24
Identifier: H00990002
Abstract SHIRLEY MCMILLANInterviewer: Renee GoldupAbstracter: W. Brent CoatsFirst Interview: 6 April 201200:00 Interview Introduction00:20 Self felt unwell – Unable to walk far – Leg swollen - Doctor recommended COLONOSCOPY – No indication of cancer Legs kept swelling – Admitted to KEW HOSPITAL – Tests revealed LYMPHOMA in groin, kidneys, spleen – 10 day stay at KEW – Describes02:30 Sent to DUNEDIN HOSPITAL – Explains Isolated in...
Dates: 2019

INSALL, Nadia, Roy and Bronwen interviewed by Renee Goldup

 Record Group — Box: 24
Identifier: H0098
Overview This interview is part of the Headcases Collaborative Art Project, done in conjunction with the Southland Festival of the Arts and the Cancer Society. In this interview Nadia describes her diagnosis of breast cancer, her treatment options, the depression that goes with such a diagnosis, the tremendous support of parents and extended family, making new friends and establishing the Headcases project. The interview also talks with Nadia's parents and their experiences with their daughter's illness.
Dates: 2012

McMILLAN, Shirley interviewed by Renee Goldup

 Record Group — Box: 24
Identifier: H0099
Overview This interview is part of the Headcases Collaborative Art Project, done in conjunction with the Southland Festival of the Arts and the Cancer Society. This interview covers Shirley’s journey with cancer covering diagnosis, treatment and support from family and friends.
Dates: 2012

Abstract of Noel Denis JOYCE, 2019

 Item — Box: 24
Identifier: H03960002
Abstract NOEL DENIS JOYCEInterviewer: Gordon DunstonAbstractor: Robyn PowleyInterview: 31 July 2019DISC 1: TRACK 100:00 Interview introduction01:34 Born INVERCARGILL – in 1945 – oldest of four - Lived in BOWMONT ST – Details02:27 Prior to his birth parents lived in EARNSLAW ST – Situated about opposite where BORSTAL FLATS used to be – Site taken over by PGG WRIGHTSON02:58 Father was a LABOURER – Worked for...
Dates: 2019

SMITH, Graeme John interviewed by Rosalyn Smith

 Record Group — Box: 24
Identifier: H0088
Overview In this interview Graeme looks at family history of parents/grandparents, their farm, employment, and marriages. Graeme recalls family outings, childhood activities, education, sports, interest in drama and his apprenticeship as a carpenter. He also covers his marriage, children and his involvement in community projects and fundraising in Tapanui e.g. the building of the Tapanui Community Centre; and his love of history and writing ‘Tapanui turns 100'.
Dates: 2011

Abstract of Graeme John SMITH, 2019

 Item — Box: 24
Identifier: H00880002
Abstract GRAEME JOHN SMITHInterviewer: Rosalyn SmithAbstracter: W. Brent CoatsFirst Interview: 21 September 2011DISC 1: TRACK 100:06 Interview identification01:14 GRAEME JOHN SMITH born in 1948 in TAPANUI00:40 Father JOHN SMITH born 1915 in TAPANUI Mother EVA ESKDALE COATSWORTH born 1923 in TAPANUI Met father while in TAPANUI brass band - Details02:16 Father APPRENTICE carpenter under LORRIE KIRK in...
Dates: 2019