Box 31
Contains 28 Results:
Abstract of Peter William HAYES, 2020
Item — Box: 31
Identifier: H02180002
Peter William HayesInterviewer: Jane CraskeAbstracter: Gil BergInterview: 14 August 2014DISC 1: TRACK 100.00 Interview identification00.33 PETER WILLIAM HAYES born in 193601.10 Interview agreement01.49 Born on their property at WAIKAWA02.05 Mother from QUARRY HILLS02.17 Father born on the WAIKAWA property.02.30 Father worked in saw mills when not on the...
COTTER, Paul John and MUNRO, Barry Russell interviewed by Seona Craig
Record Group — Box: 31
Identifier: H0232
This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview Paul and Barry recall and describe their experiences working for NZ Post Office as Radio Operators based at Awarua Radio, with some time each spent on the Chatham Islands and at Milford Sound. They also recall some of the emergency situations they were involved in e.g., distress calls from fisherman, steamships in distress and a call from a Frenchman sailing solo around the world. They describe the...
Oral History Interview of Paul John COTTER and Barry Russell MUNRO by Seona CRAIG [18 June 2015], 2015
Fonds — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H02320001
Abstract of Paul John COTTER and Barry Russell MUNRO, 2024
Item — Box: 31
Identifier: H02320002
HO230PAUL JOHN COTTER AND BARRY RUSSELL MUNROInterviewer: Seona CraigAbstracter: Judith ChristieInterview: 18 June 2015(Abstractor note: It was difficult to distinguish between the two interviewees voices, and to know who was speaking. Names have been identified only when it was clear who was speaking)TRACK ONE00.00 BARRY RUSSELL MUNRO born in 1937. PAUL COTTER born in 1948.01.40 Barry joined NEW...
Oral History Interview of Colin George MAYNARD by Jenny CAMPBELL [22 June and 25 July 2019], 2019
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H04120001
Oral History Interview of Juliette Margaret (Julie) MOYLAN by Anne McCRACKEN [17 December 2019, 13 and 27 January and 10 February 2020], bulk: 2019-2020
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: H04130001
Majority of material found within 2019-2020
MOYLAN, Juliette Margaret (Julie) interviewed by Anne McCracken
Record Group — Box: 31
Identifier: H0413
Majority of material found within 2019-2020
MAYNARD, Colin George interviewed by Jenny Campbell
Record Group — Box: 31
Identifier: H0412