Southland Schools [Photograph Album]
Digital Image
Identifier: D00920016
- Majority of material found within 1930 - 1936
A small photograph album containing black and white images of school buildings in Southland, and parts of Otago that fell under the jurisdiction of the Southland Education Board, taken between 1930 and 1936.
Inside front cover:
Presented by G[George].T. Palmer, Inspector 1930-6.
Photograph of SEB Inspectors W.A. Service, R[Robert].R. Hunter.
Photograph of Southland Education Board office building next to Southland Technical College building, Tay Street, Invercargill.
Inside front cover:
Presented by G[George].T. Palmer, Inspector 1930-6.
Photograph of SEB Inspectors W.A. Service, R[Robert].R. Hunter.
Photograph of Southland Education Board office building next to Southland Technical College building, Tay Street, Invercargill.
Conditions Governing Use
This item has no known copyright restrictions. Please reference Invercargill City Council Archives A0004_S00920016 when re-using this image.
1 digital object : TIFF File
Existence and Location of Copies
To obtain a high resolution copy of this image please contact the Archive.
Physical Description
Black and white photograph album.
List of schools
Aparima School,
Ardlussa School,
Arrowtown School,
Arthur's Point School,
Athol School,
Balfour School,
Balfour - School Bus,
Birchwood School,
Bluff School,
Browns School,
Brydone School,
Cardrona School,
Castle Rock School,
Charlton School,
Charlton North School,
Chatton East School,
Clifden School,
Clifton School,
Colac Bay School,
Croydon Bush School,
Dacre School,
Dipton School,
Drummond School,
East Gore School,
East Limehills School,
Eastern Bush School,
Edendale School,
Ermedale School,
Fairfax School,
Feldwick School,
Fernhills School,
Fortification School,
Fortrose School,
Garston School,
Gibbston School,
Gladfield School,
Glencoe School,
Glenham School,
Glenorchy School,
Gore School,
Gorge Road School,
Greenvale School,
Grove Bush School,
Gummies Bush School,
Haldane School,
Half Moon [Halfmoon] Bay School,
Hamilton Burn School,
Heddon Bush School,
Hedgehope School,
Hokonui School,
Invercargill Middle School,
Invercargill North School,
Invercargill South School,
Isla Bank School,
Kapuka School,
Kaiwera School,
Kennington School,
Kingston School,
Knapdale School,
Limehills School,
Lochiel School,
Longbush School,
Longridge Village School,
Lora Gorge School,
Lumsden School,
McNab School,
Mabel [Bush] School,
Maitland School,
Makarewa School,
Makarewa North School,
Mandeville School,
Mataura School,
Mataura Island School,
Menzies Ferry School,
Merrivale School,
Mimihau School,
Mokoreta School,
Morton Mains Siding School,
Morton Mains South School,
Mossburn School,
Myross Bush School,
Niagara School,
Nightcaps School,
Nokomai School,
Ohai School,
Opio School,
Oraki School,
Orawia School,
Orepuki School,
Oreti Plains School,
Otahu School,
Otahuti School,
Otama School,
Otapiri School,
Otara School,
Otatara School,
Otautau School,
Oteramika School,
Pahia School,
Papatotara School,
Park and Dryburgh Special Schools,
Pembroke School,
Pine Bush School,
Port Craig School,
Pukerau School,
Pyramid School,
Quarry Hills School,
Queenstown School,
Redan School,
Rees Valley School,
Rimu School,
Riversdale School,
Riverton School,
Roslyn Bush School,
Roundhill [Round Hill] School,
Ryal Bush School,
Sandstone School,
Scotts Gap School,
Seaward Downs School,
Shotover School,
Slope Point School,
Spar Bush School,
Springhills School,
St George School,
Sunnyside School,
Te Tipua School,
Te Tua School,
Thornbury School,
Tisbury School,
Tokanui School,
Tuatapere School,
Tussock Creek School,
Tuturau School,
Waianiwa School,
Waihoaka School,
Waihopai School,
Waikaia School,
Waikaka School,
Waikaka Valley School,
Waikana School,
Waikawa School,
Waikiwi School,
Waikouro School,
Waimahaka School,
Waimatua School,
Waimatuku School,
Waimumu School,
Waipounamu School,
Wairio School,
Waituna School,
Wallacetown School,
Wendon School,
Wendon Valley School,
Wendonside School,
West Plains School,
Wild Bush School,
Winton School,
Woodlands School,
Wyndham School,
Wyndham South School.
Repository Details
Part of the Invercargill City Libraries and Archives Repository