Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 1326
Bettina Beadle Collection
Record Group
Identifier: A0184
1937 - 1984
Found in:
Invercargill City Libraries and Archives
BICKLEY, Frank Ivan interviewed by Janice Templeton
Record Group — Box: 3
Identifier: H0023
This interview covers Frank’s family, war service and work history; went on active service in 1943 to the Middle East with 9th Reinforcements. There is a description of training and battles in Italy and the battle of Casino. Frank was injured twice. On return to NZ to he worked on farms, at the freezing works, meet and married his wife Val. Interests include: Lions Club, Probus Bowls and Tai Chai.
Found in:
Southland Oral History Project
Birchwood School
Record Group
Identifier: A0137
School status
Closed school [1910 - 1943]
Majority of material found within 1910 - 1943
Found in:
Invercargill City Libraries and Archives
BLACK, Kathleen Evelyn interviewed by Jenny Dillner
Record Group
Identifier: H0674
Found in:
Southland Oral History Project
BLACK, Robert Theodore (Bob) interviewed by Janice Templeton
Record Group — Box: 24
Identifier: H0092
Bob looks at family history and their settling on the Ermadale farm, its condition, childhood chores and child pass times e.g. hut building and collecting birds eggs. He briefly looks at the war years; his marriage, children and of a 100 acres farm at Gropers Bush. He eventual grew his farm ownership to 1100 acres between Gropers Bush, Waipango and Ermadale; talking of the condition and farming of these. He also worked as a contractor and shearer and purchased a portable hay baler working...
Found in:
Southland Oral History Project
BLACK, William Arthur (Bill) interviewed by Morag Forrester
Record Group — Box: 53
Identifier: H0565
William Arthur (Bill) Black has become a well-known figure both in aviation circles and among the general population of New Zealand as a result of his search and rescue activities in the south. From a young age he developed a keen interest in aeroplanes and bought his first Tiger Moth while still a teenager. Only a couple of years later he was working as a commercial pilot for Te Anau-based company, Ritchie Air Services, when as well as scenic flights he was providing air-freight services for...
Found in:
Southland Oral History Project
Blackmount School
Record Group
Identifier: A0138
School status
Closed school [1911 - 2014]
Majority of material found within 1911 - 2014
Found in:
Invercargill City Libraries and Archives
Blakie Collection
Record Group
Identifier: A0486
1901 - 1953
Found in:
Invercargill City Libraries and Archives
BLATCH, Lewis Francis (Lew) interviewed by Morag Forrester
Record Group — Box: 50
Identifier: H0543
Lewis Blatch grew up on one of Te Anau's original pastoral runs, Lynwood Station. Along with his younger sister, Win, he is one of a dwindling group of people who can recall life in what was once a remote part of New Zealand, bordering the Fiordland National Park. In this interview, Lewis talks about the methods his father and brothers used on the Station's freehold pastures and the open run country before the government implemented its huge land development programme in the 1950s.
Found in:
Southland Oral History Project
Bluecliffs Diary
Record Group
Identifier: A0038
Scope and Contents
A single item that is essentially the 'log' of activities by users of a hut at Blue Cliffs,Southland, 1942 to 1957.
1942 - 1968
Found in:
Invercargill City Libraries and Archives
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Invercargill City Libraries and Archives 702
- Southland Oral History Project 624
- Subject
- Oral history 615
- School records 323
- Southland (N.Z.) 313
- Invercargill (N.Z.) 220
- Eastern Southland (N.Z.) 148
- World War, 1939-1945 120
- Photographs 114
- Western Southland (N.Z.) 94
- Fiordland (N.Z.) 85
- Riverton (N.Z.) 71
- Te Anau (N.Z.) 69
- Farm life 67
- In the Wake of the Pioneers: Fiordland Museum Trust Oral History Project 62
- Central Southland (N.Z.) 53
- Northern Southland (N.Z.) 47
- Church records and registers 42
- Sheep Farming 42
- Otago (N.Z.) 41
- Sports -- Clubs 38
- Nursing 35
- Societies and clubs 34
- Voluntarism 34
- Gore (N.Z.) 30
- Stewart Island/Rakiura (N.Z.) 30
- Agriculture 29
- Bluff (N.Z.) 28
- Education 28
- Hunting 28
- Tuatapere (N.Z.) 28
- Music 27
- Retail Trade 27
- Tourism 27
- Friendly societies 22
- Otautau (N.Z.) 22
- Telecommunications 22
- Women -- Societies and clubs 22
- Discovering Glengarry's Community Spirit Oral History Project, 2014 21
- Dairy Farming 20
- Sawmills 20
- Winton (N.Z.) 19
- Awarua Communications Museum Oral History Collection, 2014- 18
- Manapouri (N.Z.) 18
- Coal mines and mining 17
- Depressions -- 1929 17
- Nature Conservation 17
- Nightcaps (N.Z.) 17
- Southland (N.Z.) -- Flood, 1984 17
- Wyndham (N.Z.) 17
- Deer Farming 16
- "About Us Voices of Southland" Oral History Project, 2011 15
- Gore District 15
- Gore District Historical Society Oral History Collection 15
- Lumsden (N.Z.) 15
- Mataura (N.Z.) 15
- Rabbits -- Control 15
- Rugby Union football 15
- Service clubs 15
- Wildlife conservation 15
- 1984 Southland Flood Oral History Project, 2009 14
- Cattle Farming 14
- Fishing 14
- Gorge Road (N.Z.) 14
- Women's Suffrage Oral History Project (Celebrating 125 years), 2018 14
- Edendale (N.Z.) 13
- Otatara (N.Z.) 13
- West Otago Oral History Collection, 2010 - 13
- World War, 1914-1918 13
- Flax Industry 12
- Queenstown (N.Z.) 12
- Religion 12
- Tapanui (N.Z.) 12
- Agricultural Machinery 11
- Boats and boating 11
- Dairy factories 11
- Gold mines and mining 11
- Makarewa (N.Z.) 11
- Maps 11
- Ohai (N.Z.) 11
- Woodlands (N.Z.) 11
- Central Otago (N.Z.) 10
- Gorge Road Oral History Collection, 2014- 10
- West Otago (N.Z.) 10
- Catlins District (N.Z.) 9
- Deer -- Control 9
- Forests and forestry 9
- Fortrose (N.Z.) 9
- Genealogy 9
- Milford Sound (N.Z.) 9
- Riverton Hospital Oral History Project, 2016 9
- Sheep-shearing 9
- Waikawa (N.Z.) 9
- "Dr Elder Book Project" 2022-2023 8
- Construction Industry 8
- Grand Hotel Oral History Project, 2016 8
- Horse racing 8
- Meat industry and trade 8
- Mossburn (N.Z.) 8
- Tennis 8
- Theatre 8
- Tokanui (N.Z.) 8 ∧ less
- Names
- Amundsen, Rebecca 71
- Forrester, Morag 61
- Campbell, Jenny 45
- Templeton, Janice 44
- Burnett, Nancy 34
- Church of England 34
- Ruddenklau, Edith 34
- Thomas, Judith 23
- Duston, Gordon Thomas 19
- Macfie, Cathy 14
- Savory, Richard 13
- McCracken, Anne Elizabeth 12
- Hoskin, Harold Philip (Phil) 11
- McCallum, Warrick Linn 11
- Craig, Seona 10
- McDonald, Avis Jennifer 10
- Wadds, Lee 10
- Esler, Lloyd 9
- Irving, Margaret Ann 9
- Grove, Lynne 8
- Dawson, Ailsa Ruth 7
- Lietze, Joy 7
- McKenzie, Paula 7
- Smith, Pamela 7
- Wickes, Chrissy 7
- Bailey, Vanya 6
- Cairns, Beth 6
- Craske, Jane 6
- Henderson, Virginia 5
- Poplur, Gill 5
- Conradson, Patricia 4
- McCallum, Merren 4
- McGilvray, Madeline Rae 4
- Presbyterian Church 4
- Smith, Tessa 4
- Wilks, Maree 4
- Dixon, Ngarita Helen 3
- Faul, Alva Mary 3
- Lampitt, Chrissy 3
- McDougall, Margaret 3
- McFarland, Paulette 3
- Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn (Liz) 3
- Redhead, Valmai 3
- Ayson, Peter Leicester 2
- Bailey, Mae Florence 2
- Baxter, Sylvia Muriel Mathilde 2
- Booth, Vincent Paul 2
- Chisholm, Robert John 2
- Donaldson, John Malcolm 2
- Favel, Annie Keturah 2
- Federated Farmers of New Zealand. Women's Division 2
- Fordyce, Shona 2
- Goldup, Renee 2
- Harvey, Joan 2
- Invercargill (N.Z.). City Council 2
- Macdonald, Angus David 2
- McConechy, Graham Spencer 2
- McHutchon, Gloria Elaine 2
- McKay, Helen Margaret 2
- McKenzie, Ann 2
- Milnes, Dickon John, Dr 2
- Nuttall, Louis Norman (Lou) 2
- Pritchard, William John (Jack) 2
- Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association. RSA 2
- Stoddart, Edith Anne 2
- Thompson, Margaret Evelyn 2
- Tou, Lisa Essetera 2
- Warburton, Warren Gilbert 2
- Ward, Patricia Kay 2
- West, Victor Clyde 2
- White, Senga 2
- Williamson, Wendy 2
- Woller, Steven (Steve) 2
- Adams, Fiona Melissa 1
- Allan, Margaret 1
- Allan, Robert Bruce (Carter) 1
- Allison, Thomas 1
- Amos, Rubina Mary (Ruby) 1
- Anderson-Horrell, Ruth 1
- Arnett, Jane Mere 1
- Arnold, Mary isabel Patterson 1
- Aronsen, Gwenith Dawn (Gwen) 1
- Ashby, Ronald William (Ron) 1
- Ashwell, Harold Francis 1
- Ashwell, Reginald George 1
- Aspinall, Phyllis May 1
- Aurik, Johanna (Hanny) 1
- Austin, William Rex 1
- Ayson, Peter Douglas Giffen 1
- Bailey, Maureen Dorothy 1
- Baker, Alexander Donald (Donny) 1
- Baker, Russell Victor 1
- Balan, Virgina Elena (Gina) 1
- Ballantyne, Colin Stewart 1
- Barker, John Charles 1
- Barnes, Clifford Henry (Cliff) 1
- Barnes, Irene Rosslyn 1
- Bates, Isobel Helen 1
- Batt, Dorothy Joan (Joan) 1
- Batt, Harold Ernest Norman (Ernie) 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more