Abstract of Christina Munro (Chrissy) POPE, 2009
Item — Box: 18
Identifier: H03420002
Recorded: 04 October 2009
Interviewer: Jenny Campbell
Abstracter: Jean Hawkes
00:56 Recording Agreement
02:03 Maternity homes: St HELEN'S – HERBERT STREET – mentioned. Patients didn't go to hospital – mother in home two weeks.
02:41 [FAMILY]: 2nd of four children – JOHN ROBERT LAMB – GEORGE PATON LAMB – ANNIE ELIZABETH LAMB. Self aged 93 at time of interview.
03:28 PARENTS: Mother – ANNIE PATON born TOKANUI – lived there until marriage, moved to QUARRY HILLS – only child. Maternal Grandparents – Grandpa, GEORGE PATON a farmer – Grandma, ANNIE PATON, homemaker. GEORGE from CUMBERNAULD, SCOTLAND
Paternal Grandparents – JOHN ROBERT LAMB from ENGLAND – only child – worked in coalmine – parent died when child young – mother lived to 79 Grandfather arrived in NEW ZEALAND farmed at INCH CLUTHA – possible flooding of two rivers a concern. Sold property – moved to balloted land TOKANUI. before First World War. [research suggests that Chrissie's sibling are: John Robert, George Paton and Annie Elizabeth LAMB. Her parents: John Robert LAMB and Annie Fraser PATON – both being only children. Her Paternal Grandparents: John and Catherine LAMB, John born in England. Maternal Grandparents: George PATON from Scotland and Annie from Ireland]
07:00 Grandparents may have landed at DUNEDIN. To INCH CLUTHA and TOKANUI. Book on INCH CLUTHA settlements mentioned. Grandson (of LAMB) bought [INCH CLUTHA] farm.
07:58 Grandfather PATON landed at LYTTELTON or DUNEDIN. Married in NEW ZEALAND. Grandma came to NEW ZEALAND with her sister. Some family to AMERICA.
08:44 Children had little contact with grandparents. Only transport horse and gig.
09:06 Parents worked two farms at QUARRY HILLS. Granny LAMB – described. Houses – daily chores – cooking and laundry facilities. No major injuries with hot water on wash day. Copper sticks – blue bags.
13:00 Use of kerosene crates. 13:55 Sister and self, aged 12 or 13, took turns to sleep-over and look after grandma. Grandma on farm until she died.
15:00 Grandma knitted, baked, made jam, milked cow. Kept pigs, pet lambs and calves. 16:06 General store at TOKANUI for everyday things. Hawkers (travelling salesmen) once or twice a year. Trips to INVERCARGILL once a year.
18:01 Mother milked 16 cows – made butter. Father worked with team of Clydesdale horses. Cream sold. Milk used for family and animals.
19:29 Mother used to farm life. Milking shed described.
20:29 Self started milking cows aged about 8. Chores for all children.
22:04 Father kept sheep and cattle. Teenager when grandfather died – took over land. 23:15 No secondary school. Primary schools at TOKANUI and QUARRY HILLS. Years later secondary school at WYNDHAM [MENZIES COLLEGE]. Walked to school. No ponies. Mother had a hack – rode side saddle.
24:36 SCHOOL TEACHERS – described. “Mr BIG BOOTS'. Lady from AUCKLAND stayed with a relation – taught until marriage. 18 or 19 pupils at QUARRY HILLS SCHOOL – Primers to Standard 6.
26:59 [EDUCATION]: Stories – not many books at home.
28:05 Kerosene lamps and candles for lighting. Seldom used candles in kitchen.
28:38 Liked Arithmetic, Geography. Sewing once a week – described. 29:37 Not enough boys to make football team. Boys and girls played basketball. Schools combined to make a team of boys and one of girls. Visits to other schools.
30:32 [GAMES]: Rounders – gardening – no tennis courts or swimming pool.
31:36 Mother grew variety of vegetable crops. Kept hens – fed pollard and oats.
32:52 [FARM CROPS]: Oats – swedes – turnips.
33:07 Five horse team – CLYDESDALES. Brothers involved. Arrival of tractors. 34:33 Both parents good health. Nearest doctor at INVERCARGILL – later at TOKANUI. Epidemic of ENGLISH MEASLES.
37:22 Cemetery close to school – few deaths while at school – organisation of funerals by undertakers from INVERCARGILL. Children did not attend funerals. Minister at FORTROSE.
38:47 CHURCH services irregular – held in school until church built.
39:17 DANCES held in the school – no halls.
39:39 Annual picnic – trips to COLAC BAY or RIVERTON – Described.
42:07 Train freight described.
43:01 SALEYARDS at LORNEVILLE. Agents bought lambs. Drover moved stock to TOKANUI for trucking to saleyards.
43:57 No pocket money for chores until at school.
44:12 Social facilities at school. Organ, no piano. Open fire.
45:07 School lunches. Homemade bread. Variety of own fruits for eating and making jam.
46:32 Birthday treats. Small gifts.
47:00 Food for CHRISTMAS.
47:41 Lunch at mid-day. Family dinner at night – described. Breakfast – described.
48:48 Not many visitors – limited travel. Grandparents travelled from town to take children back with them for holidays. Tramcars – one penny fare.
49:41 Water trough for horses outside old Post Office. On DEE STREET. HANSOM CABS.
50:18 With grandparents in winter. MAY FAIR – WINTER SHOW in DRILL HALL. Gradually faded out. Special sections for children.
53:06 MAY FAIR – parades – evening street events. Paid to go to most things.
54:06 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS – two weeks in MAY – two weeks AUGUST-SEPTEMBER Six weeks at CHRISTMAS.
54:30 Farm tasks during CHRISTMAS holidays – Described. Help given to neighbours. Threshing mill described. School picnic at end of harvesting – dance at night.
56:22 CHILDHOOD memories recalled. Snow sledging.
57:35 Attended DOMESTIC COURSE – TECHNICAL COLLEGE for twelve months – worked at home. Boarded with grandparents. Homework. Many of friends gone. Sister and brothers stayed at home – did not go to secondary school. Proficiency Certificate and book.
60:00 End of Track 1.
00:01 Repeat end section of previous track.
01:01 Prize books from School and Sunday School.
01:17 Left school at 14. Farm work at home.
01:57 Friends – played cards – outside games. Dances – Balls – District Halls.
03:09 FUND RAISING for various events – Described.
03:39 Community involvement in hall construction. Local families provided music. Types of dances – named.
04:52 ELECTRICITY – long time being installed on farm. Grandparents had electricity in town. Gas lamps for street lighting.
05:53 Met husband at a country sports meeting. Self sometimes in races (running). Husband was BILL (WILLIAM THOMAS POPE).
06:47 COURTING – Dances – Sports Meetings – Picnics. Trip to CHASLANDS on open truck. TAUTUK(U) BAY outing.
07:40 Sawmilling – effects on roads.
08:02 Engagement 3 years – Marriage. Husband worked team of horses at different places. Several sawmills.
08:47 Arrangements for wedding. Bought land to farm at DIPTON over-run with rabbits. Sheep – few horses – cows and calves – dogs. Married couple.
10:54 Married in August 1930s. EVELYN (daughter) – Mentioned. Moves from TE ANAU – INVERCARGILL.
12:18 Married at FORTROSE at the MANSE. During 'slump' – quiet event. [DRESS]: Simple white frock. Older sister had big wedding.
13:13 Went to DIPTON – GILES family – Mrs PALMER. Move from QUARRY HILLS to DIPTON – lonely life – walk to township Husband had motorbike. 14:39 Groceries from DIPTON delivered by MAIL CAR. WOMEN'S DIVISION – few visits – not good weather to walk. Some locals acknowledge loneliness of self.
16:04 [CHILDREN]: EVELYN born 1936 when at DIPTON. GORDON born 1941 when 'married couple' at KAIWERA. EVELYN born in INVERCARGILL. GORDON born in GORE. 17:30 Babies healthy – EVELYN slow feeder – GORDON always hungry.
17:49 Busy times when children small – cooking for 24 family and farm workers at SOUTHDOWN – LANDS and SURVEY. 18:25 From own farm DIPTON – KAIWERA managing – SOUTHLAND FROZEN MEAT'S farm. Woman helped during day. Meal arrangements for farm workers – Explained.
20:02 Cooking on electric range. Too small for numbers to feed. Children at school by now. Extra money to self for feeding men – money used for food and replacing crockery.
22:28 Husband managed each block. Extra men at busy times.
23:18 Not so busy at ORETI BEACH – sandy ground – contract fencing All sheep farms with some cattle.
23:50 Husband died from heart attack at 54. EVELYN married. GORDON at FREEZING WORKS.
24:15 Self went to H & J SMITH LTD – there for 20 years in MATERIALS DEPARTMENT. Changes in colour – patterns – fabrics. GWEN GILL visited to advertise dressmaking – Described. Visits to GORE.
26:09 MAKE-and-MODEL CONTEST – Described. Self used to sew not a lot.
26:38 Bought house in INVERCARGILL – stayed with EVELYN for a time. No WIDOW'S BENEFIT.
27:38 [WAR YEARS]: Husband worked on farm – joined HOME GUARD – while at KAIWERA. Self not able to go anywhere – husband had car. Self drove a car before they bought own one.
28:40 Self drove from farm to farm when at home – no traffic cops back then.
29:05 Uncle's open fire at QUARRY HILLS – cooking facilities – described.
31:23 GORDON – GRANDMA – money in apron pocket. Incident with swallowed coin. GORDON given 'SOPS' – explained.
33:55 Three trips to AUSTRALIA – one to IRELAND.
34:06 Finished at SMITH'S in INVERCARGILL – to TE ANAU to clear section gained in ballot – house moved on to property – worked at MOTEL – wanted to play BOWLS. PEG GRAY asked self to work at SMITH'S in TE ANAU for 2 days a week. Very quickly full-time. Aged 67.
37:31 Happy memories of trips away – married life but ended suddenly. Grand and great grandchildren.
39:30 End of Track 2
NOTE: Chrissie died in 2013
Recorded: 04 October 2009
Interviewer: Jenny Campbell
Abstracter: Jean Hawkes
00:56 Recording Agreement
02:03 Maternity homes: St HELEN'S – HERBERT STREET – mentioned. Patients didn't go to hospital – mother in home two weeks.
02:41 [FAMILY]: 2nd of four children – JOHN ROBERT LAMB – GEORGE PATON LAMB – ANNIE ELIZABETH LAMB. Self aged 93 at time of interview.
03:28 PARENTS: Mother – ANNIE PATON born TOKANUI – lived there until marriage, moved to QUARRY HILLS – only child. Maternal Grandparents – Grandpa, GEORGE PATON a farmer – Grandma, ANNIE PATON, homemaker. GEORGE from CUMBERNAULD, SCOTLAND
Paternal Grandparents – JOHN ROBERT LAMB from ENGLAND – only child – worked in coalmine – parent died when child young – mother lived to 79 Grandfather arrived in NEW ZEALAND farmed at INCH CLUTHA – possible flooding of two rivers a concern. Sold property – moved to balloted land TOKANUI. before First World War. [research suggests that Chrissie's sibling are: John Robert, George Paton and Annie Elizabeth LAMB. Her parents: John Robert LAMB and Annie Fraser PATON – both being only children. Her Paternal Grandparents: John and Catherine LAMB, John born in England. Maternal Grandparents: George PATON from Scotland and Annie from Ireland]
07:00 Grandparents may have landed at DUNEDIN. To INCH CLUTHA and TOKANUI. Book on INCH CLUTHA settlements mentioned. Grandson (of LAMB) bought [INCH CLUTHA] farm.
07:58 Grandfather PATON landed at LYTTELTON or DUNEDIN. Married in NEW ZEALAND. Grandma came to NEW ZEALAND with her sister. Some family to AMERICA.
08:44 Children had little contact with grandparents. Only transport horse and gig.
09:06 Parents worked two farms at QUARRY HILLS. Granny LAMB – described. Houses – daily chores – cooking and laundry facilities. No major injuries with hot water on wash day. Copper sticks – blue bags.
13:00 Use of kerosene crates. 13:55 Sister and self, aged 12 or 13, took turns to sleep-over and look after grandma. Grandma on farm until she died.
15:00 Grandma knitted, baked, made jam, milked cow. Kept pigs, pet lambs and calves. 16:06 General store at TOKANUI for everyday things. Hawkers (travelling salesmen) once or twice a year. Trips to INVERCARGILL once a year.
18:01 Mother milked 16 cows – made butter. Father worked with team of Clydesdale horses. Cream sold. Milk used for family and animals.
19:29 Mother used to farm life. Milking shed described.
20:29 Self started milking cows aged about 8. Chores for all children.
22:04 Father kept sheep and cattle. Teenager when grandfather died – took over land. 23:15 No secondary school. Primary schools at TOKANUI and QUARRY HILLS. Years later secondary school at WYNDHAM [MENZIES COLLEGE]. Walked to school. No ponies. Mother had a hack – rode side saddle.
24:36 SCHOOL TEACHERS – described. “Mr BIG BOOTS'. Lady from AUCKLAND stayed with a relation – taught until marriage. 18 or 19 pupils at QUARRY HILLS SCHOOL – Primers to Standard 6.
26:59 [EDUCATION]: Stories – not many books at home.
28:05 Kerosene lamps and candles for lighting. Seldom used candles in kitchen.
28:38 Liked Arithmetic, Geography. Sewing once a week – described. 29:37 Not enough boys to make football team. Boys and girls played basketball. Schools combined to make a team of boys and one of girls. Visits to other schools.
30:32 [GAMES]: Rounders – gardening – no tennis courts or swimming pool.
31:36 Mother grew variety of vegetable crops. Kept hens – fed pollard and oats.
32:52 [FARM CROPS]: Oats – swedes – turnips.
33:07 Five horse team – CLYDESDALES. Brothers involved. Arrival of tractors. 34:33 Both parents good health. Nearest doctor at INVERCARGILL – later at TOKANUI. Epidemic of ENGLISH MEASLES.
37:22 Cemetery close to school – few deaths while at school – organisation of funerals by undertakers from INVERCARGILL. Children did not attend funerals. Minister at FORTROSE.
38:47 CHURCH services irregular – held in school until church built.
39:17 DANCES held in the school – no halls.
39:39 Annual picnic – trips to COLAC BAY or RIVERTON – Described.
42:07 Train freight described.
43:01 SALEYARDS at LORNEVILLE. Agents bought lambs. Drover moved stock to TOKANUI for trucking to saleyards.
43:57 No pocket money for chores until at school.
44:12 Social facilities at school. Organ, no piano. Open fire.
45:07 School lunches. Homemade bread. Variety of own fruits for eating and making jam.
46:32 Birthday treats. Small gifts.
47:00 Food for CHRISTMAS.
47:41 Lunch at mid-day. Family dinner at night – described. Breakfast – described.
48:48 Not many visitors – limited travel. Grandparents travelled from town to take children back with them for holidays. Tramcars – one penny fare.
49:41 Water trough for horses outside old Post Office. On DEE STREET. HANSOM CABS.
50:18 With grandparents in winter. MAY FAIR – WINTER SHOW in DRILL HALL. Gradually faded out. Special sections for children.
53:06 MAY FAIR – parades – evening street events. Paid to go to most things.
54:06 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS – two weeks in MAY – two weeks AUGUST-SEPTEMBER Six weeks at CHRISTMAS.
54:30 Farm tasks during CHRISTMAS holidays – Described. Help given to neighbours. Threshing mill described. School picnic at end of harvesting – dance at night.
56:22 CHILDHOOD memories recalled. Snow sledging.
57:35 Attended DOMESTIC COURSE – TECHNICAL COLLEGE for twelve months – worked at home. Boarded with grandparents. Homework. Many of friends gone. Sister and brothers stayed at home – did not go to secondary school. Proficiency Certificate and book.
60:00 End of Track 1.
00:01 Repeat end section of previous track.
01:01 Prize books from School and Sunday School.
01:17 Left school at 14. Farm work at home.
01:57 Friends – played cards – outside games. Dances – Balls – District Halls.
03:09 FUND RAISING for various events – Described.
03:39 Community involvement in hall construction. Local families provided music. Types of dances – named.
04:52 ELECTRICITY – long time being installed on farm. Grandparents had electricity in town. Gas lamps for street lighting.
05:53 Met husband at a country sports meeting. Self sometimes in races (running). Husband was BILL (WILLIAM THOMAS POPE).
06:47 COURTING – Dances – Sports Meetings – Picnics. Trip to CHASLANDS on open truck. TAUTUK(U) BAY outing.
07:40 Sawmilling – effects on roads.
08:02 Engagement 3 years – Marriage. Husband worked team of horses at different places. Several sawmills.
08:47 Arrangements for wedding. Bought land to farm at DIPTON over-run with rabbits. Sheep – few horses – cows and calves – dogs. Married couple.
10:54 Married in August 1930s. EVELYN (daughter) – Mentioned. Moves from TE ANAU – INVERCARGILL.
12:18 Married at FORTROSE at the MANSE. During 'slump' – quiet event. [DRESS]: Simple white frock. Older sister had big wedding.
13:13 Went to DIPTON – GILES family – Mrs PALMER. Move from QUARRY HILLS to DIPTON – lonely life – walk to township Husband had motorbike. 14:39 Groceries from DIPTON delivered by MAIL CAR. WOMEN'S DIVISION – few visits – not good weather to walk. Some locals acknowledge loneliness of self.
16:04 [CHILDREN]: EVELYN born 1936 when at DIPTON. GORDON born 1941 when 'married couple' at KAIWERA. EVELYN born in INVERCARGILL. GORDON born in GORE. 17:30 Babies healthy – EVELYN slow feeder – GORDON always hungry.
17:49 Busy times when children small – cooking for 24 family and farm workers at SOUTHDOWN – LANDS and SURVEY. 18:25 From own farm DIPTON – KAIWERA managing – SOUTHLAND FROZEN MEAT'S farm. Woman helped during day. Meal arrangements for farm workers – Explained.
20:02 Cooking on electric range. Too small for numbers to feed. Children at school by now. Extra money to self for feeding men – money used for food and replacing crockery.
22:28 Husband managed each block. Extra men at busy times.
23:18 Not so busy at ORETI BEACH – sandy ground – contract fencing All sheep farms with some cattle.
23:50 Husband died from heart attack at 54. EVELYN married. GORDON at FREEZING WORKS.
24:15 Self went to H & J SMITH LTD – there for 20 years in MATERIALS DEPARTMENT. Changes in colour – patterns – fabrics. GWEN GILL visited to advertise dressmaking – Described. Visits to GORE.
26:09 MAKE-and-MODEL CONTEST – Described. Self used to sew not a lot.
26:38 Bought house in INVERCARGILL – stayed with EVELYN for a time. No WIDOW'S BENEFIT.
27:38 [WAR YEARS]: Husband worked on farm – joined HOME GUARD – while at KAIWERA. Self not able to go anywhere – husband had car. Self drove a car before they bought own one.
28:40 Self drove from farm to farm when at home – no traffic cops back then.
29:05 Uncle's open fire at QUARRY HILLS – cooking facilities – described.
31:23 GORDON – GRANDMA – money in apron pocket. Incident with swallowed coin. GORDON given 'SOPS' – explained.
33:55 Three trips to AUSTRALIA – one to IRELAND.
34:06 Finished at SMITH'S in INVERCARGILL – to TE ANAU to clear section gained in ballot – house moved on to property – worked at MOTEL – wanted to play BOWLS. PEG GRAY asked self to work at SMITH'S in TE ANAU for 2 days a week. Very quickly full-time. Aged 67.
37:31 Happy memories of trips away – married life but ended suddenly. Grand and great grandchildren.
39:30 End of Track 2
NOTE: Chrissie died in 2013
- 2009
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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)
Language of Materials
From the Record Group: English
- From the Record Group: Campbell, Jenny (Interviewer, Person)