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Abstract of Clare Torrance SQUIRES , 2010 - 2019

 Item — Box: 3
Identifier: H00790002



Interviewer: Lee Wadds

Abstracter: Jean Hawkes (in 2010)



00:38 Interviewer identification.

01:53 CLARE TORRANCE SQUIRES born in 1928.

03:22 Parents – Mother MAY HUIA TORRANCE born in BLUFF. Father a CAMERON [Jack Laurens] born in INVERCARGILL of Scottish descent. His parents FRENCH HUGUENOTS, escaped to JERSEY. Later to LIVERPOOL and then to NEW ZEALAND. Great grandmother pregnant with grandmother on journey. Mother's parents originally from CORNWALL. Father's family from LOCHIEL in SCOTLAND Grandfather doctor in BLUFF, association with STEWART ISLAND.

05:27 Father's father bought land on STEWART ISLAND latish 1920s. Four sections near OBSERVATION ROCK. Father's brother married post mistress (NELLIE SCULLY) lived on the island, had two girls. SCOLLAY ROCK and ANNIE HANSEN – Mentioned.

06:40 Earliest memory of coming to STEWART ISLAND – aged four, stayed at cottage owned by MRS MITCHELLER (?), near old Town Hall, had 3 daughters ALISON, JENNY and another. 07:33 Father purchased land from his father. Uncle built crib [bach] Family moved to STEWART ISLAND when CLARE was 6. Mr RONALD'S taxi – Mentioned. Moved to STEWART ISLAND – Described. Cooking of dinner for Christmas Day – Described. Father teacher at SOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL.

09:31 Mother gained Medical Intermediate at OTAGO UNIVERSITY. University lecture conditions described. Got engaged and went home. Helped grandfather in surgery. Did not work for an income after marriage.

10:31 Attitudes of others towards mother going to study medicine. Grandparents attitudes especially towards women – Described.

11:37 Excitement of leaving BLUFF – Described. CAPTAIN HAMILTON – Mentioned. Journeys to STEWART ISLAND – Described. 'SOUTHLANDER', 'THERESA WARD', 'TAMATEA' – Mentioned. Four hour journey on fishing boat 'KEKANO' – Described. 14:37 Still in depression when CLARE at primary school.

End of Track 1


00:01 Family situation during depression – Described. Storage of vegetables – Described.

01:08 Arrival in HALFMOON BAY – Described. Mr HEATON, Mr WHIPP, YORKSHIRE – Mentioned.

02:15 Neighbours' domestic disputes – Described.

03:20 Unpacking possessions – Described.

03:29 First home – Described. CAROLYN and RICHARD ('SQUIZZY') SQUIRES – Mentioned. Care of outdoor (long drop) toilet – Described.

05:45 Site of first home – Explained. Property sold, building expanded and some bush cleared. EXCELSIOR ROAD, OBSERVATION ROCK, TED HICKS, WATTS, TUI MACDONALD – Mentioned.

07:20 Day Two on the island – Described. CLARE'S older sister SHIRLEY – Mentioned. Singing on OBSERVATION ROCK. Grandmother lived in DUNEDIN. Visit by Dean of DUNEDIN CATHEDRAL. 08:54 Grandmother singer, mother pianist. Music every night. Musical evenings – Described.

10:07 CLARE'S birthday special on the island. UNCLE TURNER (CAPTAIN GEORGE MIDDLETON TURNER) – Mentioned. How parents got to know CAPTAIN TURNER – Described. HERBIE HANSEN, UNCLE BUSTER CAMERON, MAHJONG – Mentioned. Gifts from UNCLE TURNER – Described. The 'PEARL' (boat) outings – Described. 'ELSA' (boat) owned by STOUTS and given to CLARE'S parents. 12:48 CAPTAIN TURNER from family involved with BIRMINGHAM STEEL. Injured in First World War. Meeting with STOUTS (Australian sheep farmers) who had a house on STEWART ISLAND and brought him for holiday. He stayed and bought 'RAROA ONE' on GOLDEN BAY ROAD. RAROA WALK, SWEDISH HOUSE, WILSON – Mentioned. GEORGE SWAIN and Sister SMITH – Mentioned.


00:01 When UNCLE TURNER holidayed in ENGLAND, GEORGE SWAIN cared for house and dog (TAN). 0045 VIEW ROAD – Mentioned. Home called 'WHARE HUIA' (House of the Huia). 01:24 CLARE'S mother corresponded with GEORGE TURNER'S sister. Food parcels sent to ENGLAND – Described. Rationing in ENGLAND worse than NEW ZEALAND. HOME GUARD (World War Two) – Mentioned.

03:00 Mother's relationship with other people – Described. Handwritten lecture notes – Mentioned. Artistic. Letter writer. Father's letters made into a book. Mother's letters kept but not bound. Grandfather wrote to CLARE and sister. Also artistic and made letters into a book for his grandchildren – Described. 05:38 The 'PEARL' excursions – Described. ULVA, The INLET, FRESHWATER RIVER, RAKEAHUA RIVER, TABLE HILL, TRAILLS, MASONS [BAY], UNCLE TURNER – Mentioned. SHEILA'S FATHER and MOTHER, ARTHUR and MATEEN [TRAILL] (MARJORIE and NANCY'S parents), – Mentioned. Farm and visits to MASONS BAY – Described. LAKE KILBRIDE, 'THE PADDOCK' (a bed), ERNEST ISLANDS – Mentioned.

07:49 GEORGE TURNER older than CLARE'S father. [George born 1893, died 1973]. CLARE'S father Major waiting to go to WW2 when it finished. Father born in 1899. GEORGE and wife had no children. CLARE calculating mother's age and comparing with her own – Described.

09:18 Children's activities – Described. SILVAY (?) ASQUITH, ARMSTRONG GIRLS, PETERS, ELSPETH [TINDALL] (The Fernery), GARDEN MOUND – Mentioned. Children's production of a play – Described. UNCLE TURNER – Mentioned.

11:47 UNCLE TURNER'S filming and movie evenings in Town Hall – Described. Member of ROYAL SOCIETY of PHOTOGRAPHERS. FOREST and BIRD (before DOC) [Department of Conservation], JO RIXON, Dr RICHDALE – Mentioned.

13:37 Trip to CHOCOLATE SWAMP and mother's drawings of plants – Described. CLARE interested in native orchids, Spider Orchids, Easter Orchids, Thelymitra Orchids SHEILA NATUSCH, GARDEN MOUND, THULE, MATEEN, DOROTHY (Sheila's mother) – Mentioned. 15:00 End of Track 3


00:06 CLARE and SHIRLEY'S pressed plant specimens – Described. Carrigeen [seaweed] Pudding – Mentioned. JOHN FIFE – Mentioned.

01:38 Use of microscope on the Island to examine pollen grains – Described. Parents were a partnership in all things. In other families husbands took charge of finances.

03:46 Influence of both sets of grandparents – Explained. Father's father interested in education of family. Worked on Railway became manager of New Zealand Railways. Grandmother known as 'ADY' because SHIRLEY couldn't say 'Lady' and grandfather called 'Boy'. Incident when 'ADY' was 80 years old – Described. AUNTY MAVIS – Mentioned. NELSON – Mentioned. Aunt's ride in helicopter – Described.

05:55 Routine – Described. 06:45 Family stayed for six weeks at Christmas, two weeks in May, three weeks in September. Father, as a teacher, coached rugby and cricket. Hours of involvement – Explained. 08:25 Holidays time for relaxation. Photoboards for CLARE'S 80th birthday – Described. Clothing by parents while on STEWART ISLAND – Described. RINGARINGA, ROB SANSON – Mentioned. Picnic excursion to NATIVE ISLAND – Described. UNCLE TURNER'S very strict rules when on boats – Explained. Same rules, including life jackets, applied to CLARE'S five children. UNCLE TURNER'S lesson for TREVOR (cousin of CLARE) – Described. 12:25 Son's comment regarding respect for a mountain. MOUNT EVEREST – Mentioned.

13:11 GEORGE TURNER, TRAILLS – mentioned. TUI MACDONALD linked to TRAILLS. UNCLE TURNER eligible gentleman. Mr and Mrs LEWIS of 'THE BIG NEST' Christmas and New Year parties and evenings. McKELLARS, ALISTER THOMSON (son of SICK (?) THOMSON) of FERNDALE BOARDING HOUSE, ERNIE and RENA SQUIRES (he was headmaster at the school, IAN'S uncle) [IAN is CLARE'S husband] – Mentioned.

15:00 End of Track 5


00:06 ERNIE and RENA SQUIRES – Described. CHRISTCHURCH – Mentioned.

00:36 LINDSAY and LORRAINE (SQUIRES) own 'THE NEST'. Permanent residents happy to meet others who liked music, books etc. PETER McKELLAR, 'PAMIR' – Mentioned. CATH married. Mrs McKELLAR a gracious lady. LINDSAY and LORRAINE SQUIRES visited THE NEST during an open home and decided they would buy it at some stage. Budgeting – Described. CRAYFISHING, CHATHAMS [ISLANDS], SHARON – Mentioned. House – Described

04:01 Making butter. Mrs McKELLAR, PETER, ALISTER THOMSON – Mentioned.

04:40 New Year's Eve parties at LEWIS'S – Described. UNCLE TURNER – Mentioned. Saying 'grace' at meal times. When older CLARE and SHIRLEY made a request. 06:01 General attitude of eleven year-olds. 06:22 Views from house where interview was done – Described. Flags flying, including NORWEGIAN, 'MAORI' RUSSELL and CAROLYN (SQUIRES), JOHN LEASK, AIRDRY, HERBIE, 'FREE PERSONS' of GOLDEN BAY ROAD, CHRISTCHURCH AIRPORT, RANKIN STREET – Mentioned.

08:06 'TAMATEA' and use of flag at Post Office if boat not coming in rough weather. Site of old Post Office – Described. STEWART ISLAND FLIGHTS, HOTEL, SCHOOL – Mentioned. 09:45 Shops – JENSEN'S, Mrs MARSHALL, BRAGG'S, RED SHED, HAMILTON BROTHERS (butchers), JOSS CAFE, BAKERY, The CAVE. AIR STRIP – Mentioned.

11:05 Estimated population – about 1960 200 children at the school.

11:44 Lay-out of roads – little change. DENNISON SMITH and mother, RUSSELL SMITH, HORSESHOE BAY, PORTUGUESE/MAORI, GOOMBES/GOMEZ, LORRAINE'S PARENTS, GOLDEN BAY ROAD – Mentioned. BAILEY'S fish and chips – Described.


15:00 End of Track 5


00:01 RUSSELL (BAILEY), BRENDA, Infective Hepatitis, HILARY – Mentioned. Ill people sent to CLARE'S home. Mother not happy – Described. IAN (SQUIRES) a Doctor. Nana (CLARE'S mother-in-law) – Described. 02:39 CLARE living in CHRISTCHURCH, gave up kindergarten teaching. Working as a waitress – Described. SIGN of TAKAHE – Mentioned. Father in charge of School Inspectorate for South Island, based in CHRISTCHURCH.

03:34 Letters written to IAN (SQUIRES). HAMILTON, WELLINGTON, AUSTRALIA, ENGLAND – Mentioned. CLARE'S engagement. Family and friends' reaction. Married in CHRISTCHURCH – Described. IAN Medical Registrar at Public (Hospital).

04:48 Childhood school holiday visits three times a year with parents. Other family visitors – cousin JIM, aunt and uncle, many friends from INVERCARGILL. WELLINGTON, NORTH ISLAND, NANA HANSEN – Mentioned.

06:10 Move to WELLINGTON. SHIRLEY at University. CLARE and parents to the Island in 1944. No matter where she travelled always homesick for STEWART ISLAND. HILARY in SWEDEN.

09:01 Holiday with friends. CLARE Director of Kindergarten in WELLINGTON. Two AUSTRALIAN and 3 New Zealand kindergarten teachers. Ferry from WELLINGTON to CHRISTCHURCH (LYTTELTON HARBOUR). Train to LYTTELTON to CHRISTCHURCH. Transport from CHRISTCHURCH southwards – Described. IAN, BETTY, BARBARA, DUNEDIN – Mentioned. CLARE'S reaction to mother's advice regarding drivers of vehicles. Visit to farm for dinner in DUNEDIN area – Described. 11:45 OAMARU camping conditions – Described.

12:24 Arrival at INVERCARGILL. Stayed with aunt. To BLUFF by train. Boat ('WAIRUA') to the Island. AUSTRALIANS were from NORTH AUSTRALIA 'Longjohns' – Mentioned. HORSESHOE, Mahjong, Cards, Stories, Ouija Board, Nude Bathing – Mentioned. Return to WELLINGTON – Described. CHRISTCHURCH – Mentioned. Holiday about 1950.

15:00 End of Track 6


00:04 Trip to AUSTRALIA – Mentioned. Father's attitude to some people. He spoke Latin, French and German and taught Latin and French at High School. Mother spoke French and Latin (needed for medical school). Father in Left Book Club. Reason for not wanting to be Headmaster – Explained. Worthiness of people regardless of jobs. Parents values instilled in children. Incident at INVERCARGILL show – Described. Attitude of others to Maori people – Described. ROY TE PANA, CHRIST and ST ANDREWS SCHOOLS, OXFORD UNIVERSITY – Mentioned. IAN'S three brothers fishermen.

05:11 Amphibian aircraft – Described. INVERCARGILL, WATERCRESS BEACH, RANKIN STREET, – Mentioned. CLARE'S first flight in ordinary plane in 1987 when IAN'S ashes brought to the Island. JULIETTE and JAMES, NELSON – Mentioned.

07:14 Brother-in-law, PETER, fished with his brother MICKIE. Activities at sea including the need for frequent replacement of cutlery – Described. PETER'S rules for those on board his boat – Explained. 09.00 Mention of STEWART ISLAND CEMETERY.

09:35 Nurse [Gladys P] SWAIN wrote a book [Stewart Island Days: a district nurse looks back]

10:07 IAN'S great grandmother's silk shawl – Explained (parts used to treat injuries) Timber mill – Mentioned. BRENDA, NANA – Mentioned. Future storage of shawl – Discussed. Display items already at Rakiura Museum – Discussed. LORRAINE HANSEN'S daughter KIRSTEN (a nurse) – Mentioned.

12:56 CLARE'S return to CHRISTCHURCH – Mentioned.

14:00 End of Track 7



00:27 Recording information


03:11 CLARE'S father – JACK LAURENS ('LAURIE') CAMERON born February 1899 in INVERCARGILL. Mother – MAY HUIA TORRANCE (daughter of Dr TORRANCE of BLUFF) born May 1901. One sister SHIRLEY born May 1925, older than CLARE.

04:21 Grandparents – lots of memories. Heard a lot about great grandparents. CLARE supposedly named after uncle (Gordon Russell) – Described. 'Sir James Clark Ross', ANTARCTIC, 'C S Larsen' – Mentioned [Note from Clare written after the interview states that her uncle was on the CS Larsen at the Antarctic, which was stuck in pack ice, not the Sir James Clark Ross. This ship when to the rescue of the Larsen.]. 05.31 Grandparents – JAMES TORRANCE married GERTRUDE FLORENCE SCOTT. Great Grandfather – JOHN AINSLIE ('TAP') TORRANCE married LIZZIE WRIGHT had children JAMES, JESSIE, MATTIE. Lived in DUNEDIN. Chaplain to Prisons and the Insane. Wrote a book, copy in OTAGO EARLY SETTLERS MUSEUM. 'GALA' [ship mentioned but this could be 'BEN LOMOND'] in 1862

07:01 GERTRUDE SCOTT'S parents had a boarding house for young gentlemen, in BLUFF. Married JAMES TORRANCE 1898. Children – son died at birth, MAY HUIA 1901, ELSIE 1903 [Birth Registration Index gives name as UNA GERTRUDE] Reason's for HUIA as given name – Explained. TAKAPUNA GRAMMAR SCHOOL, INVERCARGILL, BLUFF – Mentioned. Building of snowman when CLARE was two – Described. Dr TORRANCE and medical practice – Described. Entertained Captains and crews of visiting ships – Described. Letters to CLARE and SHIRLEY – Described. 12:27 Flu epidemic after World War One – Described. GERTRUDE'S part – Explained. 13:22 Dr TORRANCE made three storied doll's hospital (for CLARE and SHIRLEY) – Described. Taught wood carving to nuns in BLUFF. Girls learned much about great grand parents.

14:23 Grandmother's parents' boarding house. (CLARE'S parents living in INVERCARGILL. Circumstances of her birth mentioned) Mrs METZGER of BLUFF – Mentioned.

15:00 End of Track 1


00:03 Father's parents – JOHN CAMERON and LOUISA MARY ANN SAMSON. Father born in BLUFF. Grandmother's parents from JERSEY, originally HUGUENOTS from FRANCE. Married by AUGUSTUS SAMSON (father of LILY LANGTRY) in JERSEY. Immigrated from JERSEY via LIVERPOOL to NEW ZEALAND. CHARLES DARWIN, LEE WADDS – Mentioned. Great grandfather AUGUSTUS SAMSON, ship's captain, kept a diary on voyage to NEW ZEALAND. Original diary in TURNBULL LIBRARY. RUSSIA, NORTH SEA, ENGLAND – Mentioned.

03:16 Arrival in NEW ZEALAND. LOUISA MARY ANN married JACK CAMERON from LOCHIEL, SCOTLAND. Six children – JACK LAURENS ('LAURIE'), LAURIE BUSTER, TOPSY, ALAN, MAVIS, RONALD [search of Births Index shows JACK LAURENS, GORDON RUSSELL, MURIEL ARNOTT, ALAN HUGH, HETTIE MAVIS – Those named RONALD up to 1909 do NOT have John and Louisa as parents] all born in INVERCARGILL. Escapades of LAURIE and BUSTER – Described. ORETI RIVER – Mentioned. Grandfather worked in Railway. Hard worker. Became Manager of NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS in WELLINGTON. 05:46 Father went to SOUTH SCHOOL, SOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL. Did engineering course. Asked to return as Pupil Teacher. Did degrees extra-murally. Double 1st Class Honours at KNOX COLLEGE. Very good swimmer. He met MAY when she was at High School – Described. MAY to Medical School didn't finish. Reasons – Explained. Returned to help her father in his surgery. MAY'S attitude to alcohol – Explained.


11:18 Reasons for not wanting to be Headmaster – Explained.

12:27 Maternal grandparents – grandmother sang in church choir. Grandfather loved church music, played the organ. Father had no conventional religious training. Family lived by Ten Commandments. 13:39 Lived in LEES STREET (Between HERBERT and DUKE STREETS) – Described. SOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL – Mentioned. 14:17 SHIRLEY was a 'prem' (born premature) – Described... 15:00 End of Track 2


00:00 Continuing care of SHIRLEY – Described.

00:13 CLARE born at BLUFF in 1928, 2 ½ years after SHIRLEY.

00:33 Life in INVERCARGILL. Uncle Buster (married Post Mistress) at STEWART ISLAND.

01:03 Depression. Mother did sewing – Described. Father grew small fruits and vegetables – Described. INVERCARGILL, Parents' Golden Wedding – Mentioned.

02:00 CLARE started school aged 6 – Explained. Depression time. Lot of schooling missed due to pneumonia. Return to school after illness – Described. Completed Standard 6 (Form 2). Second World War commenced. Classroom conditions in 1939 – Described.

03:31 Interest in tennis – Described. Standard 4 teacher (Mr FORTUNE) – Described. BETTY EASTLAKE, HENRY BROWN – Mentioned. Special birthday party – Described.

04:44 Terrified of Standard 6 teacher (Scottish) – Explained. Class problems – Described.

06:27 Conditions during Depression – Described. WAIHOPAI SCHOOL – Mentioned. Mr RANKIN Standard 2 teacher. Hated Standard 3 – Explained. 08:31 School activities. Basketball [Netball]. Skipping Team – Described. Long jump and Running. Game involving tennis balls against brick wall – Described. Marbles. 'What's the Time Mr Fox?' – Described. 10:25 CLARE found being tall difficult when at high school. SOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL, GIRLS' HIGH – Mentioned. ELLES ROAD/QUEENS DRIVE – Mentioned.

11:31 No girls in area to play with. 'Cowboys and Indians' with boys – Explained. High school dancing classes and Boys' High School Ball – Described. BLUFF – Mentioned.

12:21 Subjects at High School – Professional Form: French, Latin, Geography. Father into Secondary School Inspectorate. Moved to WELLINGTON. 13:01 Grandparents retired to DUNEDIN. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY – Mentioned. Letter writing – Explained.

13:55 Family had telephone in INVERCARGILL [Manual Exchange]. Grandfather (doctor) eventually had telephone. Bought house in BLUFF that had a flushing toilet.

15:00 End of Track 3


00:00 Methods of communication – Described. Gramophone for music. Musical evenings.

00:55 Mother's reaction to outbreak of war – Described. STEWART ISLAND – Mentioned.

01:08 Moved to WELLINGTON 1943. Americans and Japanese – Mentioned. PEARL HARBOUR – Mentioned.

01:53 On radio listened to 'Women in White' and 'Westward Ho' – Described.

02:23 Jobs at home – Described. Pocket money. Tennis – Mentioned. Family manners, especially at meal table – Described. Discipline – Described. Memory of having 'Legends and Myths of GREECE and ROME' read by father. Punishment – Described.

07:09 Did not want to move to WELLINGTON. Conditions – Described. WELLINGTON GIRLS' COLLEGE, WELLINGTON COLLEGE [Boys'], CABLE CAR, HATAITAI ROAD – Mentioned. Doctor's prescription needed to buy hot water bottle. WELLINGTON EAST GIRLS' COLLEGE conditions – Described. Tram conductors – Mentioned. 11:29 CLARE contracted scarlet fever. Kindness of headmistress [was this Gwendolyn Isaac?] – Mentioned. Isolation Hospital at TRENTHAM RACECOURSE (for scarlet fever patients) – Described. CLARE keen to make contact with others who remember being in the ISOLATION HOSPITAL. Effects on the small children – Mentioned. Letters from family and friends appreciated.

15:00 End of Track 4


00:01 Effects of scarlet fever epidemic on victims. Rheumatic fever, pleurisy, NELSON – Mentioned. SHIRLEY at OTAGO UNIVERSITY during epidemic. 01:45 Situation for mother while CLARE was ill and father away for six weeks at a time. 02:20 Father a Major for First World War when aged 19, probably due fatalities. When in SOUTHLAND father had been in charge of HOME GUARD – Described. Air Raid Shelters in schools. Boys could join at age 18. Girls joined WAAC'S [Women's Auxiliary Army Corps], WAAF'S [Women's Auxiliary Air Force], WRENS [Women's Royal Emergency Naval Service] Nurses [Queen Alexandra Military Nursing Reserve]. RED CROSS ships – Mentioned.

04:17 Radio news. Americans fighting Japanese in the islands. SINGAPORE – Mentioned. School efforts for Patriotic Fund – Described. Americans in WELLINGTON. CLARE'S relationship with her mother – Discussed.

06:49 Friday night job in uncle's locksmith shop. After work incident – Described. In 6th Form when war ended. Went to DUNEDIN to begin nursing.

08:22 Sat Public Service Exam instead of Matriculation (Matric). Went raspberry picking in NELSON.

09:21 CLARE'S reactions when her father returned after six weeks inspecting schools – Described. Compared with fishermen returning to wives on STEWART ISLAND. Attending night classes at POLYTECH. Self-sufficiency of women while men away to work or war – Described. Effects when men returned – Described.

12:05 While living in INVERCARGILL parents saved six pence per pay so they could go to STEWART ISLAND for holidays. No trips to the Island during war – Explained. 12:55 When in Standard 6 on 'TAMATEA' trip to Island – Described. 'You Are My Sunshine' (song) – Mentioned

13:50 Teacher's visit to museum (on Stewart Island) at time of this interview. MARGARET ROONEY – Mentioned.

15:00 End of Track 5


00:09 Father's comments to CLARE when he returned from school visits. 'Tennis Ladder' – Mentioned. Parents close to each other went through two world wars and two depressions. CHRISTCHURCH – Mentioned. Father didn't drive, mother did. In NELSON did Meals-on-Wheels, Suter Art Gallery Roster, Lectures at Hospital. When in their 80s in CHRISTCHURCH parents still attended Clinical School lectures.

02:28 Social Services, benefits not available. Maori men did not get Rehab(ilitation) loans due to being Maori – Explained. Hospital care in Women's Medical Ward in DUNEDIN – Described. Patient in Women's Surgical Ward – Described.

05:37 Clare went to HILL JACK HOSPITAL as an Aide in Women's Surgical Ward. Conditions at HILL JACK – Described...

06:30 End of Track 6



00:01 Family has LAURA, LAYLA, two MATTHEWS, great grand-daughter's partner was MATTHEW SMYTHE, son-in-law TONY SMYTHE. 00:28 CAROLYN SQUIRES' reaction to RUSSELL'S father reeling of son's names. Seems to be family trait.

02:33 GRACE visitor from ENGLAND present. 03:14 After school job in uncle's shop in WELLINGTON. Incident after work – Described. CLARE'S and her mother's feelings towards WELLINGTON. Worked for WHITCOULLS. Reason for leaving – Explained. Group saved up to go skiing in SOUTH ISLAND at ARTHUR'S PASS. Worked in kitchens to save money for trip. Travel to TUI in TADMOR VALLEY – Described. 06:21 Trip to 'The Rookery' in ARTHUR'S PASS to go skiing. Mr COBERGER, TEMPLE BASIN SKIN FIELD – Mentioned. 07:31 Ill treatment of some women. Reaction of judges if matter taken to court – Described. 08:31 Worked in EDUCATION DEPARTMENT two nights per week while doing training. BARBARA – Mentioned.

09:01 Conditions of women patients. The Soldiers' Ward – Described. CLARE'S efforts to sponge bath naked male patient – Described. Found situation very depressing. OPOHO – Mentioned. Husband and Clare's sister wrote a resignation for her. Letter from father waiting when Clare returned home. 12:31 Mother needed major surgery. Father borrowed money for private hospital care. AUNT DAISY, Child Psychology, WELLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY – Mentioned. Night classes at TECH when mother was better – Described. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE CENTRE, KINDERGARTEN BOARD – Mentioned. Clare was accepted for Dental Nursing and Kindergarten Teaching. Chose Kindergarten Teaching. Work options for females – Mentioned.

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00:01 Career options for women. Special mention of nursing and medicine – Described. 01:06 Worked with Mr CAWLEY (Psychologist) – Described. Need to play piano – Explained. Use of music to teach children other topics – Described. 02:49 Appointed Director of new kindergarten. To a sixty child kindergarten – Described. TRAINING COLLEGE (en bloc training) – Mentioned. BERHAMPORE ORPHANAGE [Wellington] – Described.

06:25 Plans to travel to AUSTRALIA and ENGLAND to teach. Parents had moved to CHRISTCHURCH, father in charge of Inspectorate for South Island. Moved to live with parents. Worked at SIGN of TAKAHE as waitress to raise money.

07:43 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE CENTRE. ROY TE PUNGA shunned by some people. CLARE not aware of racism prior to working in Vocational Guidance Centre.

08:36 CHRISTCHURCH – incident at SIGN of TAKAHE involving kindergarten teachers. IAN SQUIRES relationship with CLARE – Described. HAMILTON (WAIKATO HOSPITAL) – Mentioned. Moved to be Medical Registrar at CHRISTCHURCH PUBLIC (HOSPITAL). Engagement – Described. CLARE went to AUSTRALIA where she taught. SHIRLEY at ROXBURGH. Mention of grandmother's health.

10:32 Taught at DAME NELLIE MELBA KINDERGARTEN [Richmond, Victoria, AUSTRALIA] – Described. Boarded with Scottish lady (Miss SILVER). Contact with POLISH FREE AIR FORCE. MELBOURNE – Mentioned. Party for kindergarten children – Described. 12:05 Return home by aircraft – Described. EAST MORVEN, ESSENDEN (Melbourne Airport), SYDNEY, CANTERBURY – Mentioned. Arrived in CHRISTCHURCH. Prepared for wedding. Had travelled by ship to AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY) – Described.

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00:04 Attitudes of mother's friends toward CLARE travelling on her own. Journey to AUSTRALIA – Described. SYDNEY, MARTIN HOTEL, KEMPSEY [NEW SOUTH WALES] – Mentioned.

01:01 Attitudes of AUSTRALIANS – Described. DANDENONG, INVERCARGILL – Mentioned. Experienced worst winter ever. 'Winter Heel' [Tendon bursitis] – Described. 03:16 AUSTRALIAN girls at STEWART ISLAND made list of 112 words used differently by AUSTRALIANS and NEW ZEALANDERS (spool of thread, press stud/dome, tray mobile/trolley, thongs/flip-flops/jandals) MARK in live theatre in ENGLAND. Acceptance of Australians and New Zealanders as workers in ENGLAND – Described. RUSSELL – Mentioned. Adaptability of New Zealanders compared with single skills of English workers.

07:13 Wedding plans – Described. RUSSELL and CAROLYN – Mentioned. Married at home on CASHMERE HILLS by Presbyterian Moderator Mr FRASER. Ceremony – Described. BRENDA (bridesmaid) from TIMARU. Incident with cigarette in car – Described. To DUNEDIN stayed in CIVIC HOTEL. PRENTICES from STEWART ISLAND (MISS PRENTICE'S garden) – Mentioned Conversations at hotel – Described.

11:33 To ROXBURGH, brother-in-law (ALAN, SHIRLEY'S husband). Thence to QUEENSTOWN.

11:58 Friends CUSHENS. Mother friends with SQUIRES family. CLARE'S grandparents lived in BLUFF. SQUIRES grandparents – Mentioned. Grandma HANSEN (IAN'S grandmother) ran the hotel. Met in IAN'S grandparents' yard when IAN was 10 and CLARE was 8. Attributes – Described.

13:41 First 'shandy' at hotel where Bungy Jump is now situated at KAWERAU GORGE (pronounced KAWARA in the South). 14:21 Meeting with English trained nurse and midwife and her husband an Irishman in Air Force (GWEN and PADDY). Became friends.

15:00 End of Track 3


00:03 IAN and CLARE shared a house with GWEN and PADDY. Both women had their first baby there.

00:21 MARK 18 months old when they went to STEWART ISLAND. Next pregnancy when MARK was about 9 months old. Bought house on RIVER ROAD [? CHRISTCHURCH] – Described. House in SHORTLAND STREET – Mentioned. Fear of the dark – Explained. 03:00 JOLYON born. 18 months later HILARY – had pyloric stenosis – Described. Plunket Nurse – mentioned. Mother-in-law sent CLARE a child to nurse, had infective hepatitis. Care – Described.

04:49 IAN bought General Practice when MARK was born. HILARY – Mentioned. Ankle injury – Described.

07:27 First pregnancy – Described. IAN, Polio Epidemic, PETER got polio, CLARE LOUISE, ROXBURGH – Mentioned. IAN studying for MRCP [Member of Royal College of Physicians] Final stages of pregnancy and ambulance journey – Described. Unaware that of status of the baby.

15:00 End of Track 4


00:01 On return home advised not to get pregnant for three months. Wondered what had happened to foetus. Couldn't talk about it to anyone. Emotional reaction to future pregnancies. MARK born at CALVARY HOSPITAL – Described. Friend had twins.

02:39 Dreams of dead foetus – Described. Maternal conditions at the time – Described. IAN'S reactions to situation – Explained.

04:23 IAN'S love of children and especially delivering newborns – Described. 05:20 Reaction of doctors to sadness and joy in earlier times compared with more modern times and understanding of partners – Discussed. Lot of divorces in doctors' marriages. Possible reason – Explained. 07:02 Twenty three after first birth. Long term effects triggered by various factors – Described.

08:13 ANYA'S funeral, LAURA (Clare's daughter) pregnant with first baby – Mentioned. CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN, SANDY and JOLYON (son and daughter-in-law), OTTO born – Mentioned.

09:54 Dealing with loss – Described.

12:04 IAN'S niece pregnant as a teenager and her mother didn't want to know about it. Effects on the the life of young mother – Described. 13:56 Many people lived with CLARE and Ian at various times. Attitudes of SQUIRES children – Described.

15:00 End of Track 5


00:03 Planning and suggestions for future interviews... CLARE'S own children coming to the Island. Recap of some items discussed.

00:58 End of Track 6


Abstracter: W. Brent Coats (IN 2019)


00:09 Chat with Interviewer about family – SQUIRES Le CLARE Reunion – Wooden table upside down – Explained Nightmare about Tsunami – Mentioned

04:47 Knew IAN CAMERON growing up – Families knew each other – Self and IAN close friends – Helped IAN wash dishes at hotel – Saw IAN’s GRANDMOTHER’s making her famous “deep apple pie” – Described IAN studied medicine at DUNEDIN MEDICAL SCHOOL – Self and IAN still in contact – Intern at KEW and WAIKATO hospitals – IAN and Self engaged to others – Both engagements broken – IAN became Medical Registrar at CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL – Self and IAN got engaged – Described

07:00 IAN’s Grandmother named HANSON

07:22 Families not surprised about engagement – Self went to AUSTRALIA – Returned to NEW ZEALAND and married – IAN at hospital and Self teaching Kindergarten – Described IAN bought medical practice

08:16 Self became pregnant during honeymoon – Lived at family home then rented flat – They lost their baby Boat trip to STEWART ISLAND when pregnant with MARK – Rough voyage making Self very ill and bursting blood vessels – Had to be held on bed - Described Multiple voyages to Island – MARK 18 months old – JULIETTE 18 months later and got chicken pox - Described Went to Island with JULIETTE at 6 weeks old – Transported around by sling – Described School reunion at HORSESHOW BAY Christmas 1959 – Described

15:00 End of Track 1


00:00 Picnic at MAORI BEACH – Dinghy was full of five pregnant SQUIRES women Memories of many family picnics – KAIPIPI – Family stopped at Inlet eating NANA’s new potatoes boiled in salt water, Blue Cod, Rock Oysters – Lots of laughter and “family connection – Described

02:28 Music was important during get-togethers on Island – No generation gaps on Island – all generations involved together – Described

03:59 Children’s friends brought over to Island – Kids would go away for the day swimming – Family played games, listened to music, read and talked – The Island was an “oasis” in their lives – Children’s kindness and personalities “directed” by living on the Island – Described

07:36 HILARY and KATARINA returned to work on Island - Describes closeness between children

09:05 Describes difficulties travelling and holidaying to and around the Island with children

12:36 Describes “stores”, dairies, butchers and shopping for food in the past – Mentions

15:00 End of Track 2


00:00 Describes IAN and son stuck on ULVA – Self had CAROLINE and took KARITANE nurse JUDY to Island – IAN with son on boat to DEEP BAY – Bad weather caused rudder to sink – IAN straddled side of boat with oar to keep on course later developing abscess Family “sea wise” – made sure lifejackets were used – Explained

05:12 Location of boat named “Elsa” – MARK getting stuck attempting to dive under dinghy – Explained

07:19 Self’s children were adventurous within boundaries – Need for rules – Modern children not learning by experience - Described

09:16 Time on the Island was balanced with IAN’s work – Primary school headmaster understood situation – JULIETTE’s influence on CATHERINE’s learning – Reading and CUISENAIRE RODS - Described

11:33 Children’s friends benefitted being on the Island – Mentioned

12:03 Seasick from flying to Island on Amphibian plane –Mentioned TAMATEA and WAIRUA ferries to the Island – Mentioned

13:47 Time on the Island was mainly a “family affair” – Mentioned Less communication and isolation was a problem – Women became independent when men were away – Self admired older Island women – Mentioned

15:00 End of Track 3


00:16 Use of TILLY lamps and kerosene – Mentioned House became too small for family and friends – Bought SAMSON house with inside toilet and generator – Inability to tend garden and sold house – Left SINGER sewing machine behind – Mother enjoyed sewing – Mentioned

03:19 Self enjoyed looking at views and visiting local people – HUGHIE ARMSTRONG – ALBERT DAWSON – Mentioned

06:03 Parents lived at MONCKS SPUR on REDCLIFFES - Spent few months each year on Island - Gardens always kept “in order” – Father retired early – Enjoyed retirement attending lectures, swimming, working at art gallery - Described Mother’s coronary – IAN cared for her until hospital – Parents relocated to Invercargill – Mentioned

10:26 Self supported IAN’s busy life as doctor – Self became very self-sufficient – Dealt with numerous calls for IAN throughout day – Mentioned

Taping paused 11:43 to 12:12

12:53 Memories of Captain GEORGE TURNER - Self and parents cleaned TURNER house before he returned from England with wife CATHERINE – Cleaned films - Threw away much rusty tinned food – Described

15:00 End of Track 4


00:00 Enjoyed spending time with TURNER – called him “uncle” – Depression from effects of World War One - Described Returned to ENGLAND as home guardsman – died in NELSON after CATHERINE – TURNER devastated and got depression – Explained Turner contributed much to Island through films and environmental work – Being on Island helped heal him – Described

06:18 Memories of TURNER bringing “WINNING POST” chocolates to family – Turner stayed at GRAND HOTEL – TURNER never showed off his wealth – Mentioned

08:33 Discussion between Interviewer and SELF – DVD film recorded by TURNER - Described

12:36 IAN read early encouraged by parents – Dux of BRYDONE school – Parents lost farm and relocated to BLUFF – Educated at BOYS HIGH school INVERCARGILL – Homework on train – At university studied science –Spent much time with grandmother – Enjoyed reading grandfather’s medical books - Put himself through Medical school working at wharves, freezing works and shearing sheds – Explained

15:00 End of Track 5

TRACK 6 00:00 Ian believed “everybody’s job is an important as anybody else’s job” – Joined Vingtage Car Club – First vintage car FORD TUDOR – Travelled to ROTORUA with 1930 DD DODGE for rally – 1015 cars from around world - Described Interested in NEW ZEALAND archaeology – Mentioned

02:16 Family’s influence on education and knowledge - NANA was “great reader” - chose good books for Ian’s birthdays – Self enjoyed using microscope to study pollen grains - Island allows sense of history – Father and Self collected shells – Described

04:17 Ian bought medical practice expanding quickly – Could not afford to rent house – Borrowed money from parents to buy groceries – Eventually saved to buy house same week Self gave birth to JULIETTE – Described House built in 1927 but tiny dated kitchen – Self exhausted cleaning while raising children and baby – Explained House was well designed – Children built huts and set tents in garden – Mentioned

10:33 Ian enjoyed skiing at CRAIGIEBURN ski field with children – Became pastime for family – Self entertained herself and volunteered on field while others skied - Described

14:19 Ian interested in archaeology – Found part of MAORI midden on Island - Explained 15:00 End of Track 6


00:00 Archaeological explorations continued – Took over father’s coin collection – Mentioned Continued medical studies and research – Lack of selenium in SOUTHLAND and for ASTHMA FOUNDATION – Awarded Gold Medal from General practitioner’s Society – Described

03:26 Ian was GP and used hypnotism in his practice for suturing and delivering babies – Was very devoted and generous doctor – Mentioned

05:30 Nurse told Self about Ian’s financial generosity toward her family – Self amazed at so many at his funeral – “Hundreds” in attendance – Donations at funeral for Asthma Foundation came to $15,000 – Explained

09:12 Self couldn’t believe Ian was dead after 17 days lost in snow – No regrets about marriage - Explained Sons all gathered to search for Ian – Hampered by avalanche – HILLARY returned home upset they couldn’t find body – Described Self received 600 letters and poems from people in condolence – Described Self describes herself as “not here” during that time – Merely carrying on – Couldn’t cry for months - Described

15:00 End of Track 7


00:18 Ian’s religious beliefs – Followed 10 Commandments and “extremely caring” – Taught to `respect others’ beliefs and not hurt people – Squire’s family Open Brethren and were the “epitome of Christianity” – Explained

01:58 Children learned tolerance form Ian – Hillary looks and sounds like Ian – Described Ian drove around practice in 1952 Reilly car – Self sold vintage cars after Ian's death – Car now in INVERCARGILL - Mentioned

05:08 Ian wanted to be buried feet first in hole with a planted tree - In honour of Ian’s love for the Island Self cremated him in cemetery – Family spent time reminiscing – Described Self visits cemetery whenever on Island – Very personal feeling Humorous story about visiting grave – going off side of road – Described

08:24 IAN’s medical partner DAVID KERR began PEGASUS – Wrote to Self about his visit to IAN’s grave - Humorous

10:07 Family camped at MOMORANGI – Spent time camping with Mark and Julien – Often spent special time with the children – Woke with his babies at night to help Self ready herself – Hummed particular song to babies – Described

12:26 Holidaying up north – Particular holiday with another family in KAITAIA – Self worried they might not get on – Children suddenly left together to play – Described Holidays involved swimming, tramping, bird-watching – Mentioned

15:00 End of Track 8


00:12 STEWART ISLAND buildings and shops have now changed – Still same friendliness, same “essence” – Described Good mothers – Easier on Island than in city with close and busy community – Help always available – Example of people helping NOLENE FIFE - Described

03:41 Self discusses sunsets- Mentions

04:31 Recording Agreement

06:26 End of Track 9


  • 2010 - 2019

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For access please contact the Southland Oral History Project Coordinator at [email protected].

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The contents of Southland Oral History Project collections are subject to the conditions of the Copyright Act 1994. Please note that in accordance with agreements held with interviewees additional conditions regarding the reproduction [copying] and use of items in the Southland Oral History Project collections may apply. Please contact the Southland Oral History Project Coordinator for further information at [email protected].


From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)

Language of Materials

From the Record Group: English


  • From the Record Group: Wadds, Lee (Interviewer, Person)

Repository Details

Part of the Southland Oral History Project Repository