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Abstract of Jane Louise STANTON , 2020

 Item — Box: 21
Identifier: H00650002


Jane Louise Stanton

Interviewer: Avis McDonald

Abstracter: Gil Berg

Date: 24 May 2011

Track 1

00.0 Interview Identification

00.20 JANE LOUISE STANTON born in 1959

00.53 Father ANTHONY RAYMOND SKINGTON (?sp) born in HAWERA and occupation a BUILDER.

01.10 Mother MARGARET JUNE SKINGTON (?sp) born in HOKITIKA occupation SCHOOL PRINCIPAL. Brothers Paul Skington (?sp) born in Auckland now lives in Melbourne Mark Skington (?sp) born in Auckland now lives in Christchurch.

02.13 Grandparents born in NEW ZEALAND. Granddad was MAYOR of HOKITIKA and the FIRE CHIEF. He owned a book shop, and a chocolate shop and was a chocolatier. He designed the chocolate recipe used by Jane.

03.18 One of Jane’s earliest memories was her parents buying a black and white T.V. and watching FELIX the CAT.

03.38 Grew up in AUCKLAND and went to MONTICELLO (?) COLLEGE before attending HILLSBOROUGH PRIMARY where her mother worked. Then went to ST DOMINIC’S in HENDERSON.

04.06 Lived in GOODALL STREET in AUCKLAND. Father built their home. Describes

04.37 Had good healthy meals and father’s contribution to family chores/living. Explains

05.44 Brothers and self were all diabetics.

05.59 Games with brothers. Describes

06.54 Chores. Explains

07.11 Went to boarding school at 12 years old. Explains

07.47 Got pocket money when went to boarding school. Mentions.

08.09 Asked who influenced her life and replied Uncle, Aunty and parents.

08.50 Reflects on family life then and today. Explains

09.30 Family celebrations e.g. birthdays and CHRISTMAS. Describes.

10.15 Has had an interest in cooking and could always bake as could her brother.

10.53 Discipline was strict in home. Reflects on how it was then and now. Discusses.

11.57 Interview paused

13.30 Resumes and talks about religion within family and what it meant as a child. Describes.

End of Track 1

Track 2

00.01 Answering a question about how many were in class at school which was asked at the end of track 1. Replied 23 – 24. Asked about religious instruction at secondary school. Replies and describes.

01.24 Enjoyment of cooking chocolates started by making them to give away as gifts.

01.53 Very interested in sport. Describes

02.17 Wanted to join the police force but to young so went teaching also looks at other career options. Explains

03.04 Left school at 17 years old and went straight to TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGE. Also looks at employment history prior to becoming a teacher. Explains.

03.52 Owned first home and car at the age of 20.

04.16 Discussion about divorce and losing houses. Explains.

04.58 Spare time activity was KARATE. Taught in AUCKLAND.

05.30 Social life. Explained

06.07 Meet first husband through transport. Had son Nicholas. Explains.

06.34 Meet second partner who self was with for 11 years.

07.07 Asked who had impacted on life. Replied 2nd partner and Explained.

08.31 Happiest time was when self was young and at Training College. Explains

Interview interrupted.

09.33 Resumes. First wedding in AUCKLAND. Describes.

10.50 Been in SOUTHLAND 10 years. Taught at FIORDLAND COLLEGE. Explains.

11.20 How SOUTHLAND changed outlook for self. CHOCOLATE COMPANY wouldn’t be where it is today if not for SOUTHLAND people. Describes.

12.41 Started in WINDSOR and finds it better in town as factory and shop are together. Explains.

14.07 Refocused company after shift to Spey Street. Describes.

End of track 2

Track 3

00.03 Continues to describe business philosophy.

00.32 Difference between AUCKLAND and SOUTHLAND and doing business. Describes.

01.53 Noticed more positive changes in SOUTHLAND and refers to TIM SHADBOLT and his contribution. Explains.

04.24 Aspirations for the future. Describes.

05.27 Getting ready to return to the export market.

End of track 3.


  • 2020

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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)

Language of Materials

From the Record Group: English


Repository Details

Part of the Southland Oral History Project Repository