Abstract of John Edgar TAYLOR, 2021
Item — Box: 22
Identifier: H00460002
Interviewer: Jenny Campbell
Abstracter: Linda Cooper
First Interview: 11 January 2011
00:00 Interview identification
00:41 JOHN EDGAR TAYLOR, born in 1938
00:55 Interview agreement
01:43 [FAMILY BACKGROUND] Born to EDGAR TAYLOR and JOAN [most likely JANE; Joan is his wife’s name] LUKE in OTATARA, VYNERS ROAD (ph) [VYNER ROAD] -- parents married in 1936 [1935]
02:10 Father built the place -- Brother, BRIAN LUKE TAYLOR, was 21 months older
02:44 [OTATARA, N.Z.] Does not remember a great deal (about early life in OTATARA) -- one early memory ‘must be imagination or something’ -- had PONY [DOMESTIC ANIMALS] -- pony used to come into the house and ‘eat a bit of bread and have a drink out of the sink’
03:42 Left VYNER ROAD [OTATARA, N.Z.] in 1940 -- went up to CHRISTCHURCH -- [WORLD WAR, 1939-1945] father [EDGAR TAYLOR] joined ARMY. Explains. References: CAPTAIN; SIGS [ROYAL NEW ZEALAND CORPS OF SIGNALS] -- [CANTERBURY, N.Z.] father also responsible for getting troops to help with HARVESTING in CROPPING AREA up there [FARM WORK]
05:00 Father acquired SIGNAL TRAINING in ARMY
05:33 Mum and brother and self moved up to CHRISTCHURCH to be close to Dad. Explains. Reference: BURNHAM MILITARY CAMP
06:05 [ROYAL NEW ZEALAND CORPS OF SIGNALS] Signalmen used MORSE CODE -- father trained signalmen for service overseas
06:32 [CIVIL DEFENSE] Father formed HOME GUARD [NEW ZEALAND HOME GUARD] at OTATARA -- stationed over at CHATHAM ISLANDS at one stage before going to CHRISTCHURCH -- excellent photos of Dad -- very proud
07:14 Family had no reason to stay in CHRISTCHURCH after father was stationed overseas -- father mainly served in ITALY -- was in charge of PRISONERS OF WAR -- WOUNDED seven times -- [suffered] till the day he died at age 60, far too young
08:11 [WAR WOUNDS] Father’s wounds included three shots in the behind, also shoulder -- [SECOND WORLD WAR – MEDICAL SERVICES] in those days there wasn’t much in the way of medicine to help these wounds. Explains. Reference: MAGGOT THERAPY
09:00 Father not sent home despite wounds – ‘they hung onto him’ -- came home at end of the war
09:43 Family heard announcement (of end of war) on the old radio -- (someone) said ‘Dad’s coming home’ -- self went and hid behind the kitchen door -- it was six months before he did arrive home -- when father was dropped off at the station, brother Brian looked at him and said, ‘Gee, Pop, are you going grey?’ -- self was too ashamed -- didn’t know dad at all -- was hanging on behind mum’s skirts
10:45 Was three and a half years old when father went away -- had just started school when he came home
11:05 (regarding how mother coped during the war) mother was fantastic -- just had brother and self -- they stayed at Nana’s [maternal grandmother] in INVERCARGILL -- had hung in as long as they could up in CHRISTCHURCH
11:50 [FAMILY SUPPORT -- MILITARY PENSION] Mother was on a WAR PENSION -- [FOOD RATIONING] can remember mum giving them enough ration books to go down to the butcher shop and get a bit of MEAT
12:33 [EDUCATION] Started at WAIHOPAI SCHOOL in INVERCARGILL -- brother had already started school
13:18 Stayed with mum out at DAVE and ANDY MILLER’S place at HEDGEHOPE -- went to school at HEDGEHOPE for about six months
13:50 [PRIMARY EDUCATION] HEDGEHOPE SCHOOL was typical country school -- [CIVIL DEFENSE] they had dug TRENCHES around the school -- (students) did PRACTICE DRILLS -- too young to fully understand it
14:22 Can remember a number of RABBITS [WILD ANIMALS] in the HEDGEHOPE area -- tens of thousands of them, all different colours -- didn’t catch them or ever worry about them -- later on, after marrying and having own kids, would take the kids out…
15:00 [End of Track 1]
00:00 Kids would run off -- had quite a lot of fun
00:11 [PRIMARY EDUCATION] HEDGEHOPE SCHOOL had only two classrooms
00:26 [EDUCATION] WAIHOPAI SCHOOL in INVERCARGILL had eight to nine classrooms -- mother went to same school and used to mention some of the teachers -- different headmasters or principals -- totally different (from HEDGEHOPE SCHOOL)
01:28 [EDUCATION] Left WAIHOPAI SCHOOL at age 15 -- left high school -- [EMPLOYMENT] had been working for RUSSELL AND SHIRLEY KIRKER [SHIRLEY ROWENA KIRKER, born ANDERSON]at GROCER’S shop in INVERCARGILL -- had no plans after leaving school and they offered a job -- started working for RUSSELL AND SHIRLEY KIRKER
02:01 [EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT] Confirms did not matriculate. Explains extent of education. References: STANDARD SIX; SECONDARY SCHOOL; SOUTHLAND TECH [SOUTHLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE]
02:34 RUSSELL AND SHIRLEY KIRKER were wonderful people -- met up with SHIRLEY about a year ago. Explains
03:20 After leaving school, was able to open the shop for them on Saturdays -- never took anything without paying for it -- brother [BRIAN LUKE TAYLOR] worked for them, too
04:30 [FOOD RETAILING] Shop sold just groceries -- [TOBACCO AND SMOKING] shortages of cigarettes at times -- only put out DE RESKE cigarettes -- if strangers came in, shop wouldn’t give them CAPSTAN or anything like that -- gave them the not-so-popular brands
05:10 [FOOD RETAILING] Had to open the shop every morning at eight and a half minutes to nine -- that’s how strict they were -- Describes morning routine. References: opening doors, sweeping shop out, cleaning fridge -- would ‘get it absolutely immaculate’
6:08 [FOOD RETAILING] Sometimes RUSSELL or SHIRLEY would come in and relieve, but self could take lunch -- saved them a bit too -- just enjoyed working for them -- shop closed at 5:30 (p.m.) -- same hours on Saturdays -- many grocery shops around the whole area in those days -- three shops within spitting distance of the KIRKERS shop located at CORNER OF LOWE AND DEE STREETS. Explains. References: DEMPSTERS [?] STORE; SALVATION ARMY SHOP; BUTCHER SHOP
07:44 [EMPLOYMENT - WAGES] First PAY was 32 SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE -- FREE BOARD from mum -- didn’t realize it at the time but MOTHER was putting it aside for them
08:25 Father went back to SHEET METAL WORK -- started off at NEILL AND TAYLORS [?] on the NORTH ROAD where the HUNTER FURNITURE place is now -- father was very clever chap, could build buses
09:04 Father worked with another chap who unfortunately wasn’t very honest -- Dad had to finish there in the end -- LES HUTCHINS placed him in their shop -- even figures right through
09:50 [TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY] LES HUTCHINS ended up by purchasing FIORDLAND TRAVEL (LTD.) -- father worked for LES [HUTCHINS] -- they worked separately -- LES never called dad for anything -- [FINANCIAL PROBLEMS] shop was pretty hard up at times -- Dad managed to get through all the problems
10:34 Shop was called HUTCHINS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE -- 33 DON STREET in Invercargill
10:52 [LES HUTCHINS] got things sorted out with the boat -- he had the PILGRIM at MANAPOURI, a very old-style boat -- and the CONSTANCE was run from DEEP COVE -- when self was about 18, took a cobber and MOM and DAD and walked the track -- no sign of BUSES or anything like that at all -- it was over to DOUBTFUL SOUND
11:55 [TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY] A couple of years later, self ended up driving BUS to DOUBTFUL SOUND over the WILMOT PASS -- great experience
12:18 [TRADES] Father [EDGAR TAYLOR] had other people working for him -- BRIAN MANSON, RAY [CARL? CARROLL?], self’s brother BRIAN TAYLOR, and [..?] RALL [?] -- last two were carpet layers -- Dad started out laying carpets and everything like that -- he was very good, a real tradesman
13:20 (after working for the KIRKERS in the GROCERY SHOP) went to work for SARGOOD SON & EWEN [WAREHOUSING INDUSTRY] -- WAREHOUSE had everything from FOOTWEAR TO CARPET, TOYS, BOOTS -- national firm -- it was in DON STREET -- the top is closed off now -- it was a big two-storey place -- strangely enough, self and some of the other guys who worked there all decided to write their names [..?] down the side of the bannisters
15:00 [End of Track 2]
00:00 Thinks [the names] would still be there (laughing)
00:11 It was about 50 meters from the corner of DEE STREET -- on the same side as 33 -- just opposite the PUBLIC TRUST
00:52 Went there [SARGOOD SON & EWEN] at age 18 -- stayed just over three years
01:16 [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] Was followed into bank one day by one of the guys self worked with -- guy looked over shoulder and saw how much money self was getting -- went crook as heck about it -- self said ‘It’s nothing to do with you’ -- however, he put a complaint in
02:26 [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] Only other thing he’d ever done that self felt terrible about at the time -- he offered to give self a pair of shoes -- swap him for a pair of trousers or something like that -- self was dead against that sort of thing -- only other time they had a bit of a row
03:00 [WAGES] Was paid by CHEQUE -- worked right beside the bank -- would go in and bank that cheque there and then
03:24 [WORKING HOURS] Worked from eight in the morning till twelve -- started work again at one and knocked off about half past four or five o’clock, whenever all the goods were parceled out and ready to send by NEWS BUS [SOUTHLAND DAILY NEWS BUS] or whatever it was [LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION]
03:55 Goods were going to local shops -- was offered several jobs with some of the customers, too -- didn’t really want that -- decided to get away from it for a while
04:38 [EMPLOYMENT] Had a couple of other jobs in the meantime. Explains. References: SOUTHLAND CATCHMENT BOARD; SURVEY WORK [SOIL CONSERVATION AND RIVERS CONTROL]
05:19 Wanted a bit of excitement -- [CHRONIC PHYSICAL CONDITION] unfortunately, POLICE FORCE job didn’t last very long because self had DOUBLE-JOINTED HIPS [HIP DYSPLASIA] -- hip was going out of joint with every step -- was on the beat in WELLINGTON [PUBLIC SAFETY]
05:43 [POLICE FORCE] Training included ‘absolutely nothing’ -- ‘If you’re big enough, you can look after yourself’ -- on first outing, senior policeman took self out to the corner of WARING TAYLOR STREET -- walked along to the PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS across the road and back opposite WARING TAYLOR STREET again -- had to be pretty accurate -- just became automatic in the end
06:45 Decided to join the POLICE FORCE when brother [BRIAN LUKE TAYLOR] said he was going to -- ‘had a bit of a test to tag on’ -- there was an INSPECTOR TAYLOR, a fairly tough guy -- self passed everything, no trouble at all -- hopped in VAUXHALL car and went straight up to WELLINGTON
07:50 Got fitted out in UNIFORM -- felt awful getting on the tram the next day, being faced by all these people -- one lovely old couple asked where the POST OFFICE was -- explained had only just arrived in WELLINGTON and didn’t even know where the POST OFFICE was -- couple gave self a handful of peppermints
08:40 [ACCOMMODATIONS] Stayed in HOSTEL in VIVIAN STREET -- wasn’t very nice. Explains. References: FLEA BITES; BAD FOOD
09:13 [LIVING EXPENSES] Not sure about the cost to board at hostel -- very little, anyway -- [WAGES] was earning only twenty dollars a week
10:16 [regarding an adventure during time as policeman in WELLINGTON] One night around midnight, they got a call through a car radio, one of the few that had radios at that time -- called to stop a car that was speeding on the motorway -- good tryout for the car -- went 98 mph through WELLINGTON, couldn’t quite reach 100 mph
11:14 A few weeks ago, came across another guy who joined the same day -- self was 3652, he was 3654 -- terrific guy, he ended up in WELLINGTON -- had fair bit to do with BOATS in WELLINGTON
12:42 Name was GRAEME CLELAND [GRAEME GEORGE (SAM) CLELAND, QPM, JP] -- self was the only one of the ex-policemen he invited to his party -- there was police from all over the place
13:16 He [CLELAND] had just been appointed the QSM [QUEEN'S SERVICE MEDAL] in SOMERFIELD -- fantastic guy -- this was going back when son DAVID [DAVID JOHN TAYLOR] got killed in 19… [1992]
13:55 Son DAVID got killed [unable to recall details at the moment]
14:38 Spent just over six months in police force -- hips were giving a lot of trouble [HIP DYSPLASIA] -- rang Dad and told him the story
15:00 [End of Track 3]
00:00 [CHANGING JOBS] [Dad said], ‘Come home whenever you’re ready and we’ll have a job for you at the [?] warehouse’ -- [EMPLOYMENT] [job was] helping around the WAREHOUSE -- [CARPET TRADE] measuring and quoting for the supply of CARPETS -- had to be pretty accurate then -- in those days the widest carpet was 27-inch wide -- most were WOOLEN CARPETS -- they were the best -- brands included AXMINSTER
01:40 Has [Dad’s] silver LETTER OPENER -- inscription reads ‘In appreciation from HARNISH AND JORDAN LTD.’ [MEMENTO] -- soon as Dad took really crook, put that in pocket and hung on to it ever since then -- that was in the 1980s
02:51 National firm [HARNISH AND JORDAN LTD.] gave it to father [EDGAR TAYLOR] -- they were BEDDING specialists
3:20 Worked for father for just over three years -- [ILLNESS] father had a HEART ATTACK right in front of self. Explains. References: AMBULANCE; MOTHER; PANIC ATTACK -- father was only 60 -- ‘he was a mighty guy, just a fantastic chap’
04:45 Just after, put the place on the market -- wasn’t too sure what to do next -- [EMPLOYMENT] saw an ad in paper for David Strang’s [DAVID STRANG COFFEE AND SPICE WORKS] -- [shows photo of WEA BUILDING, indicates office on the bottom floor on the right] -- did a lot of work for Strang’s -- missed out on job first time but got second interview
06:18 [Worked for DAVID STRANG COFFEE AND SPICE WORKS] for about four years -- [FIELD SALES] was rep [SALES REPRESENTATIVE] for the whole of SOUTHLAND and SOUTH OTAGO -- Got a car on the car scheme [COMPANY CAR SCHEME] -- anytime it needed to be replaced, just say a word to the boss -- almost owned the thing by the time self took on the GORGE ROAD store -- went from STRANG’S to GORGE ROAD
07:50 [ILLNESS] Father survived HEART ATTACK but was very, very ill -- one time they took him out by ambulance to WAKARI HOSPITAL in DUNEDIN -- he was in there for quite a while -- mother went up and stayed somewhere like WAINS HOTEL -- she’d drive in to see Pop two or three times a day -- found that pretty hard
08:53 [regarding LES HUTCHINS’ furniture store] was sold completely -- divvied up what was [..?]
09:18 [WOMEN IN EMPLOYMENT] Mother [JANE LUKE TAYLOR] worked -- was quite normal for women to work -- at one stage was employed as a TEA LADY by SOUTHLAND COUNCIL [SOUTHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL] -- they were so impressed with her -- the cups were cleaned and everything like that -- later worked at a GROCERY SHOP
10:37 [after working at STRANG’S] bought GORGE ROAD STORE -- never liked book work -- one aspect of job was to be CHIEF POSTMASTER at GORGE ROAD [POSTAL SERVICE] -- had to be fairly accurate -- it was part of the shop -- had to sign documents -- sort of like a J.P. [JUSTICE OF THE PEACE]
11:40 [regarding move to GORGE ROAD STORE] Said to wife one day, ‘how’d you like to go to GORGE ROAD?’ [GORGE ROAD (N.Z.)] -- she said, ‘where’s that?’ -- ‘it’s 18 miles out of INVERCARGILL’ -- shot out there, had a look around the place and asked the price -- seller said, ‘well, we’ve got a SCHOOL BUS, too’ [SCHOOL TRANSPORT] -- replied ‘that’s no problem at all’
12:29 [HOME BUYING] Paid for house -- almost squared it up -- [BUSINESS LOAN] ended up getting a small LOAN for GORGE ROAD -- one of the OIL COMPANIES gave a bit of money, too -- shop had two PETROL PUMPS -- it was the only shop at GORGE ROAD
13:19 Thoroughly enjoyed it [GORGE ROAD STORE] -- a guy who used to have a GROCERY SHOP in INVERCARGILL came one day, said, ‘John, you’re not interested in selling the shop, are you?’ -- said his son would like to buy it -- guy said, ‘there’s only one catch, he doesn’t want the school buses’ -- thought, ‘that’s all I wanted, was the school buses’ -- said, ‘I don’t know about that, I’ll have to let you know in a couple days’
15:00 [End of Track 4]
Second Interview: 17 January 2011
00:00 [Second interview, picking up from interviewee’s delight at selling the GORGE ROAD STORE and keeping the buses]
00:37 Gentleman’s father asked to have a talk -- said, ‘Actually, my son’s interested in buying the shop; unfortunately, only catch is, he doesn’t want the school buses’ -- thought, ‘well, never thought I’d get an offer like that’ -- put him off a wee bit, saying, ‘I don’t know about that, I’ll have to think about that’ -- was quite thrilled, deep down
01:34 Told him there was one catch, running the POST OFFICE as well -- so BILL or his wife NANCY would probably have to take over the job as POSTMASTER
01:56 He came back a couple of days later -- brought BILL and BILL’S WIFE -- had quite a good yarn -- pretty old shop, but self had done it all up and put new lino [LINOLEUM] in it -- was one of the better old shops around -- still looks quite good
02:34 BILL was quite impressed with store -- sold him the store and kept the buses -- he was quite excited about it
03:21 Had a house at GORGE ROAD -- bought an old house with a good section on it, right opposite the SCHOOL [GORGE ROAD SCHOOL] -- demolished the old house -- didn’t have far to travel, on account of its position opposite the school -- wife ended up driving one of the BUSES quite often
04:05 [SCHOOL TRANSPORT] [regarding BUSES built by self] Started off with a 1952 MLZ BEDFORD, the AMBULANCE MODEL -- it was a beauty -- took the lining off -- lined inside with all the goodies
04:37 Had a yarn to a cobber [EXPRESSION] -- intended to sell the BEDFORD, trying to get a NEW BUS -- he said, ‘that sounds all right, you can leave it round at my place if you like’ -- so decided to do that
04:48 A NEW BUS came along -- when VEHICLE INSPECTOR came, self was given the other SCHOOL BUS RUN as well ‘because I know how you look after the buses’
05:45 [WIFE] JOAN [JOAN TAYLOR, BORN JOAN MARGARET MAHONEY] started to drive -- self decided to get another new bus built -- [BUSES] BEDFORD had been built by a local company -- decided to try a CHRISTCHURCH COMPANY, NEW ZEALAND MOTOR BODIES LTD -- they were very, very good -- took about a quarter of the time to build it, and built it absolutely perfectly
06:35 [SCHOOL TRANSPORT] self drove the SECONDARY run -- stopped just short of MOKOTUA -- met up with the H & H BUS [H & H TRAVEL LINES] there -- WIFE started doing the other run -- just under a hundred miles a week -- self had the bigger run -- about 104 miles a day -- wife JOAN thoroughly enjoyed it
08:00 Secondary run had about 16 SECONDARY STUDENTS -- the same at night-time -- strangely enough, it was a bigger run -- all repeat stuff of what self had to do in the morning, going the opposite way around -- picked up the ones from the H & H BUS -- got on very well with H & H BUS DRIVERS -- they were excellent -- if they knew they were going to be late, they would put a phone call through. Explains. References: VEHICLE PROBLEMS; PUNCTURE
09:17 Couldn’t wish for any better students -- SECONDARY STUDENTS caused the odd little problem -- self let them know who was boss -- they behaved themselves straightaway -- when wife had problems with some SECONDARY STUDENTS on her bus run, they swapped buses for a day. Explains. References: VERBAL REPRIMAND
10:46 Had the buses for ten years -- had the shop for three years -- [BUSES] bought another bus, a COMMER, off BUCHANAN MOTORS in KENNINGTON -- reasonable price -- first trip away with it was taking GORGE ROAD COUNTRY CLUB members to a RUGBY GAME, possibly SOUTHLAND/OTAGO RUGBY GAME -- some very, very sick people on that bus after they got home -- they still talked about that trip to OTAGO 25 years later -- they enjoyed it
12:16 Eventually sold the COMMER BUS and hung onto the FORD and BEDFORD [BUSES] -- sold the old 1952 MLZ BEDFORD to a guy out of STIRLING [SOUTH OTAGO, N.Z.] -- put an ad in the paper -- it was in very, very good condition
13:05 Advertised BUS RUN FOR SALE -- had close to 30-odd people interested in buying the buses, so put the price up and put the price up again -- it boiled down to one who was a SCHOOL BUS OPERATOR from BALFOUR and another one who was a TRUCK DRIVER whose father was at TOKANUI -- liked the TOKANUI one better because he knew what was what -- finally made the decision and offered it to him -- he was absolutely thrilled -- he had them for 30 years in the finish
14:24 It was a tragic thing, his wife used to drive the buses as well -- they’d decided to build a new house up in CROMWELL -- she passed away just before they were going to move into the new house -- not sure what happened to the buses after that -- MCDERMOTTS [MCDERMOTT COACHLINES] might have taken over some of them
15:00 [End of Track 5]
00:00 [EMPLOYMENT] After school buses were sold, went down to the local KAPUKA TRANSPORT [TRANSPORT OPERATORS] to see about a job -- started driving TRUCKS, TRAILERS, all that sort of thing [TRUCKDRIVERS] -- decided then self had been own boss for too long -- [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] there was a lot of ego going on between drivers -- thought ‘well, I’m not going to put up with this’ -- got wife JOAN and the kids in the car and went up to TE ANAU [TE ANAU, N.Z.]
01:09 Suddenly saw BRYAN HUTCHINS -- told him what they were going to do -- he said, ‘that’s all right, I’ve got a job here for you’ [FIORDLAND TRAVEL LIMITED] -- so ended up driving buses, over the WILMOT PASS, through the power station [MANAPOURI POWER STATION] [HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS - NEW ZEALAND - SOUTHLAND REGION] -- excellent job
01:42 Bus was taking TOURISTS [TOURISM] -- when they got back on the boat back at DEEP COVE at night and had to ride over the pass again, it was a wee bit difficult because a lot of the fishermen had all their FISHING GEAR -- fortunately the buses were all old LEYLANDS
02:30 Remembers once taking AUSTRALIANS, a lot of them heads of hospitals -- they knew all about how the body and how it works, but they haven’t got a clue about the power station and how it works -- so, went off […?] and they thought it was excellent
03:43 Another time took a lady, the bigwigs, the bosses down to the power station [MANAPOURI POWER STATION] -- they were absolutely fantastic because they really listened -- another time had a well-known LOCAL AUTHOR, JOHN HALL-JONES -- sat up front on the bus, put his feet up, and continually wrote down what self was talking about -- knew what sort of books he wrote -- that went off very, very well too
05:01 Another thing, a not very nice lady decided she would eat a lot of CHEESE on the bus -- that didn’t smell very nice at all -- complaints from some of the other tourists, so asked her to stop it straightaway -- she didn’t -- somebody came to pick her up and take her back -- self doesn’t know what ever happened to her
05:45 A lot of old people came on the trip and started singing -- self had a reasonable voice in those days, sang along with them -- they thought it was fantastic
06:04 Drove the bus just on a year -- had a problem [and had to stop driving]. Explains. References: DEEP COVE; SKIPPER; WHARF; OVERTURNED DINGHY; ROPE; INJURY; CRUSHED FINGER -- quite a while before even able to drive the bus again
07:52 [FOOD RETAILING] LOCAL DAIRY was up for sale -- had a yarn with wife about that -- bought the LOCAL DAIRY and ‘done it up’ -- it was fantastic -- was doing two trips a week to the marts in either GORE or INVERCARGILL, buying GROCERIES, FRUIT and all that sort of thing -- stuck it out for three years -- made the big mistake of offering a partnership to some people up there and it didn’t work out at all -- she wasn’t a very nice person to the customers -- decided to break the partnership
09:22 Decided have a bit of time in Nelson [NELSON, N.Z.] -- purchased a big business -- [RETAIL TRADE] it was FRUIT AND VEGGIES, GROCERIES, and PETS, specifically BIRDS -- then got stuck into the PLANT SHOP quite a bit
10:19 Suddenly realized they weren’t making the money they should have been making -- every few weeks had to go in and see the BANK -- bank manager said ‘you’re doing pretty good’ -- quite thrilled to hear him saying that they were doing all right
10:46 Sons were helping to lock up the shop one night -- guys started arriving -- learned shop was going into RECEIVERSHIP [BUSINESS FAILURE]. Explains. References: CHEQUE; SOLICITORS
12:54 Went to BANK next morning and told them what had happened -- he said, ‘I don’t believe it, John’ -- he had all the papers there -- he said, ‘you’re doing damn well’ -- next thing they had a closed sign on it -- they made the previous seller buy it back again -- he wasn’t a very nice person -- made it pretty tough on self and family, too
13:51 Family had a pretty tough time for a while -- went to a transport truck firm [TRANSPORT OPERATOR] and had interview -- told interviewer about operating and servicing own school buses for ten years -- he said, ‘all right, you’re the fellow we want’
15:00 [End of Track 6]
00:00 [TRANSPORT OPERATOR] Started off there doing six and half days a week -- everything worked out pretty well spot on -- but it got pretty tough on wife -- only time ever seen her really upset -- thought, ‘we can’t stay here, we’ve got to get out of it’ -- two boys even gave a hand, worked on Saturdays, helped to clean trucks -- the kids were brilliant
00:40 Wife JOAN wrote to the AA [NEW ZEALAND AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION] about vacancies for CAMP MANAGERS -- got a letter back straightaway -- went down on one of the very few days off and had a yarn to the boss man from the AA about a job. Explains. References: ASSISTANT MANAGER’S JOB -- put notice in to the transport and truck place
01:58 Moved on to the AA -- [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] AA CAMP MANAGER wasn’t a very nice person -- treated them like rot -- he was a terrible person -- self was pretty upset
02:35 When couple expected a weekend off, manager made them work -- he went away with his wife and left them with the motor camp to clean -- had to clean 27 units on their own because he didn’t leave any staff for them -- rang the AA and told them what was happening [WORKPLACE GRIEVANCES] -- AA said that wasn’t good enough -- decided to give notice
03:34 In two days, couple had hired a trailer -- loaded up a 21-foot caravan with trailer behind -- had a beautiful PLAYER PIANO -- thought they’d sell it but not straightaway -- stuck about three months there
04:25 Manager [BILL] was getting worse and worse and worse -- one night he was giving self hell. Explains. References: CAMP; MOTORCYCLE CRASH; QUESTIONING; VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE WORK
05:48 Saw out the three months -- [manager] didn’t know when self and wife were going to finish -- kept making them clean and polish windows in every unit -- told manager ‘we’re finishing’ and that AA already knew about grievances
06:43 Next, couple applied for LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP [LEITHFIELD BEACH HOLIDAY PARK (NORTH CANTERBURY)] -- self was the last of 40 applicants to be interviewed, and got the job -- motor camp organised by local people -- told them, ‘There’s only one thing, I want only one of you to tell me what I can and can’t do’ -- they hemmed and hawed a bit and said, ‘That’s all right, we’ll give you the job’ -- couple had the LEITHFIELD BEACH HOLIDAY PARK for ten years
07:52 [AA] manager BILL said, ‘He won’t last two years there, he couldn’t organise it’ -- self said, ‘Well, we’ll see about you’ -- BILL didn’t realise they were already packed -- couple just took off
08:25 Had ten terrific years there [at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP] -- [DEATH AND DYING] only biggest thing wrong was that son DAVID who had been working as a CHEF for HARRODS in LONDON was killed in a CAR ACCIDENT [MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS] -- other son [CRAIG TAYLOR] told him about David’s death
08:52 Other son CRAIG [TAYLOR] was due to go away the next day to work in SAUDI ARABIA -- job involved minding TRACTORS AND TRUCKS -- pretty keen on doing that sort of work, which he was good at -- was only 19 when he came out from doing that sort of work -- still a lovely boy -- even now when they talk self says ‘I love you, mate’ and he says ‘I love you too, Dad’
10:00 [FAMILY AND MARRIAGE DETAILS] Wife JOAN [JOAN TAYLOR, BORN JOAN MARGARET MAHONEY] was only girlfriend ever -- had one daughter KAREN when they went to GORGE ROAD -- next child was son DAVID -- mighty guy, too -- next another son, CRAIG -- three or four years later had another daughter MEGAN -- wrote about them in the book -- very lucky to have such lovely children
11:20 Married at age 24 – wife JOAN was around 20 -- was working at HUTCHINS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE -- DAD had a bad stroke
12:16 Had four children altogether -- lost DAVID in a car accident in his 25th year -- David rang up one day and said, ‘Happy birthday, Dad’ -- said he was coming home on Sunday for good -- said, ‘won’t talk to you much now, I’ve got so much to tell you and will let you know what happened’ -- very, very difficult time, because they were letting CRAIG go overseas the next day -- knew there would be a lot of tears
13:24 [GRIEF] Was shattered by DAVID’S DEATH -- still bursts into tears at times -- [MARITAL SEPARATION] wife and self ended up separating -- never once saw JOAN grieve about losing DAVID -- self was the one with the waterworks -- it was terrible
14:20 Day of DAVID’S death was last day at school for youngest child MEGAN -- had to wait for her to come home and tell her about the CAR ACCIDENT -- she was absolutely shattered -- had to ring KAREN as well -- had several very good friends… 15:00 [End of Track 7]
00:00 Didn’t want friends to read about DAVID’S death in the paper -- told KAREN to ring the GRAHAMS [?] and CONNORS [?] and tell them the news -- pretty difficult for her, too -- self had to tell mum, auntie, JOAN’S dad -- had a lot of things that should never ever have happened -- still gets watery about it
00:58 Was living at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP at time of DAVID’S death -- had just changed all the power points over to new points and was about to use PAUL’s phone to let all the campers know -- phone rang and it was son CRAIG with the terrible news
02:22 MEGAN was knocking off school for good and had a job offer at a WHITCOUL’S shop -- she was very good, too -- CRAIG was overseas working in SAUDI ARABIA -- very large farm owned by one of the richest people in the world -- CRAIG was one of the head men – more than 17 guys under him
03:27 [MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS] When he was killed DAVID was at NAPIER, getting a job with a cobber -- they used to be great drinking mates – friend owned one of the big hotels that was in the NAPIER EARTHQUAKE, possibly the MASONIC HOTEL -- weather wasn’t too good -- a taxi driver took self to place in NAPIER and hardly charged for it -- terrific guy -- self brought roses to place at BRIDGE [ACCIDENT SITE]
05:30 Had to go to police then -- they said, ‘we’ve had police cars come to grief on that BRIDGE, your son’s not the first either’ -- David was killed, as was motorist in other vehicle -- a big fellow, six-foot-nine
06:13 At LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP, just south of AMBERLEY, had a lot to do with the POLICE -- they knew self had been in the force -- a policeman named MIKE […?] -- knew they could rely on each other. Explains. References: RUDE ARROGANT PERSON; ‘PIGS’; POCKET; CANNABIS
08:45 [After those ten years at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP] Didn’t keep on at CAMPING GROUNDS -- was listening to the news of a fire at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP -- self had planted 25,000 trees there -- big fire, should never have happened
09:36 [After working at motor camps] Got MIKE, the cop -- he was pretty good to self -- gave a lot of extra work to help him
10:25 [ILLNESS] Got diagnosed with PARKINSON’S DISEASE -- MIKE was the first guy self went to -- was shaking like a leaf -- MIKE was a terrific guy -- police called out many times, didn’t muck around at all -- had one guy tied up one night -- he’d assaulted one of the local guys, which wasn’t very nice
11:48 [after CAMPING GROUND and PARKINSON’S DISEASE diagnosis] kept working -- of all things, turned around and bought another SHOP -- [FOOD RETAILING] a big dairy shop right in the middle of CHRISTCHURCH -- realize now it was a mistake -- [DECEPTION] guy ‘put it across us’ -- ended up not owning a shop anymore -- got everything right, prices were right -- one of the people dealt with in the shop was the first woman to be had up for BIGAMY in NEW ZEALAND
13:29 [responding to suggestion that interview was quite tiring] First night went to sleep in the chair, was so exhausted -- it was one o’ clock in the morning before they came to get him
14:08 [End of Track 8]
Interviewer: Jenny Campbell
Abstracter: Linda Cooper
First Interview: 11 January 2011
00:00 Interview identification
00:41 JOHN EDGAR TAYLOR, born in 1938
00:55 Interview agreement
01:43 [FAMILY BACKGROUND] Born to EDGAR TAYLOR and JOAN [most likely JANE; Joan is his wife’s name] LUKE in OTATARA, VYNERS ROAD (ph) [VYNER ROAD] -- parents married in 1936 [1935]
02:10 Father built the place -- Brother, BRIAN LUKE TAYLOR, was 21 months older
02:44 [OTATARA, N.Z.] Does not remember a great deal (about early life in OTATARA) -- one early memory ‘must be imagination or something’ -- had PONY [DOMESTIC ANIMALS] -- pony used to come into the house and ‘eat a bit of bread and have a drink out of the sink’
03:42 Left VYNER ROAD [OTATARA, N.Z.] in 1940 -- went up to CHRISTCHURCH -- [WORLD WAR, 1939-1945] father [EDGAR TAYLOR] joined ARMY. Explains. References: CAPTAIN; SIGS [ROYAL NEW ZEALAND CORPS OF SIGNALS] -- [CANTERBURY, N.Z.] father also responsible for getting troops to help with HARVESTING in CROPPING AREA up there [FARM WORK]
05:00 Father acquired SIGNAL TRAINING in ARMY
05:33 Mum and brother and self moved up to CHRISTCHURCH to be close to Dad. Explains. Reference: BURNHAM MILITARY CAMP
06:05 [ROYAL NEW ZEALAND CORPS OF SIGNALS] Signalmen used MORSE CODE -- father trained signalmen for service overseas
06:32 [CIVIL DEFENSE] Father formed HOME GUARD [NEW ZEALAND HOME GUARD] at OTATARA -- stationed over at CHATHAM ISLANDS at one stage before going to CHRISTCHURCH -- excellent photos of Dad -- very proud
07:14 Family had no reason to stay in CHRISTCHURCH after father was stationed overseas -- father mainly served in ITALY -- was in charge of PRISONERS OF WAR -- WOUNDED seven times -- [suffered] till the day he died at age 60, far too young
08:11 [WAR WOUNDS] Father’s wounds included three shots in the behind, also shoulder -- [SECOND WORLD WAR – MEDICAL SERVICES] in those days there wasn’t much in the way of medicine to help these wounds. Explains. Reference: MAGGOT THERAPY
09:00 Father not sent home despite wounds – ‘they hung onto him’ -- came home at end of the war
09:43 Family heard announcement (of end of war) on the old radio -- (someone) said ‘Dad’s coming home’ -- self went and hid behind the kitchen door -- it was six months before he did arrive home -- when father was dropped off at the station, brother Brian looked at him and said, ‘Gee, Pop, are you going grey?’ -- self was too ashamed -- didn’t know dad at all -- was hanging on behind mum’s skirts
10:45 Was three and a half years old when father went away -- had just started school when he came home
11:05 (regarding how mother coped during the war) mother was fantastic -- just had brother and self -- they stayed at Nana’s [maternal grandmother] in INVERCARGILL -- had hung in as long as they could up in CHRISTCHURCH
11:50 [FAMILY SUPPORT -- MILITARY PENSION] Mother was on a WAR PENSION -- [FOOD RATIONING] can remember mum giving them enough ration books to go down to the butcher shop and get a bit of MEAT
12:33 [EDUCATION] Started at WAIHOPAI SCHOOL in INVERCARGILL -- brother had already started school
13:18 Stayed with mum out at DAVE and ANDY MILLER’S place at HEDGEHOPE -- went to school at HEDGEHOPE for about six months
13:50 [PRIMARY EDUCATION] HEDGEHOPE SCHOOL was typical country school -- [CIVIL DEFENSE] they had dug TRENCHES around the school -- (students) did PRACTICE DRILLS -- too young to fully understand it
14:22 Can remember a number of RABBITS [WILD ANIMALS] in the HEDGEHOPE area -- tens of thousands of them, all different colours -- didn’t catch them or ever worry about them -- later on, after marrying and having own kids, would take the kids out…
15:00 [End of Track 1]
00:00 Kids would run off -- had quite a lot of fun
00:11 [PRIMARY EDUCATION] HEDGEHOPE SCHOOL had only two classrooms
00:26 [EDUCATION] WAIHOPAI SCHOOL in INVERCARGILL had eight to nine classrooms -- mother went to same school and used to mention some of the teachers -- different headmasters or principals -- totally different (from HEDGEHOPE SCHOOL)
01:28 [EDUCATION] Left WAIHOPAI SCHOOL at age 15 -- left high school -- [EMPLOYMENT] had been working for RUSSELL AND SHIRLEY KIRKER [SHIRLEY ROWENA KIRKER, born ANDERSON]at GROCER’S shop in INVERCARGILL -- had no plans after leaving school and they offered a job -- started working for RUSSELL AND SHIRLEY KIRKER
02:01 [EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT] Confirms did not matriculate. Explains extent of education. References: STANDARD SIX; SECONDARY SCHOOL; SOUTHLAND TECH [SOUTHLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE]
02:34 RUSSELL AND SHIRLEY KIRKER were wonderful people -- met up with SHIRLEY about a year ago. Explains
03:20 After leaving school, was able to open the shop for them on Saturdays -- never took anything without paying for it -- brother [BRIAN LUKE TAYLOR] worked for them, too
04:30 [FOOD RETAILING] Shop sold just groceries -- [TOBACCO AND SMOKING] shortages of cigarettes at times -- only put out DE RESKE cigarettes -- if strangers came in, shop wouldn’t give them CAPSTAN or anything like that -- gave them the not-so-popular brands
05:10 [FOOD RETAILING] Had to open the shop every morning at eight and a half minutes to nine -- that’s how strict they were -- Describes morning routine. References: opening doors, sweeping shop out, cleaning fridge -- would ‘get it absolutely immaculate’
6:08 [FOOD RETAILING] Sometimes RUSSELL or SHIRLEY would come in and relieve, but self could take lunch -- saved them a bit too -- just enjoyed working for them -- shop closed at 5:30 (p.m.) -- same hours on Saturdays -- many grocery shops around the whole area in those days -- three shops within spitting distance of the KIRKERS shop located at CORNER OF LOWE AND DEE STREETS. Explains. References: DEMPSTERS [?] STORE; SALVATION ARMY SHOP; BUTCHER SHOP
07:44 [EMPLOYMENT - WAGES] First PAY was 32 SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE -- FREE BOARD from mum -- didn’t realize it at the time but MOTHER was putting it aside for them
08:25 Father went back to SHEET METAL WORK -- started off at NEILL AND TAYLORS [?] on the NORTH ROAD where the HUNTER FURNITURE place is now -- father was very clever chap, could build buses
09:04 Father worked with another chap who unfortunately wasn’t very honest -- Dad had to finish there in the end -- LES HUTCHINS placed him in their shop -- even figures right through
09:50 [TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY] LES HUTCHINS ended up by purchasing FIORDLAND TRAVEL (LTD.) -- father worked for LES [HUTCHINS] -- they worked separately -- LES never called dad for anything -- [FINANCIAL PROBLEMS] shop was pretty hard up at times -- Dad managed to get through all the problems
10:34 Shop was called HUTCHINS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE -- 33 DON STREET in Invercargill
10:52 [LES HUTCHINS] got things sorted out with the boat -- he had the PILGRIM at MANAPOURI, a very old-style boat -- and the CONSTANCE was run from DEEP COVE -- when self was about 18, took a cobber and MOM and DAD and walked the track -- no sign of BUSES or anything like that at all -- it was over to DOUBTFUL SOUND
11:55 [TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY] A couple of years later, self ended up driving BUS to DOUBTFUL SOUND over the WILMOT PASS -- great experience
12:18 [TRADES] Father [EDGAR TAYLOR] had other people working for him -- BRIAN MANSON, RAY [CARL? CARROLL?], self’s brother BRIAN TAYLOR, and [..?] RALL [?] -- last two were carpet layers -- Dad started out laying carpets and everything like that -- he was very good, a real tradesman
13:20 (after working for the KIRKERS in the GROCERY SHOP) went to work for SARGOOD SON & EWEN [WAREHOUSING INDUSTRY] -- WAREHOUSE had everything from FOOTWEAR TO CARPET, TOYS, BOOTS -- national firm -- it was in DON STREET -- the top is closed off now -- it was a big two-storey place -- strangely enough, self and some of the other guys who worked there all decided to write their names [..?] down the side of the bannisters
15:00 [End of Track 2]
00:00 Thinks [the names] would still be there (laughing)
00:11 It was about 50 meters from the corner of DEE STREET -- on the same side as 33 -- just opposite the PUBLIC TRUST
00:52 Went there [SARGOOD SON & EWEN] at age 18 -- stayed just over three years
01:16 [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] Was followed into bank one day by one of the guys self worked with -- guy looked over shoulder and saw how much money self was getting -- went crook as heck about it -- self said ‘It’s nothing to do with you’ -- however, he put a complaint in
02:26 [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] Only other thing he’d ever done that self felt terrible about at the time -- he offered to give self a pair of shoes -- swap him for a pair of trousers or something like that -- self was dead against that sort of thing -- only other time they had a bit of a row
03:00 [WAGES] Was paid by CHEQUE -- worked right beside the bank -- would go in and bank that cheque there and then
03:24 [WORKING HOURS] Worked from eight in the morning till twelve -- started work again at one and knocked off about half past four or five o’clock, whenever all the goods were parceled out and ready to send by NEWS BUS [SOUTHLAND DAILY NEWS BUS] or whatever it was [LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION]
03:55 Goods were going to local shops -- was offered several jobs with some of the customers, too -- didn’t really want that -- decided to get away from it for a while
04:38 [EMPLOYMENT] Had a couple of other jobs in the meantime. Explains. References: SOUTHLAND CATCHMENT BOARD; SURVEY WORK [SOIL CONSERVATION AND RIVERS CONTROL]
05:19 Wanted a bit of excitement -- [CHRONIC PHYSICAL CONDITION] unfortunately, POLICE FORCE job didn’t last very long because self had DOUBLE-JOINTED HIPS [HIP DYSPLASIA] -- hip was going out of joint with every step -- was on the beat in WELLINGTON [PUBLIC SAFETY]
05:43 [POLICE FORCE] Training included ‘absolutely nothing’ -- ‘If you’re big enough, you can look after yourself’ -- on first outing, senior policeman took self out to the corner of WARING TAYLOR STREET -- walked along to the PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS across the road and back opposite WARING TAYLOR STREET again -- had to be pretty accurate -- just became automatic in the end
06:45 Decided to join the POLICE FORCE when brother [BRIAN LUKE TAYLOR] said he was going to -- ‘had a bit of a test to tag on’ -- there was an INSPECTOR TAYLOR, a fairly tough guy -- self passed everything, no trouble at all -- hopped in VAUXHALL car and went straight up to WELLINGTON
07:50 Got fitted out in UNIFORM -- felt awful getting on the tram the next day, being faced by all these people -- one lovely old couple asked where the POST OFFICE was -- explained had only just arrived in WELLINGTON and didn’t even know where the POST OFFICE was -- couple gave self a handful of peppermints
08:40 [ACCOMMODATIONS] Stayed in HOSTEL in VIVIAN STREET -- wasn’t very nice. Explains. References: FLEA BITES; BAD FOOD
09:13 [LIVING EXPENSES] Not sure about the cost to board at hostel -- very little, anyway -- [WAGES] was earning only twenty dollars a week
10:16 [regarding an adventure during time as policeman in WELLINGTON] One night around midnight, they got a call through a car radio, one of the few that had radios at that time -- called to stop a car that was speeding on the motorway -- good tryout for the car -- went 98 mph through WELLINGTON, couldn’t quite reach 100 mph
11:14 A few weeks ago, came across another guy who joined the same day -- self was 3652, he was 3654 -- terrific guy, he ended up in WELLINGTON -- had fair bit to do with BOATS in WELLINGTON
12:42 Name was GRAEME CLELAND [GRAEME GEORGE (SAM) CLELAND, QPM, JP] -- self was the only one of the ex-policemen he invited to his party -- there was police from all over the place
13:16 He [CLELAND] had just been appointed the QSM [QUEEN'S SERVICE MEDAL] in SOMERFIELD -- fantastic guy -- this was going back when son DAVID [DAVID JOHN TAYLOR] got killed in 19… [1992]
13:55 Son DAVID got killed [unable to recall details at the moment]
14:38 Spent just over six months in police force -- hips were giving a lot of trouble [HIP DYSPLASIA] -- rang Dad and told him the story
15:00 [End of Track 3]
00:00 [CHANGING JOBS] [Dad said], ‘Come home whenever you’re ready and we’ll have a job for you at the [?] warehouse’ -- [EMPLOYMENT] [job was] helping around the WAREHOUSE -- [CARPET TRADE] measuring and quoting for the supply of CARPETS -- had to be pretty accurate then -- in those days the widest carpet was 27-inch wide -- most were WOOLEN CARPETS -- they were the best -- brands included AXMINSTER
01:40 Has [Dad’s] silver LETTER OPENER -- inscription reads ‘In appreciation from HARNISH AND JORDAN LTD.’ [MEMENTO] -- soon as Dad took really crook, put that in pocket and hung on to it ever since then -- that was in the 1980s
02:51 National firm [HARNISH AND JORDAN LTD.] gave it to father [EDGAR TAYLOR] -- they were BEDDING specialists
3:20 Worked for father for just over three years -- [ILLNESS] father had a HEART ATTACK right in front of self. Explains. References: AMBULANCE; MOTHER; PANIC ATTACK -- father was only 60 -- ‘he was a mighty guy, just a fantastic chap’
04:45 Just after, put the place on the market -- wasn’t too sure what to do next -- [EMPLOYMENT] saw an ad in paper for David Strang’s [DAVID STRANG COFFEE AND SPICE WORKS] -- [shows photo of WEA BUILDING, indicates office on the bottom floor on the right] -- did a lot of work for Strang’s -- missed out on job first time but got second interview
06:18 [Worked for DAVID STRANG COFFEE AND SPICE WORKS] for about four years -- [FIELD SALES] was rep [SALES REPRESENTATIVE] for the whole of SOUTHLAND and SOUTH OTAGO -- Got a car on the car scheme [COMPANY CAR SCHEME] -- anytime it needed to be replaced, just say a word to the boss -- almost owned the thing by the time self took on the GORGE ROAD store -- went from STRANG’S to GORGE ROAD
07:50 [ILLNESS] Father survived HEART ATTACK but was very, very ill -- one time they took him out by ambulance to WAKARI HOSPITAL in DUNEDIN -- he was in there for quite a while -- mother went up and stayed somewhere like WAINS HOTEL -- she’d drive in to see Pop two or three times a day -- found that pretty hard
08:53 [regarding LES HUTCHINS’ furniture store] was sold completely -- divvied up what was [..?]
09:18 [WOMEN IN EMPLOYMENT] Mother [JANE LUKE TAYLOR] worked -- was quite normal for women to work -- at one stage was employed as a TEA LADY by SOUTHLAND COUNCIL [SOUTHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL] -- they were so impressed with her -- the cups were cleaned and everything like that -- later worked at a GROCERY SHOP
10:37 [after working at STRANG’S] bought GORGE ROAD STORE -- never liked book work -- one aspect of job was to be CHIEF POSTMASTER at GORGE ROAD [POSTAL SERVICE] -- had to be fairly accurate -- it was part of the shop -- had to sign documents -- sort of like a J.P. [JUSTICE OF THE PEACE]
11:40 [regarding move to GORGE ROAD STORE] Said to wife one day, ‘how’d you like to go to GORGE ROAD?’ [GORGE ROAD (N.Z.)] -- she said, ‘where’s that?’ -- ‘it’s 18 miles out of INVERCARGILL’ -- shot out there, had a look around the place and asked the price -- seller said, ‘well, we’ve got a SCHOOL BUS, too’ [SCHOOL TRANSPORT] -- replied ‘that’s no problem at all’
12:29 [HOME BUYING] Paid for house -- almost squared it up -- [BUSINESS LOAN] ended up getting a small LOAN for GORGE ROAD -- one of the OIL COMPANIES gave a bit of money, too -- shop had two PETROL PUMPS -- it was the only shop at GORGE ROAD
13:19 Thoroughly enjoyed it [GORGE ROAD STORE] -- a guy who used to have a GROCERY SHOP in INVERCARGILL came one day, said, ‘John, you’re not interested in selling the shop, are you?’ -- said his son would like to buy it -- guy said, ‘there’s only one catch, he doesn’t want the school buses’ -- thought, ‘that’s all I wanted, was the school buses’ -- said, ‘I don’t know about that, I’ll have to let you know in a couple days’
15:00 [End of Track 4]
Second Interview: 17 January 2011
00:00 [Second interview, picking up from interviewee’s delight at selling the GORGE ROAD STORE and keeping the buses]
00:37 Gentleman’s father asked to have a talk -- said, ‘Actually, my son’s interested in buying the shop; unfortunately, only catch is, he doesn’t want the school buses’ -- thought, ‘well, never thought I’d get an offer like that’ -- put him off a wee bit, saying, ‘I don’t know about that, I’ll have to think about that’ -- was quite thrilled, deep down
01:34 Told him there was one catch, running the POST OFFICE as well -- so BILL or his wife NANCY would probably have to take over the job as POSTMASTER
01:56 He came back a couple of days later -- brought BILL and BILL’S WIFE -- had quite a good yarn -- pretty old shop, but self had done it all up and put new lino [LINOLEUM] in it -- was one of the better old shops around -- still looks quite good
02:34 BILL was quite impressed with store -- sold him the store and kept the buses -- he was quite excited about it
03:21 Had a house at GORGE ROAD -- bought an old house with a good section on it, right opposite the SCHOOL [GORGE ROAD SCHOOL] -- demolished the old house -- didn’t have far to travel, on account of its position opposite the school -- wife ended up driving one of the BUSES quite often
04:05 [SCHOOL TRANSPORT] [regarding BUSES built by self] Started off with a 1952 MLZ BEDFORD, the AMBULANCE MODEL -- it was a beauty -- took the lining off -- lined inside with all the goodies
04:37 Had a yarn to a cobber [EXPRESSION] -- intended to sell the BEDFORD, trying to get a NEW BUS -- he said, ‘that sounds all right, you can leave it round at my place if you like’ -- so decided to do that
04:48 A NEW BUS came along -- when VEHICLE INSPECTOR came, self was given the other SCHOOL BUS RUN as well ‘because I know how you look after the buses’
05:45 [WIFE] JOAN [JOAN TAYLOR, BORN JOAN MARGARET MAHONEY] started to drive -- self decided to get another new bus built -- [BUSES] BEDFORD had been built by a local company -- decided to try a CHRISTCHURCH COMPANY, NEW ZEALAND MOTOR BODIES LTD -- they were very, very good -- took about a quarter of the time to build it, and built it absolutely perfectly
06:35 [SCHOOL TRANSPORT] self drove the SECONDARY run -- stopped just short of MOKOTUA -- met up with the H & H BUS [H & H TRAVEL LINES] there -- WIFE started doing the other run -- just under a hundred miles a week -- self had the bigger run -- about 104 miles a day -- wife JOAN thoroughly enjoyed it
08:00 Secondary run had about 16 SECONDARY STUDENTS -- the same at night-time -- strangely enough, it was a bigger run -- all repeat stuff of what self had to do in the morning, going the opposite way around -- picked up the ones from the H & H BUS -- got on very well with H & H BUS DRIVERS -- they were excellent -- if they knew they were going to be late, they would put a phone call through. Explains. References: VEHICLE PROBLEMS; PUNCTURE
09:17 Couldn’t wish for any better students -- SECONDARY STUDENTS caused the odd little problem -- self let them know who was boss -- they behaved themselves straightaway -- when wife had problems with some SECONDARY STUDENTS on her bus run, they swapped buses for a day. Explains. References: VERBAL REPRIMAND
10:46 Had the buses for ten years -- had the shop for three years -- [BUSES] bought another bus, a COMMER, off BUCHANAN MOTORS in KENNINGTON -- reasonable price -- first trip away with it was taking GORGE ROAD COUNTRY CLUB members to a RUGBY GAME, possibly SOUTHLAND/OTAGO RUGBY GAME -- some very, very sick people on that bus after they got home -- they still talked about that trip to OTAGO 25 years later -- they enjoyed it
12:16 Eventually sold the COMMER BUS and hung onto the FORD and BEDFORD [BUSES] -- sold the old 1952 MLZ BEDFORD to a guy out of STIRLING [SOUTH OTAGO, N.Z.] -- put an ad in the paper -- it was in very, very good condition
13:05 Advertised BUS RUN FOR SALE -- had close to 30-odd people interested in buying the buses, so put the price up and put the price up again -- it boiled down to one who was a SCHOOL BUS OPERATOR from BALFOUR and another one who was a TRUCK DRIVER whose father was at TOKANUI -- liked the TOKANUI one better because he knew what was what -- finally made the decision and offered it to him -- he was absolutely thrilled -- he had them for 30 years in the finish
14:24 It was a tragic thing, his wife used to drive the buses as well -- they’d decided to build a new house up in CROMWELL -- she passed away just before they were going to move into the new house -- not sure what happened to the buses after that -- MCDERMOTTS [MCDERMOTT COACHLINES] might have taken over some of them
15:00 [End of Track 5]
00:00 [EMPLOYMENT] After school buses were sold, went down to the local KAPUKA TRANSPORT [TRANSPORT OPERATORS] to see about a job -- started driving TRUCKS, TRAILERS, all that sort of thing [TRUCKDRIVERS] -- decided then self had been own boss for too long -- [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] there was a lot of ego going on between drivers -- thought ‘well, I’m not going to put up with this’ -- got wife JOAN and the kids in the car and went up to TE ANAU [TE ANAU, N.Z.]
01:09 Suddenly saw BRYAN HUTCHINS -- told him what they were going to do -- he said, ‘that’s all right, I’ve got a job here for you’ [FIORDLAND TRAVEL LIMITED] -- so ended up driving buses, over the WILMOT PASS, through the power station [MANAPOURI POWER STATION] [HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS - NEW ZEALAND - SOUTHLAND REGION] -- excellent job
01:42 Bus was taking TOURISTS [TOURISM] -- when they got back on the boat back at DEEP COVE at night and had to ride over the pass again, it was a wee bit difficult because a lot of the fishermen had all their FISHING GEAR -- fortunately the buses were all old LEYLANDS
02:30 Remembers once taking AUSTRALIANS, a lot of them heads of hospitals -- they knew all about how the body and how it works, but they haven’t got a clue about the power station and how it works -- so, went off […?] and they thought it was excellent
03:43 Another time took a lady, the bigwigs, the bosses down to the power station [MANAPOURI POWER STATION] -- they were absolutely fantastic because they really listened -- another time had a well-known LOCAL AUTHOR, JOHN HALL-JONES -- sat up front on the bus, put his feet up, and continually wrote down what self was talking about -- knew what sort of books he wrote -- that went off very, very well too
05:01 Another thing, a not very nice lady decided she would eat a lot of CHEESE on the bus -- that didn’t smell very nice at all -- complaints from some of the other tourists, so asked her to stop it straightaway -- she didn’t -- somebody came to pick her up and take her back -- self doesn’t know what ever happened to her
05:45 A lot of old people came on the trip and started singing -- self had a reasonable voice in those days, sang along with them -- they thought it was fantastic
06:04 Drove the bus just on a year -- had a problem [and had to stop driving]. Explains. References: DEEP COVE; SKIPPER; WHARF; OVERTURNED DINGHY; ROPE; INJURY; CRUSHED FINGER -- quite a while before even able to drive the bus again
07:52 [FOOD RETAILING] LOCAL DAIRY was up for sale -- had a yarn with wife about that -- bought the LOCAL DAIRY and ‘done it up’ -- it was fantastic -- was doing two trips a week to the marts in either GORE or INVERCARGILL, buying GROCERIES, FRUIT and all that sort of thing -- stuck it out for three years -- made the big mistake of offering a partnership to some people up there and it didn’t work out at all -- she wasn’t a very nice person to the customers -- decided to break the partnership
09:22 Decided have a bit of time in Nelson [NELSON, N.Z.] -- purchased a big business -- [RETAIL TRADE] it was FRUIT AND VEGGIES, GROCERIES, and PETS, specifically BIRDS -- then got stuck into the PLANT SHOP quite a bit
10:19 Suddenly realized they weren’t making the money they should have been making -- every few weeks had to go in and see the BANK -- bank manager said ‘you’re doing pretty good’ -- quite thrilled to hear him saying that they were doing all right
10:46 Sons were helping to lock up the shop one night -- guys started arriving -- learned shop was going into RECEIVERSHIP [BUSINESS FAILURE]. Explains. References: CHEQUE; SOLICITORS
12:54 Went to BANK next morning and told them what had happened -- he said, ‘I don’t believe it, John’ -- he had all the papers there -- he said, ‘you’re doing damn well’ -- next thing they had a closed sign on it -- they made the previous seller buy it back again -- he wasn’t a very nice person -- made it pretty tough on self and family, too
13:51 Family had a pretty tough time for a while -- went to a transport truck firm [TRANSPORT OPERATOR] and had interview -- told interviewer about operating and servicing own school buses for ten years -- he said, ‘all right, you’re the fellow we want’
15:00 [End of Track 6]
00:00 [TRANSPORT OPERATOR] Started off there doing six and half days a week -- everything worked out pretty well spot on -- but it got pretty tough on wife -- only time ever seen her really upset -- thought, ‘we can’t stay here, we’ve got to get out of it’ -- two boys even gave a hand, worked on Saturdays, helped to clean trucks -- the kids were brilliant
00:40 Wife JOAN wrote to the AA [NEW ZEALAND AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION] about vacancies for CAMP MANAGERS -- got a letter back straightaway -- went down on one of the very few days off and had a yarn to the boss man from the AA about a job. Explains. References: ASSISTANT MANAGER’S JOB -- put notice in to the transport and truck place
01:58 Moved on to the AA -- [INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT] AA CAMP MANAGER wasn’t a very nice person -- treated them like rot -- he was a terrible person -- self was pretty upset
02:35 When couple expected a weekend off, manager made them work -- he went away with his wife and left them with the motor camp to clean -- had to clean 27 units on their own because he didn’t leave any staff for them -- rang the AA and told them what was happening [WORKPLACE GRIEVANCES] -- AA said that wasn’t good enough -- decided to give notice
03:34 In two days, couple had hired a trailer -- loaded up a 21-foot caravan with trailer behind -- had a beautiful PLAYER PIANO -- thought they’d sell it but not straightaway -- stuck about three months there
04:25 Manager [BILL] was getting worse and worse and worse -- one night he was giving self hell. Explains. References: CAMP; MOTORCYCLE CRASH; QUESTIONING; VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE WORK
05:48 Saw out the three months -- [manager] didn’t know when self and wife were going to finish -- kept making them clean and polish windows in every unit -- told manager ‘we’re finishing’ and that AA already knew about grievances
06:43 Next, couple applied for LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP [LEITHFIELD BEACH HOLIDAY PARK (NORTH CANTERBURY)] -- self was the last of 40 applicants to be interviewed, and got the job -- motor camp organised by local people -- told them, ‘There’s only one thing, I want only one of you to tell me what I can and can’t do’ -- they hemmed and hawed a bit and said, ‘That’s all right, we’ll give you the job’ -- couple had the LEITHFIELD BEACH HOLIDAY PARK for ten years
07:52 [AA] manager BILL said, ‘He won’t last two years there, he couldn’t organise it’ -- self said, ‘Well, we’ll see about you’ -- BILL didn’t realise they were already packed -- couple just took off
08:25 Had ten terrific years there [at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP] -- [DEATH AND DYING] only biggest thing wrong was that son DAVID who had been working as a CHEF for HARRODS in LONDON was killed in a CAR ACCIDENT [MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS] -- other son [CRAIG TAYLOR] told him about David’s death
08:52 Other son CRAIG [TAYLOR] was due to go away the next day to work in SAUDI ARABIA -- job involved minding TRACTORS AND TRUCKS -- pretty keen on doing that sort of work, which he was good at -- was only 19 when he came out from doing that sort of work -- still a lovely boy -- even now when they talk self says ‘I love you, mate’ and he says ‘I love you too, Dad’
10:00 [FAMILY AND MARRIAGE DETAILS] Wife JOAN [JOAN TAYLOR, BORN JOAN MARGARET MAHONEY] was only girlfriend ever -- had one daughter KAREN when they went to GORGE ROAD -- next child was son DAVID -- mighty guy, too -- next another son, CRAIG -- three or four years later had another daughter MEGAN -- wrote about them in the book -- very lucky to have such lovely children
11:20 Married at age 24 – wife JOAN was around 20 -- was working at HUTCHINS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE -- DAD had a bad stroke
12:16 Had four children altogether -- lost DAVID in a car accident in his 25th year -- David rang up one day and said, ‘Happy birthday, Dad’ -- said he was coming home on Sunday for good -- said, ‘won’t talk to you much now, I’ve got so much to tell you and will let you know what happened’ -- very, very difficult time, because they were letting CRAIG go overseas the next day -- knew there would be a lot of tears
13:24 [GRIEF] Was shattered by DAVID’S DEATH -- still bursts into tears at times -- [MARITAL SEPARATION] wife and self ended up separating -- never once saw JOAN grieve about losing DAVID -- self was the one with the waterworks -- it was terrible
14:20 Day of DAVID’S death was last day at school for youngest child MEGAN -- had to wait for her to come home and tell her about the CAR ACCIDENT -- she was absolutely shattered -- had to ring KAREN as well -- had several very good friends… 15:00 [End of Track 7]
00:00 Didn’t want friends to read about DAVID’S death in the paper -- told KAREN to ring the GRAHAMS [?] and CONNORS [?] and tell them the news -- pretty difficult for her, too -- self had to tell mum, auntie, JOAN’S dad -- had a lot of things that should never ever have happened -- still gets watery about it
00:58 Was living at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP at time of DAVID’S death -- had just changed all the power points over to new points and was about to use PAUL’s phone to let all the campers know -- phone rang and it was son CRAIG with the terrible news
02:22 MEGAN was knocking off school for good and had a job offer at a WHITCOUL’S shop -- she was very good, too -- CRAIG was overseas working in SAUDI ARABIA -- very large farm owned by one of the richest people in the world -- CRAIG was one of the head men – more than 17 guys under him
03:27 [MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS] When he was killed DAVID was at NAPIER, getting a job with a cobber -- they used to be great drinking mates – friend owned one of the big hotels that was in the NAPIER EARTHQUAKE, possibly the MASONIC HOTEL -- weather wasn’t too good -- a taxi driver took self to place in NAPIER and hardly charged for it -- terrific guy -- self brought roses to place at BRIDGE [ACCIDENT SITE]
05:30 Had to go to police then -- they said, ‘we’ve had police cars come to grief on that BRIDGE, your son’s not the first either’ -- David was killed, as was motorist in other vehicle -- a big fellow, six-foot-nine
06:13 At LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP, just south of AMBERLEY, had a lot to do with the POLICE -- they knew self had been in the force -- a policeman named MIKE […?] -- knew they could rely on each other. Explains. References: RUDE ARROGANT PERSON; ‘PIGS’; POCKET; CANNABIS
08:45 [After those ten years at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP] Didn’t keep on at CAMPING GROUNDS -- was listening to the news of a fire at LEITHFIELD BEACH MOTOR CAMP -- self had planted 25,000 trees there -- big fire, should never have happened
09:36 [After working at motor camps] Got MIKE, the cop -- he was pretty good to self -- gave a lot of extra work to help him
10:25 [ILLNESS] Got diagnosed with PARKINSON’S DISEASE -- MIKE was the first guy self went to -- was shaking like a leaf -- MIKE was a terrific guy -- police called out many times, didn’t muck around at all -- had one guy tied up one night -- he’d assaulted one of the local guys, which wasn’t very nice
11:48 [after CAMPING GROUND and PARKINSON’S DISEASE diagnosis] kept working -- of all things, turned around and bought another SHOP -- [FOOD RETAILING] a big dairy shop right in the middle of CHRISTCHURCH -- realize now it was a mistake -- [DECEPTION] guy ‘put it across us’ -- ended up not owning a shop anymore -- got everything right, prices were right -- one of the people dealt with in the shop was the first woman to be had up for BIGAMY in NEW ZEALAND
13:29 [responding to suggestion that interview was quite tiring] First night went to sleep in the chair, was so exhausted -- it was one o’ clock in the morning before they came to get him
14:08 [End of Track 8]
- 2021
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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)
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- From the Record Group: Campbell, Jenny (Interviewer, Person)