Abstract of Lily Eva EVANS, 2019
Item — Box: 20
Identifier: H01170002
Interviewer: Virginia Henderson
Abstracter: W. Brent Coats
00:00 Interview introduction
00:56 Lived in Wendon Valley with mother and father – 10 in family – Self was number nine – Flower girl at sister RITA’s wedding in GORE RSA – She married DAVE GRAHAM Sibling were RITA, HORACE, baby THOMAS who lived only four days, ERIC, OLIVE, PHYLIS, JOY, ISLA, IVAN, Self and ELVA. Self born 23 July 1930 – Mother was 40 – Describes
02:34 Mother was “quite timid” – Known and registered as JEAN but mother said granddaughter JANE has her “proper name” – Sounded like JANE name “came from her heart” Mother’s maiden name was Marshall – Uncle TONY was great-grandfather of JUSTIN MARSHALL – Describes 03:36 Self’s full name is LILY EVA – Father told her she was his “Lily of the Valley” – Described Maiden name was HORRELL – Father was HORACE HUGH HORRELL.
04:08 Father had farm in WENDON VALLEY – Farmed in three areas: one in COALPIT and one top of valley – Self remembers enjoying biking down steep hill – Grew up on third farm about quarter of mile from school – Mother came from HERBERT – Describes
05:32 Father inherited farm from his father – Told to “work hard”. Original Horrell family from MANDEVILLE – Mentions
06:07 Self remembers sitting on broom in woolshed after shed was cleaned. Used to have dances in woolshed – ALEX MILLER from WENDON VALLEY played music – Loved big supper – Did square dances like the Alberts, First Set, Irish Quadrilles, Lances Remembers playing game with table tennis ball on family table when LAMB family visited – Describes
08:41 Family house was two-storied – school friends would have competitions jumping out top window LAMBS were regular visitors – Mrs. LAMB liked everyone to wash their feet with black nugget – Explaines Timid mother would sing to children in bed – Mentions
10:55 Mother’s parents died when she was 13 – Had to earn money through housekeeping – grandmother COUPERTHWAITE raised the brothers – Mother took one year of work to afford boots for one brother Had to return to work same day she was operated on for tonsillitis – She was “pretty tough” – Lived until 95 and had 11 babies Children had new clothes every spiring, even clothes for dolls – Spent days preserving fruit – “she never stopped” – Explains
13:01 First house mother and father had was WENDON VALLEY POST OFFICE – Mr. MASLIN delivered mail Tuesday and Thursday – Self and sister waited one night for MASLIN – Singing for him to hurry up – Discovered postman laughing at them – Humorous recollection
15:00 Used to have swaggers come around to house – Father gave them money – RAWLEIGH’s man would visit – Self’s mother described how H&J SMITHS began with first SMITH selling goods in cart around WENDON VALLEY RAWLEIGH anti-pain oil and ointments Mr. LA HOOD sold nails in WAIKAKA – LA HOOD chemist in Gore was descendent – Mentioned
17:03 Went to school at age of five – They always arrived after snowfall when others did not – potbelly stove smoked Learned English, drama, but teacher wasn’t fussed on history At school during war – Pupils gathered seeds for medicinal cure for soldiers School friends included JEAN MCINTRE and sisters WINNIE and BETTY MILLER JEAN taught music at Trinity College in England – Put concert on at Carnegie Hall - Describes
20:03 Self used to play the mouth organ – Mother bought them for siblings – Self dancing and “moving to music” - Recalls 20:53 Attended school from 1935 until high school –Favourite memory of school was drinking mint-flavoured water from spring water pipe Recalls watching fine grass in field during rainy or windy days Memory of riding bike to school during hoar frost one night – “it was just so amazing”. Played ROUNDERS, tig or tag, and a skipping game at school - Described
24:11 Family went to WAIKAKA ANGLICAN CHURCH – Attended WENDON CHURCH for school lessons run by Rev. BABCOCK – Treated pupils as equals – He began a table tennis club in WAIKAKA HALL and boxing club for young people - Describes
25:39 Self wouldn’t have wanted to live in WENDON VALLEY or WAIKAKA all her life – Did not have sports teams, but played hockey in WAIKAKA. Married WAIKAKA man – Lived there for 26 years – Played organ in ANGLICAN CHURCH from age of 15 to 50 – Also played in local CATHOLIC CHURCH – Enjoyable time - Describes
27:30 During Easter time, Anglican minister hurried service to allow Self to play at the Catholic service, wedding, funerals and ANZAC services – Recalls
28:31 ANZAC functions in WAIKAKA HALL with WENDON VALLEY men – School children provided musical and dance concerts – Describes The men seemed young – Recalls
29:53 Self is very grateful to her father – Made children responsible – Sitting in cold church during snowfall – Car could get stuck – Good training for self-discipline Mother told Self not to give up when her first batch of scones failed - Describes 31:22 End of Track 1
Interviewer: Virginia Henderson
Abstracter: W. Brent Coats
00:00 Interview introduction
00:56 Lived in Wendon Valley with mother and father – 10 in family – Self was number nine – Flower girl at sister RITA’s wedding in GORE RSA – She married DAVE GRAHAM Sibling were RITA, HORACE, baby THOMAS who lived only four days, ERIC, OLIVE, PHYLIS, JOY, ISLA, IVAN, Self and ELVA. Self born 23 July 1930 – Mother was 40 – Describes
02:34 Mother was “quite timid” – Known and registered as JEAN but mother said granddaughter JANE has her “proper name” – Sounded like JANE name “came from her heart” Mother’s maiden name was Marshall – Uncle TONY was great-grandfather of JUSTIN MARSHALL – Describes 03:36 Self’s full name is LILY EVA – Father told her she was his “Lily of the Valley” – Described Maiden name was HORRELL – Father was HORACE HUGH HORRELL.
04:08 Father had farm in WENDON VALLEY – Farmed in three areas: one in COALPIT and one top of valley – Self remembers enjoying biking down steep hill – Grew up on third farm about quarter of mile from school – Mother came from HERBERT – Describes
05:32 Father inherited farm from his father – Told to “work hard”. Original Horrell family from MANDEVILLE – Mentions
06:07 Self remembers sitting on broom in woolshed after shed was cleaned. Used to have dances in woolshed – ALEX MILLER from WENDON VALLEY played music – Loved big supper – Did square dances like the Alberts, First Set, Irish Quadrilles, Lances Remembers playing game with table tennis ball on family table when LAMB family visited – Describes
08:41 Family house was two-storied – school friends would have competitions jumping out top window LAMBS were regular visitors – Mrs. LAMB liked everyone to wash their feet with black nugget – Explaines Timid mother would sing to children in bed – Mentions
10:55 Mother’s parents died when she was 13 – Had to earn money through housekeeping – grandmother COUPERTHWAITE raised the brothers – Mother took one year of work to afford boots for one brother Had to return to work same day she was operated on for tonsillitis – She was “pretty tough” – Lived until 95 and had 11 babies Children had new clothes every spiring, even clothes for dolls – Spent days preserving fruit – “she never stopped” – Explains
13:01 First house mother and father had was WENDON VALLEY POST OFFICE – Mr. MASLIN delivered mail Tuesday and Thursday – Self and sister waited one night for MASLIN – Singing for him to hurry up – Discovered postman laughing at them – Humorous recollection
15:00 Used to have swaggers come around to house – Father gave them money – RAWLEIGH’s man would visit – Self’s mother described how H&J SMITHS began with first SMITH selling goods in cart around WENDON VALLEY RAWLEIGH anti-pain oil and ointments Mr. LA HOOD sold nails in WAIKAKA – LA HOOD chemist in Gore was descendent – Mentioned
17:03 Went to school at age of five – They always arrived after snowfall when others did not – potbelly stove smoked Learned English, drama, but teacher wasn’t fussed on history At school during war – Pupils gathered seeds for medicinal cure for soldiers School friends included JEAN MCINTRE and sisters WINNIE and BETTY MILLER JEAN taught music at Trinity College in England – Put concert on at Carnegie Hall - Describes
20:03 Self used to play the mouth organ – Mother bought them for siblings – Self dancing and “moving to music” - Recalls 20:53 Attended school from 1935 until high school –Favourite memory of school was drinking mint-flavoured water from spring water pipe Recalls watching fine grass in field during rainy or windy days Memory of riding bike to school during hoar frost one night – “it was just so amazing”. Played ROUNDERS, tig or tag, and a skipping game at school - Described
24:11 Family went to WAIKAKA ANGLICAN CHURCH – Attended WENDON CHURCH for school lessons run by Rev. BABCOCK – Treated pupils as equals – He began a table tennis club in WAIKAKA HALL and boxing club for young people - Describes
25:39 Self wouldn’t have wanted to live in WENDON VALLEY or WAIKAKA all her life – Did not have sports teams, but played hockey in WAIKAKA. Married WAIKAKA man – Lived there for 26 years – Played organ in ANGLICAN CHURCH from age of 15 to 50 – Also played in local CATHOLIC CHURCH – Enjoyable time - Describes
27:30 During Easter time, Anglican minister hurried service to allow Self to play at the Catholic service, wedding, funerals and ANZAC services – Recalls
28:31 ANZAC functions in WAIKAKA HALL with WENDON VALLEY men – School children provided musical and dance concerts – Describes The men seemed young – Recalls
29:53 Self is very grateful to her father – Made children responsible – Sitting in cold church during snowfall – Car could get stuck – Good training for self-discipline Mother told Self not to give up when her first batch of scones failed - Describes 31:22 End of Track 1
- 2019
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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)
Language of Materials
From the Record Group: English
- From the Record Group: Henderson, Virginia (Interviewer, Person)