Abstract of Olive Jean DANIEL, 2011
Item — Box: 3
Identifier: H00020002
Interviewer: Jenny Campbell
03 February 2008.
Abstracter: Jean Hawkes.
TRACK 1 (First 60)
00:00 Interview identification
00:40 Born at BALFOUR 1916. Educated at LUMSDEN. Left school at 14, worked for five shillings per week. Cleaner at LUMSDEN MANSE.
01:39 Parents – OWEN and ELIZABETH ('BESS') TAYLOR. OLIVE second child. Eldest sister – GRACE, ELIZABETH BERYL ('BERYL' or 'BOBBY'), OWEN, DOUGLAS, DAPHNE, RUBY.
02:31 Early times – HELENA STREET, LUMSDEN. Father shearer and rabbitter. TOMMY GILLICK, BALFOUR, JOSEPHVILLE HILL, CECIL PEAK STATION – Mentioned.
03:32 Rabbitting – Described. BORTHWICK'S TRUCK, LUMSDEN, DUNEDIN – Mentioned. Money spent on drinking.
05:41 OLIVE went to WAIKAKA in summer. Worked at nursing home (Maternity Home in Helena Street, LUMSDEN) – Described.
06:25 OLIVE born at Mrs WADDELL'S at BALFOUR. Mother's sister had hotel at BALFOUR, Uncle TOM and ANNIE TIMPANY. Named OLIVE JEAN. JIM OLIVE – Mentioned. Snowed on the September day of OLIVE'S birth.
07:30 Schooling at LUMSDEN – started aged 4 ½ – Described. Attended most of school jubilees. IONA ROMANS [not sure of either name], MISS MILNE (?) from NAPIER – Described. HERBIE McCAULEY, LLEWELLYN OWEN (played piano), BRADY NELSON.
11:06 Games – marbles, hockey. Played bowls until aged 84. Rifle shooting. Tennis. Badminton. RIVERSDALE, BALFOUR – Mentioned.
12:24 Outbreak of war, playing hockey in BLENHEIM – Described. JIM [RYAN], RAILWAY WORKSHOPS – Mentioned. OLIVE 23, JIM 29 when he enlisted. JIM'S parents deceased. Advice from ARCHDEACON LUSH, St JOHN'S CHURCH – Explained.
14:58 Moved from LUMSDEN to CAROLINE. MURRELL of MANAPOURI, LEVIE (?) McDONALD of DIPTON married a MURRELL – Mentioned.
16:57 JIM in ENGLAND when learned of baby, did not see son until he was 2 ½.
17:22 Wedding – working at CECIL HOTEL. Situation – Described. Mr and Mrs GUEST, sister RUBY – Mentioned.
18:59 JIM'S final leave – Described. Store at WOODEND on BLUFF ROAD.
19.45 Girls' final breakfast at CECIL HOTEL. Photo and wedding ring.
20:35 OLIVE worked in DEE STREET for people who witnessed wedding. FREEMAN teacher at RYAL BUSH. Pregnant with BARRY. Few possessions. Went to live with her parents.
21:56 OLIVE looked after houses while people went on holidays, cooked for shearers. Saved money for a pedal car, for BARRY, by trapping rabbits. RIVERTON – Mentioned.
23:18 JIM'S arrival home – Described.
23:54 JIM served in ENGLAND, EGYPT. Mentioned in Dispatches. Railway lines through desert. GEORGE McLEAN, BURNHAM, ADDINGTON – Mentioned.
25:22 MICKEY SAVAGE'S [Prime Minister] funeral – Described. ADDINGTON POLICE STATION – Mentioned.
26:52 Pregnancy discovered. Messages to and from ENGLAND – Described. Letter of instructions – Explained.
28:45 Prayers answered re birth of child, naming the baby BARRY JAMES – Explained.
30:43 Reactions when JIM returned. Son aged 2 ½yrs.
30:57 Mechanic. Property at DEE STREET (DEESLAW) – Mentioned. WINTON for 31 years, tuned racing cars.
31:47 JIM man-powered. Railways at OREPUKI. Flax mill at OTATARA. Store bought on BLUFF ROAD when ELIZABETH aged 3 and BARRY aged 7. Two more children.
33:05 Demise of area when JIM and OLIVE left shop. Football, Drama Club, Women's Institute, Indoor Bowls – Mentioned.
34:02 Wanted to live in TAY STREET. Shop (country store) – Described.
35:37 JIM'S death (1970) – Described. Son ROSS. ELIZABETH and husband had a store in NELSON STREET.
37:11 Financial situation after husband's death – Explained. RSA (Returned Service Association) WELFARE – Explained.
38:14 No money from grocery shop. Situation – Described.
38:54 Husband made shoe heels in factory at KEW ROAD. ENGLAND – Mentioned. OLIVE time at LANGE'S BAKERY – Described. Mrs BRAITHWAITE from ENGLAND – Mentioned. Amalgamation with MILLER'S BAKERY – Mentioned. JIM employed as bread-cutter, later mechanic for vans.
42:03 LEO SEXTON sign writer employed ROSS. ROSS has funeral parlour.
43:25 OLIVE worked for everything. Bought house. LIVERPOOL – Mentioned. Niece bought OLIVE'S earlier home.
44:47 Life full of surprises.
44:50 Children – ELIZABETH, birth at TUATAPERE – Described. VE DAY, GEORGE McLEAN, JOSEPHVILLE HILL, BLUFF, LYTTELTON, WELLINGTON, AUNTY GRACE, DIPTON, RUDDENKLAU – Mentioned. JIM'S return from war by troop train – Described.
50:16 OLIVE went rabbitting to get money to buy pedal car for BARRY – Described.
51:18 DOUGLAS born at ELIZABETH GEORGE [maternity home in Invercargill, previously known as TE RATA] Purchase of ship's bell – Mentioned. ROSS, TOMLINS (flax cutter) – Mentioned. Use of bell at funeral for son ROSS.
53:18 Next child (DOUGLAS) born five years after ELIZABETH. Three years later ROSS arrived. DOUGLAS'S childhood game – Described. Became panel beater/mechanic. BARRY taken on as mechanic at WRIGHTSONS OMAUI – Mentioned. BILL WYATT at GREENHILLS. JIM and OLIVE also ran Post Office, Phone Bureau from their shop. JIM'S injury to arm and other injuries – Described. TUATAPERE, WOODEND, CAROLINE, McINTOSH, DARRYL FEE (?) – Mentioned.
60:15 End of Track 1
TRACK 2 (last 37)
00:27 CYRIL CROSLAND now in CAMBRIDGE – Mentioned.
01:09 OLIVE frightened of horses. Horse named 'In the Pink'. CATTLE FLAT – Mentioned.
01:56 Taking BARRY out in the pram three miles to PLUNKET – Described. NURSE WHITE – Mentioned. ROSS born on a Saturday. DOUG – Mentioned.
03:20 OLIVE'S mother – parental arguments, father's drink problems, non-payment of rent. BILL JOHNSON – Mentioned. Incident regarding Ten Pound note – Described. Father lived to 73 and mother to 66.
05:36 Cooked for shearers. Bachelor owner of place at CAROLINE. OLIVE and sister's visits – Described.
06:58 JIMMY THOMSON – Mentioned. OLIVE driving car – Described. WINTON for Driving License. Engaged to someone else before JIM.
09:06 WOODEND, KEW (Hospital), BOWLS at CENTENNIAL HALL, MR CRIBB – Mentioned.
10:05 First family car at CAROLINE, a Model T. Then a Model A, a MORRIS COWLEY. STANDARD given to BARRY was raced at RYAL BUSH and TERETONGA. OLIVE in her teens when family bought a car. Bike bought from BACHELOR'S PRAM HOUSE. Purchase of pram – Described. Conditions encountered when OLIVE was pregnant with first child. DALRYMPLE STREET – Mentioned.
17:49 Reference to poetry written by ALEX STEVENS.
18:34 Fun times – Described. JOCK JENNINGS, VIC and ELSIE JORDAN – Mentioned. Incidents at Bowls break-ups – Described. JACK HARRIS, WILSON & NEIL – Mentioned.
21:30 Living in small communities. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE – Mentioned. JIM, MARK LILLEY, BAIN ROBERTSON, ARTHUR CRIBB gate crashed INSTITUTE birthday celebration – Described. 'Girls' turn the tables at men's SMOKO – Described.
24:23 ELIZABETH'S arrangements for OLIVE'S 90th birthday – Described. OLIVE'S stepdaughter CHRISTINE HENDERSON reads ditty that ELIZABETH wrote for her mother 90th birthday.
27:13 Marriage to JACK DANIEL. ERIC and RENE McNATTY – Mentioned. OLIVE'S grandmother JANE McNATTY – Mentioned. ULVA (?) DANIEL – Mentioned. CHRISTINE and RUSSELL – Mentioned.
32:46 Stepchildren – JOHN, MURRAY and CHRISTINE.
33:09 Video of wedding – Mentioned. MARIE married to KEN WEST at the time. Wedding, church hall in TAY STREET – Described. MARIE and BARRY, TIMARU – Mentioned. Parodies of 'Are You Lonesome Tonight' and 'Three Blind Mice'
36:57 End of Track 2.
NOTE: Olive died in 2013
Interviewer: Jenny Campbell
03 February 2008.
Abstracter: Jean Hawkes.
TRACK 1 (First 60)
00:00 Interview identification
00:40 Born at BALFOUR 1916. Educated at LUMSDEN. Left school at 14, worked for five shillings per week. Cleaner at LUMSDEN MANSE.
01:39 Parents – OWEN and ELIZABETH ('BESS') TAYLOR. OLIVE second child. Eldest sister – GRACE, ELIZABETH BERYL ('BERYL' or 'BOBBY'), OWEN, DOUGLAS, DAPHNE, RUBY.
02:31 Early times – HELENA STREET, LUMSDEN. Father shearer and rabbitter. TOMMY GILLICK, BALFOUR, JOSEPHVILLE HILL, CECIL PEAK STATION – Mentioned.
03:32 Rabbitting – Described. BORTHWICK'S TRUCK, LUMSDEN, DUNEDIN – Mentioned. Money spent on drinking.
05:41 OLIVE went to WAIKAKA in summer. Worked at nursing home (Maternity Home in Helena Street, LUMSDEN) – Described.
06:25 OLIVE born at Mrs WADDELL'S at BALFOUR. Mother's sister had hotel at BALFOUR, Uncle TOM and ANNIE TIMPANY. Named OLIVE JEAN. JIM OLIVE – Mentioned. Snowed on the September day of OLIVE'S birth.
07:30 Schooling at LUMSDEN – started aged 4 ½ – Described. Attended most of school jubilees. IONA ROMANS [not sure of either name], MISS MILNE (?) from NAPIER – Described. HERBIE McCAULEY, LLEWELLYN OWEN (played piano), BRADY NELSON.
11:06 Games – marbles, hockey. Played bowls until aged 84. Rifle shooting. Tennis. Badminton. RIVERSDALE, BALFOUR – Mentioned.
12:24 Outbreak of war, playing hockey in BLENHEIM – Described. JIM [RYAN], RAILWAY WORKSHOPS – Mentioned. OLIVE 23, JIM 29 when he enlisted. JIM'S parents deceased. Advice from ARCHDEACON LUSH, St JOHN'S CHURCH – Explained.
14:58 Moved from LUMSDEN to CAROLINE. MURRELL of MANAPOURI, LEVIE (?) McDONALD of DIPTON married a MURRELL – Mentioned.
16:57 JIM in ENGLAND when learned of baby, did not see son until he was 2 ½.
17:22 Wedding – working at CECIL HOTEL. Situation – Described. Mr and Mrs GUEST, sister RUBY – Mentioned.
18:59 JIM'S final leave – Described. Store at WOODEND on BLUFF ROAD.
19.45 Girls' final breakfast at CECIL HOTEL. Photo and wedding ring.
20:35 OLIVE worked in DEE STREET for people who witnessed wedding. FREEMAN teacher at RYAL BUSH. Pregnant with BARRY. Few possessions. Went to live with her parents.
21:56 OLIVE looked after houses while people went on holidays, cooked for shearers. Saved money for a pedal car, for BARRY, by trapping rabbits. RIVERTON – Mentioned.
23:18 JIM'S arrival home – Described.
23:54 JIM served in ENGLAND, EGYPT. Mentioned in Dispatches. Railway lines through desert. GEORGE McLEAN, BURNHAM, ADDINGTON – Mentioned.
25:22 MICKEY SAVAGE'S [Prime Minister] funeral – Described. ADDINGTON POLICE STATION – Mentioned.
26:52 Pregnancy discovered. Messages to and from ENGLAND – Described. Letter of instructions – Explained.
28:45 Prayers answered re birth of child, naming the baby BARRY JAMES – Explained.
30:43 Reactions when JIM returned. Son aged 2 ½yrs.
30:57 Mechanic. Property at DEE STREET (DEESLAW) – Mentioned. WINTON for 31 years, tuned racing cars.
31:47 JIM man-powered. Railways at OREPUKI. Flax mill at OTATARA. Store bought on BLUFF ROAD when ELIZABETH aged 3 and BARRY aged 7. Two more children.
33:05 Demise of area when JIM and OLIVE left shop. Football, Drama Club, Women's Institute, Indoor Bowls – Mentioned.
34:02 Wanted to live in TAY STREET. Shop (country store) – Described.
35:37 JIM'S death (1970) – Described. Son ROSS. ELIZABETH and husband had a store in NELSON STREET.
37:11 Financial situation after husband's death – Explained. RSA (Returned Service Association) WELFARE – Explained.
38:14 No money from grocery shop. Situation – Described.
38:54 Husband made shoe heels in factory at KEW ROAD. ENGLAND – Mentioned. OLIVE time at LANGE'S BAKERY – Described. Mrs BRAITHWAITE from ENGLAND – Mentioned. Amalgamation with MILLER'S BAKERY – Mentioned. JIM employed as bread-cutter, later mechanic for vans.
42:03 LEO SEXTON sign writer employed ROSS. ROSS has funeral parlour.
43:25 OLIVE worked for everything. Bought house. LIVERPOOL – Mentioned. Niece bought OLIVE'S earlier home.
44:47 Life full of surprises.
44:50 Children – ELIZABETH, birth at TUATAPERE – Described. VE DAY, GEORGE McLEAN, JOSEPHVILLE HILL, BLUFF, LYTTELTON, WELLINGTON, AUNTY GRACE, DIPTON, RUDDENKLAU – Mentioned. JIM'S return from war by troop train – Described.
50:16 OLIVE went rabbitting to get money to buy pedal car for BARRY – Described.
51:18 DOUGLAS born at ELIZABETH GEORGE [maternity home in Invercargill, previously known as TE RATA] Purchase of ship's bell – Mentioned. ROSS, TOMLINS (flax cutter) – Mentioned. Use of bell at funeral for son ROSS.
53:18 Next child (DOUGLAS) born five years after ELIZABETH. Three years later ROSS arrived. DOUGLAS'S childhood game – Described. Became panel beater/mechanic. BARRY taken on as mechanic at WRIGHTSONS OMAUI – Mentioned. BILL WYATT at GREENHILLS. JIM and OLIVE also ran Post Office, Phone Bureau from their shop. JIM'S injury to arm and other injuries – Described. TUATAPERE, WOODEND, CAROLINE, McINTOSH, DARRYL FEE (?) – Mentioned.
60:15 End of Track 1
TRACK 2 (last 37)
00:27 CYRIL CROSLAND now in CAMBRIDGE – Mentioned.
01:09 OLIVE frightened of horses. Horse named 'In the Pink'. CATTLE FLAT – Mentioned.
01:56 Taking BARRY out in the pram three miles to PLUNKET – Described. NURSE WHITE – Mentioned. ROSS born on a Saturday. DOUG – Mentioned.
03:20 OLIVE'S mother – parental arguments, father's drink problems, non-payment of rent. BILL JOHNSON – Mentioned. Incident regarding Ten Pound note – Described. Father lived to 73 and mother to 66.
05:36 Cooked for shearers. Bachelor owner of place at CAROLINE. OLIVE and sister's visits – Described.
06:58 JIMMY THOMSON – Mentioned. OLIVE driving car – Described. WINTON for Driving License. Engaged to someone else before JIM.
09:06 WOODEND, KEW (Hospital), BOWLS at CENTENNIAL HALL, MR CRIBB – Mentioned.
10:05 First family car at CAROLINE, a Model T. Then a Model A, a MORRIS COWLEY. STANDARD given to BARRY was raced at RYAL BUSH and TERETONGA. OLIVE in her teens when family bought a car. Bike bought from BACHELOR'S PRAM HOUSE. Purchase of pram – Described. Conditions encountered when OLIVE was pregnant with first child. DALRYMPLE STREET – Mentioned.
17:49 Reference to poetry written by ALEX STEVENS.
18:34 Fun times – Described. JOCK JENNINGS, VIC and ELSIE JORDAN – Mentioned. Incidents at Bowls break-ups – Described. JACK HARRIS, WILSON & NEIL – Mentioned.
21:30 Living in small communities. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE – Mentioned. JIM, MARK LILLEY, BAIN ROBERTSON, ARTHUR CRIBB gate crashed INSTITUTE birthday celebration – Described. 'Girls' turn the tables at men's SMOKO – Described.
24:23 ELIZABETH'S arrangements for OLIVE'S 90th birthday – Described. OLIVE'S stepdaughter CHRISTINE HENDERSON reads ditty that ELIZABETH wrote for her mother 90th birthday.
27:13 Marriage to JACK DANIEL. ERIC and RENE McNATTY – Mentioned. OLIVE'S grandmother JANE McNATTY – Mentioned. ULVA (?) DANIEL – Mentioned. CHRISTINE and RUSSELL – Mentioned.
32:46 Stepchildren – JOHN, MURRAY and CHRISTINE.
33:09 Video of wedding – Mentioned. MARIE married to KEN WEST at the time. Wedding, church hall in TAY STREET – Described. MARIE and BARRY, TIMARU – Mentioned. Parodies of 'Are You Lonesome Tonight' and 'Three Blind Mice'
36:57 End of Track 2.
NOTE: Olive died in 2013
- 2011
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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)
Language of Materials
From the Record Group: English
- From the Record Group: Campbell, Jenny (Interviewer, Person)