Abstract of Patricia Floyd TALBOYS (Lady), 2024
Item — Box: 37
Identifier: H03480002
H0348 Patricia Floyd TALBOYS (Lady)
Interviewer: Janice TEMPLETON
Date: 21 September 2017
Abstracter: April Milligan
Track 1
00.0 Introduction
00.17 PAT recalls family details. They lived in the same District. Father went to SOUTHLAND BOYS HIGH .Mother went to the CONVENT in INVERCARGILL to learn to play the piano. After they married she taught pupils in INVERCARGILL. They lived in LIFFEY STREET at first, then shifted to RIVERSDALE in the same house for 50 years. PAT was 7 years old .The big house was built by HOLMES who also built THE INVERCARGILL WOOLEN MILLS. During the Depression he lost control of the build intended for himself.
03.30 Born in OTAUTAU. Lived in LIFFEY STREET Went to PARK SCHOOL (under WAIHOPAI SCHOOL Head) a small School on the Corner of KELVIN STREET and VICTORIA AVENUE which later became a school for Handicapped Children. Shortly after started school parents moved to ROSEDALE. PAT then attended WAIHOPAI SCHOOL
04.07 PAT recalls going to SOUTHLAND GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL for six years. She was thought to be too young to go to UNIVERSITY so did 2 years in both 5th and 6th Form. PAT had just turned 18 when she went to OTAGO UNIVERSITY. She was a prefect and HOUSE CAPTAIN but not athletic or good at sports. PAT concentrated on music. Learnt piano from her Mother but they fought.
06.04 Friend for all of schooling was NELLY BARNES who she met at Park Primary School. Drifted apart with going to University, but they were Bridesmaids for each other’s weddings.
07.08 University details include going to ST MARGARETS HOSTEL for Women for 3 years. (Presbyterian Church Hostel) Then had a flat belonging to ST MARGARETS. PAT’s degree was a BA of Arts. She sat all the papers for MA and started a Thesis but got a job with FOREIGN AFFAIRS and ditched the Thesis.
08.58 PAT applied through PUBLIC SERVICE directed by a friend of parents, an MP for AWARUA. MALCOLM TEMPLETON was working there. She left when she met BRIAN TALBOYS who had returned from CANADA where he had been since War Service. He was DEPUTY EDITOR of the DAIRY EXPORTER MAGAZINE.
11.15 Mother helped find a flat in WELLINGTON and joined a Varsity friend in her flat. When Pat left to marry she stayed on for 13 years. She worked in WAR HISTORY later joining FOREIGN AFFAIRS.
13.17 Later BRIAN and PAT had a flat in NORTH WELLINGTON and she took a tram to work .BRIAN was finishing his Degree which he had started in CANADA and working in the PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY.
00.30 BRIAN was there 2 years and PAT met him at the beginning. They got engaged and married in 1950 in INVERCARGILL with a week honeymoon locally. Had a flat in MAHENO BAY in WELLINGTON. Came into work by bus. PAT kept working. BRIAN had been in CANADA training as a Bomber Pilot when he got TB (Tuberculosis) .He spent the best part of 5 years in Hospital there and couldn’t fly. It was hard to travel back to NZ by ship because of the war and lack of passenger transport. He got back in 1946 or 1947.The Dr gave him health clearance but he was cautious socially.
00.23 Honeymoon in Garston and then on to TE ANAU returning the borrowed car to INVERCARGILL. Had a lovely flat in WELLINGTON which was one of several owned by FOREIGN AFFAIRS. It was across the Harbour from WELLINGTON at MAHENO BAY a popular residential place. PAT”S job allowed access. BRIAN was working at the Journal as Assistant Editor. Moved South (SOUTHLAND) as he was keen to try Dairying which he had written so much about. PAT”S parents offered help.
02.35 Came back to SOUTHLAND to farm at HEDDON BUSH for 3 years. BRIAN was interested in Politics and he was asked to try for a seat in WELLINGTON but he declined needing more experience. After 3 years on the farm he was asked to stand for WALLACE and decided to give it a try.
05.02 There were 8 candidates. TOM MACDONALD was the retiring MP (Member of Parliament) after 20 years. Selection was in a Hall in INVERCARGILL There was an Annual Meeting first then each Candidate spoke and BRIAN was selected. He met a lot of people in the weeks before selection to get to know them. Pat couldn’t bear going to the selection voting meeting. (Interviewer remembers him coming to her parents at GUMMIES BUSH looking for MR HOPKINS. GIVEN the names of the Branch Chairmen. Interviewer’s Uncle DAVE HOPCROFT was Chairman at the time and a Voting Delegate)
08.21 Describes changes after becoming an MP. Leaving the farm with a manager CLARRIE BARRON and wife ENID. Got a flat in WELLINGTON commuting back at weekends. GUY was born in MAY1959 and was adopted privately and then DREW in DECEMBER 1960.
00.07 BRIAN’S Mother died in WANGANUI living with a Companion NANCY who came to the family at 17 as a Maid. Father died when BRIAN was in CANADA. When one of his brothers died they looked at dividing up the property looking for things to provide for a flat for NANCY in WANGANUI but she chose to come and live with Pat and Brian for 6 years and babysat the boys when there was social engagements.
03.14 Lost the election in 1972 and moved South to WINTON and NANCY went to join her sister in LEVIN. The boys continued their schooling at CENTRAL SOUTHLAND. COLLEGE. Won the election 3 years later returned to WELLINGTON and the boys continued their Education at WAITAKI BOYS and came home for the holidays. GUY is still on the HEDDON BUSH farm.
06.36 PAT recalls Brian’s career included him being MINISTER of AGRICULTURE for 9-10 years. Also MINISTER of EDUCATION and MINISTER of COMMERCE for a Term too. Travelled right around every AUSTRALIAN State when he was MINISTER of FOREIGN AFFAIRS. PAT went to AUSTRALIA once with a friend. A proposed trip to RUSSIA was cancelled because the RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR to NEW ZEALAND was caught handing money over to a TRADE UNION SECRETARY. BRIAN requested the AMBASSADOR’S departure from NEW ZEALAND so then he wasn’t welcome to visit.
09.47 NEW YORK was visited often. Also, LONDON, WASHINGTON, CANADA, PARIS. It was easy for Pat as having worked in FOREIGN AFFAIRS she knew most of the Staff. Well matched and had the same Degrees in FOREIGN AFFAIRS, HISTORY, ECONOMICS and ARTS which was useful.
12.15 On BRIAN’S 50th birthday Politicians were invited from FOREIGN AFFAIRS including ROB MULDOON (but he wasn’t a close crony).THEA helped him but JERRY SIMMONDS a Journalist for the AUCKLAND HERALD living in a close flat recalls hearing her crying.
14.09 Highlights recalled were over 30 years of BRIAN being a Politician.
00.05 Brian retired in 1981. He did not take part in an attempted coup to oust ROB [MULDOON] who lost at the next Election. Highlights recalled, travelling and meeting people from other countries. CLARRIE BARRON was still Managing the farm. (Interviewer recalls BRIAN did not take part in an attempt to oust ROB MULDOON)
01.36 PAT recalls her Father was Mayor of INVERCARGILL in 1953 when the QUEEN visited. Before the visit was public Father opposed the sitting Mayor of several Terms. He was Mayor for 3 Terms. (ADAM ADAMSON INVERCARGILL MAYOR 1953-1962)
05.54 PAT met the QUEEN on about 6 Formal Occasion’s in a Reception line. One time in WELLINGTON she talked with PAT for a long time. PAT attended Garden Parties at the PALACE and she went through one time with a Staff Member when the QUEEN was overseas including seeing a room for visiting Dignitaries. In London NEW ZEALAND had a HIGH COMMISIONER as a COMMONWEALTH COUNTRY.
Interviewer: Janice TEMPLETON
Date: 21 September 2017
Abstracter: April Milligan
Track 1
00.0 Introduction
00.17 PAT recalls family details. They lived in the same District. Father went to SOUTHLAND BOYS HIGH .Mother went to the CONVENT in INVERCARGILL to learn to play the piano. After they married she taught pupils in INVERCARGILL. They lived in LIFFEY STREET at first, then shifted to RIVERSDALE in the same house for 50 years. PAT was 7 years old .The big house was built by HOLMES who also built THE INVERCARGILL WOOLEN MILLS. During the Depression he lost control of the build intended for himself.
03.30 Born in OTAUTAU. Lived in LIFFEY STREET Went to PARK SCHOOL (under WAIHOPAI SCHOOL Head) a small School on the Corner of KELVIN STREET and VICTORIA AVENUE which later became a school for Handicapped Children. Shortly after started school parents moved to ROSEDALE. PAT then attended WAIHOPAI SCHOOL
04.07 PAT recalls going to SOUTHLAND GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL for six years. She was thought to be too young to go to UNIVERSITY so did 2 years in both 5th and 6th Form. PAT had just turned 18 when she went to OTAGO UNIVERSITY. She was a prefect and HOUSE CAPTAIN but not athletic or good at sports. PAT concentrated on music. Learnt piano from her Mother but they fought.
06.04 Friend for all of schooling was NELLY BARNES who she met at Park Primary School. Drifted apart with going to University, but they were Bridesmaids for each other’s weddings.
07.08 University details include going to ST MARGARETS HOSTEL for Women for 3 years. (Presbyterian Church Hostel) Then had a flat belonging to ST MARGARETS. PAT’s degree was a BA of Arts. She sat all the papers for MA and started a Thesis but got a job with FOREIGN AFFAIRS and ditched the Thesis.
08.58 PAT applied through PUBLIC SERVICE directed by a friend of parents, an MP for AWARUA. MALCOLM TEMPLETON was working there. She left when she met BRIAN TALBOYS who had returned from CANADA where he had been since War Service. He was DEPUTY EDITOR of the DAIRY EXPORTER MAGAZINE.
11.15 Mother helped find a flat in WELLINGTON and joined a Varsity friend in her flat. When Pat left to marry she stayed on for 13 years. She worked in WAR HISTORY later joining FOREIGN AFFAIRS.
13.17 Later BRIAN and PAT had a flat in NORTH WELLINGTON and she took a tram to work .BRIAN was finishing his Degree which he had started in CANADA and working in the PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY.
00.30 BRIAN was there 2 years and PAT met him at the beginning. They got engaged and married in 1950 in INVERCARGILL with a week honeymoon locally. Had a flat in MAHENO BAY in WELLINGTON. Came into work by bus. PAT kept working. BRIAN had been in CANADA training as a Bomber Pilot when he got TB (Tuberculosis) .He spent the best part of 5 years in Hospital there and couldn’t fly. It was hard to travel back to NZ by ship because of the war and lack of passenger transport. He got back in 1946 or 1947.The Dr gave him health clearance but he was cautious socially.
00.23 Honeymoon in Garston and then on to TE ANAU returning the borrowed car to INVERCARGILL. Had a lovely flat in WELLINGTON which was one of several owned by FOREIGN AFFAIRS. It was across the Harbour from WELLINGTON at MAHENO BAY a popular residential place. PAT”S job allowed access. BRIAN was working at the Journal as Assistant Editor. Moved South (SOUTHLAND) as he was keen to try Dairying which he had written so much about. PAT”S parents offered help.
02.35 Came back to SOUTHLAND to farm at HEDDON BUSH for 3 years. BRIAN was interested in Politics and he was asked to try for a seat in WELLINGTON but he declined needing more experience. After 3 years on the farm he was asked to stand for WALLACE and decided to give it a try.
05.02 There were 8 candidates. TOM MACDONALD was the retiring MP (Member of Parliament) after 20 years. Selection was in a Hall in INVERCARGILL There was an Annual Meeting first then each Candidate spoke and BRIAN was selected. He met a lot of people in the weeks before selection to get to know them. Pat couldn’t bear going to the selection voting meeting. (Interviewer remembers him coming to her parents at GUMMIES BUSH looking for MR HOPKINS. GIVEN the names of the Branch Chairmen. Interviewer’s Uncle DAVE HOPCROFT was Chairman at the time and a Voting Delegate)
08.21 Describes changes after becoming an MP. Leaving the farm with a manager CLARRIE BARRON and wife ENID. Got a flat in WELLINGTON commuting back at weekends. GUY was born in MAY1959 and was adopted privately and then DREW in DECEMBER 1960.
00.07 BRIAN’S Mother died in WANGANUI living with a Companion NANCY who came to the family at 17 as a Maid. Father died when BRIAN was in CANADA. When one of his brothers died they looked at dividing up the property looking for things to provide for a flat for NANCY in WANGANUI but she chose to come and live with Pat and Brian for 6 years and babysat the boys when there was social engagements.
03.14 Lost the election in 1972 and moved South to WINTON and NANCY went to join her sister in LEVIN. The boys continued their schooling at CENTRAL SOUTHLAND. COLLEGE. Won the election 3 years later returned to WELLINGTON and the boys continued their Education at WAITAKI BOYS and came home for the holidays. GUY is still on the HEDDON BUSH farm.
06.36 PAT recalls Brian’s career included him being MINISTER of AGRICULTURE for 9-10 years. Also MINISTER of EDUCATION and MINISTER of COMMERCE for a Term too. Travelled right around every AUSTRALIAN State when he was MINISTER of FOREIGN AFFAIRS. PAT went to AUSTRALIA once with a friend. A proposed trip to RUSSIA was cancelled because the RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR to NEW ZEALAND was caught handing money over to a TRADE UNION SECRETARY. BRIAN requested the AMBASSADOR’S departure from NEW ZEALAND so then he wasn’t welcome to visit.
09.47 NEW YORK was visited often. Also, LONDON, WASHINGTON, CANADA, PARIS. It was easy for Pat as having worked in FOREIGN AFFAIRS she knew most of the Staff. Well matched and had the same Degrees in FOREIGN AFFAIRS, HISTORY, ECONOMICS and ARTS which was useful.
12.15 On BRIAN’S 50th birthday Politicians were invited from FOREIGN AFFAIRS including ROB MULDOON (but he wasn’t a close crony).THEA helped him but JERRY SIMMONDS a Journalist for the AUCKLAND HERALD living in a close flat recalls hearing her crying.
14.09 Highlights recalled were over 30 years of BRIAN being a Politician.
00.05 Brian retired in 1981. He did not take part in an attempted coup to oust ROB [MULDOON] who lost at the next Election. Highlights recalled, travelling and meeting people from other countries. CLARRIE BARRON was still Managing the farm. (Interviewer recalls BRIAN did not take part in an attempt to oust ROB MULDOON)
01.36 PAT recalls her Father was Mayor of INVERCARGILL in 1953 when the QUEEN visited. Before the visit was public Father opposed the sitting Mayor of several Terms. He was Mayor for 3 Terms. (ADAM ADAMSON INVERCARGILL MAYOR 1953-1962)
05.54 PAT met the QUEEN on about 6 Formal Occasion’s in a Reception line. One time in WELLINGTON she talked with PAT for a long time. PAT attended Garden Parties at the PALACE and she went through one time with a Staff Member when the QUEEN was overseas including seeing a room for visiting Dignitaries. In London NEW ZEALAND had a HIGH COMMISIONER as a COMMONWEALTH COUNTRY.
- 2024
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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)
Language of Materials
From the Record Group: English
- From the Record Group: Templeton, Janice (Interviewer, Person)