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Abstract of Rosanne Doreen O'CONNELL, 2016

 Item — Box: 32
Identifier: H02440002


Rosie O’Connell Interviewer: Janice Templeton

Abstracter: Courtney Ellison


Introduction by interviewer (background to Riverton Hospital)


00:00 Came to Riverton Hospital in 1982, trained at Christchurch hospital, variety of training

01:20 Married Southland man, mother spent time in the hospital, hospital short staffed, maternity ward closed down

03:10 The annex, used for people who required less care, size of the hospital, villa and annex

04:50 Staffing, registered nurses and different shifts. Other staff such as caregivers, laundry workers

07:08 Night shifts hours, handovers, medications, covering all areas. Orderlies Stan Anderson and Ken Wilson, as well as caregivers, and a registered nurse all on night shift. Book held records of who was sick

10:15 Medication storing and dispensing

11:00 Procedure when someone died, nurses able to proclaim dead, involvement of doctors, laying the bodies out, labelling bodies, went to morgue (which is still there behind chapel)

13:40 Didn’t have to do any retraining, reference from Christchurch training


00:00 Working on shift alone and fire alarms went off. Fireman Alan Huggins came to help

00:50 Handling dead man, different protocols for Maori, notifying relatives, viewing in funeral directors parlour

02:20 Location of buildings, boiler house, chapel, morgue, laundry

03:00 Nurses home, sometimes used for student placements or people who lived in rural areas, otherwise no one there.

04:18 Nurses sitting room, occupational therapists, armchair bowling and other activities

04:50 Geriatrics / elderly care only, at that time

06:18 Hoists attached to ceiling, to lift heavy patients

06:49 Comparison with Longwood Bupa / nursing now, basics never change, but lots of changes in drugs, attitude to patients and relatives, more personal, not so strict on appearance, more about care.

10:00 Jenny Insall and Trish Marshall from Happy Valley, nurses who came back to work, difficult to get registered nurses.

10:50 Choosing shifts, working around kids and school

12:00 Still nursing 2 nights a week, work involved on night shift, help with turning patients and heavier work


00:00 New products, incontinence, smell of old Riverton hospital

01:10 Always open to suggestions for improvements

02:10 Keeping up registration, payment and 60 hours of education every 3 years. Audit process.

05:00 District nurses, Wendy Cass (sp?) was district nurse at the time. Role more than nursing, great level of care.

07:18 Patients falling, nature of elderly care, alarm mats now to know when patients get up.

09:00 Size of Longwood Bupa now: 20 beds in hospital, 14 in rest home, 18 at ocean view (old dementia unit), other elderly care facilities in area. People staying in own homes longer now, so when they do come, require much more care.

13:20 Family atmosphere, culture at Riverton Hospital and now Longwood, staff make the places. Culture set by Mr Wright (sp?)


00:00 Comparison with working in larger cities, more personal at Riverton. Jan Breayley involved in design of Longwood, brought experience from Elm Court. Dr Tairei (sp?) would do anything for Riverton and Longwood.

02:15 Left Riverton Hospital at 55 years old, returned to Longwood at 62 as staff nurse, been there 16 years.

03:15 Story of a man from Gore who passed away, and trouble getting a death certificate signed.



  • 2016

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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)

Language of Materials

From the Record Group: English


Repository Details

Part of the Southland Oral History Project Repository