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Box 9


Contains 25 Results:

Abstract of Muriel Elizabeth ERICSON, 2007

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H00170002
Abstract Muriel Ericson; Interviewer: Jenny Campbell; Date: 31 July 2007; Abstracter: Jean Hawkes Track 1 00.00 Interview identification.0018 Born in WYNDHAM at 'THE CRESCENT' Mother was SYLVIA COOK at DUNALISTER, Dr MENZIES (pronounced MINGIES) home Middle of three girls. Lived at The Crescent until farm sold to PETER CAMPBELL (father's brother). Bought SPUR HEAD on top of EDENDALE HILL. BERT RICHARDSON built farmhouse. Described. Mentions: MENZIES FERRY,...
Dates: 2007

Abstract of Jean Lusitania HILL, 2007

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H00180002
Abstract Jean Lusitania HillInterviewer: Janice TempletonAbstracter: Jean HawkesFirst Interview: Saturday 8 October 2007(Please note that there is a discrepancy over the dates when the first interview was recorded. On the recording, the interviewer states that the date of the first interview is Saturday 8th October 2007 – 8th October 2007 was a Monday. The date stamp on the recording is Saturday 13th October).Track 100.00 Interview...
Dates: 2007

Muriel Ericson, 2007

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H00170003
Overview Photograph of Muriel Ericson.
Dates: 2007

Abstract of Edith Anne STODDART, 2010

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H0030002
Abstract Recorded: 02 December 2010Interviewer: Nancy Burnett Abstracter: Jean Hawkes EDITH ANNE STODDART TRACK 1 00:46 EDITH ANNE STODDART born in 193400:58 Recording Agreement01:32 [1984 FLOOD in INVERCARGILL]: Chief Welfare Officer Name placed on CIVIL DEFENCE list by a friend – nothing to do – Described 02:39 Reference to CIVIL DEFENCE as 'DAD'S ARMY' – Explained 03:07 Own involvement from about 1975...
Dates: 2010

STODDART, Edith Anne interviewed by Nancy Burnett

 Record Group — Box: 9
Identifier: H0030
Overview Mrs Stoddart recalls in-depth her involvement in Civil Defence through training as a qualified instructor and the various situations she was involved with including the 1978 Mataura Floods, Mt Erebus disaster and the 1984 floods. She discusses the aftermath of the flooding practically as in the cleanup process, finding accommodation/clothing etc. and the importance of psychological help after such disasters.
Dates: 2010

Abstract of Gabriel Anthony FARRY, 2019

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H00450002
Overview GABRIEL FARRY Interviewer: Valmai RedheadAbstracter: Jean Hawkes FIRST INTERVIEW: 12 JANUARY 2011TRACK 100:00 Recording Agreement01:38 Purpose of Interview – GORE Lions Club01:44 Grandparents – from LEBANON (MOUNT LEBANON or PHONECIA) 02:11 Father born in LEBANON – Mother born in NEW ZEALAND – both of Lebanese parentage.02:26 Large Lebanese group arrived DUNEDIN c192002:40 Parents...
Dates: 2019

Abstract of Jeffrey James GRANT (Jeff) , 2011

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H00640002
Abstract JEFFREY JAMES GRANTInterviewer: Valmai Redhead Abstracter: Jean Hawkes TRACK 1 00:00 Interview identification00:35 JEFFREY JAMES GRANT born in 195800:45 Recording Agreement01:30 GRANT FAMILY in BALFOUR over 100 years Great grandfather ROBERT GRANT arrived NEW ZEALAND 1876 to BALFOUR MACPHERSON – ARDLUSSA STATION – Mentioned02:11 MACPHERSON opened pub (hotel) – ROBERT GRANT opened shop -...
Dates: 2011