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Abstract of Jean Lusitania HILL, 2007

 Item — Box: 9
Identifier: H00180002


Jean Lusitania Hill

Interviewer: Janice Templeton

Abstracter: Jean Hawkes

First Interview: Saturday 8 October 2007

(Please note that there is a discrepancy over the dates when the first interview was recorded. On the recording, the interviewer states that the date of the first interview is Saturday 8th October 2007 – 8th October 2007 was a Monday. The date stamp on the recording is Saturday 13th October).

Track 1

00.00 Interview identification.

01.02 Jean Lusitania Hill, nee COSTER. Born on farm at MERRIVALE ROAD 1915. European. Father: ERNEST COSTER born about 1880, farmer. Mother: CATHERINE RAMSAY worked for BECK and JAMES and others, lived over the road from Jean's father.

03.23 Jean's siblings – RUTH, DORIS, JIM, JEAN, MARION, GLADYS, ALEC.

04.14 Memories of father's parents. His father died before Jean was born. Grandmother a big, domineering woman. Mother's parents – grandmother dear saintly wee lady very like JANET. Grandfather a conservative man

End of Track 1 Track 2

00.13 Maternal grandfather RAMSAY clerk for Shipping Department in Scotland. Beautiful handwriting. Both grandparents from SCOTLAND. Married in New Zealand day after she arrived (had written letters for number of years). Stayed at First Church, Invercargill manse overnight. Had land at MERRIVALE ROAD but not really a farmer. Secretary of school committees. Location of MERRIVALE ROAD is SCOTTS GAP

02.11 Earliest memories – Peace celebrations for WW1 at OTAUTAU. Described.

04.25 Home – had been a mansion on farm. Described

06.33 Food – grew plenty vegetables, home-killed sheep, orchard, berry fruits. Oranges bought for Christmas. Bread delivered.

09.12 Clothing – Grandma and aunt dressmaker for THOMSON and BEATTIE made some garments. Wore boots. Described. Mentions: WAIRIO

10.19 Games – Rounders

10.25 Education – WAIKOURO (?) SCHOOL – forty pupils 5yrs to 16yrs. Described. Left FLETT farm, to SCOTTS GAP SCHOOL

11.51 During slump father doing cultivation, sold tractor. Affects on children. Few visits to aunt and grandmother in William Street, INVERCARGILL. Swimming in the ESTUARY. Mentions: RIVERTON ROCKS, ST ANDREW'S CHURCH (Invercargill)

14.12 Music. Mentioned

14.35 Father created swimming pool. Described

15.57 Chores – milk house cows before school, bring in wood. Milk separated, butter from cream.

17.17 Father made a drain plough with blade about two feet deep pulled by eighteen horses. Used on JIM FLETT'S farm. Plough pattern used for equipment to drain SEAWARD MOSS.

19.06 Significant people – JIMMY WILSON (settler) 16years old travelled on same ship as her grandmother. His wife died, daughter lived with relations. Played flute in musical evenings with UNCLE JIMMY, dad played violin, harmonium (small organ) Mentioned – SWAPP

21.30 Sundays – local schools used as Sunday School and church.

21.59 Mother educated at SCOTTS GAP SCHOOL. Neither parent had secondary education, nor did children.

22.35 Joined SALVATION ARMY – meetings during week at their home, open air meetings on Friday nights. RUTH, a nurse and DORIS both Salvation Army Officers. Mother a saintly lady, prayers each night.

24.11 Walked to SCOTTS GAP SCHOOL until they got bikes. Used a buggy until it got caught in the wind. Didn't like Mr WHITTINGHAM – Explained. Jean liked poetry, stories, may have become a reporter. Left school at 15. Couldn't afford to go to High School.

26.58 Work experience – ROSS McKENZIE'S parents' farm. Mrs McKENZIE Home Science teacher. Jean became a cook Mentions – BETTY McKENZIE (nee GIBBS)

28.00 Gift to mother from first pay. Described

29.00 Working conditions at McKENZIE'S. Described Mentions power coming from MONOWAI (power station) Mentions children – ROSS, GRAHAM and a girl.

31.00 Rabbit problem on COSTER'S farm.

31.42 Social life – mainly neighbours. SALVATION ARMY against dances.

32.04 How Jean met her husband. Described. Courting, maybe 3 years. Jean was 20 when married.

33.45 Wedding. Mentioned

34.09 Parents permission sought after couple had made their decision. Consent required as Jean under 21. Roland's working conditions on family farm from age 12 till marriage at 32. Described.

36.17 Wedding arrangements. RENA HILL and her mother, father died January before event. METHODIST CHURCH at OTAUTAU, decorated by Bible Class girls.

38.11 After marriage. Mentions LIME KILN, OTAHU FLAT. Land signed over to Roland. No house. Brother-in-law BILL HARDY from INVERCARGILL stayed in a hut on property while building house. No engagement ring, wanted the money for nice things in home.

39.45 Describes house. One bedroom. Kitchen/living room. No bathroom until KEN was small boy. No power or telephone until move to RINGWAY RIDGES. Nothing for people at OTAHU FLAT. Loneliness.

41.03 Children – BOB and KEN born at TUATAPERE. Dr DODDS delivered eldest one. Dr ELDER delivered KENNETH. Morning sickness.

41.50 Neighbours – none. LILBURN VALLEY. Mentioned. OTAHU FLATS has terraces was a lake.

42.40 At OTAHU FLATS for six and half years. Reason for wanting to move. Explained. 43.41 Describes move to RINGWAY RIDGES using tractor and trailer. Roland had rheumatic fever as a child so not fit for war service.

45.40 Effect of war. HOME GUARD probably at FAIRFAX – no uniform apart from boots. People overworked. Ration books – sugar, butter, clothing Mentions having twins and H & J SMITH LTD. 48.24 Power in new home, coal range and later electric one, no washing machine TOM McKENZIE'S re-action to 'no washing machine' Described. BILL SMART at OTAUTAU agent for washing machines. Jean describes actions to pay for washing machine (PALLO).

End of Track 2

Second interview: Saturday 20 October 2007

Track 3

00.22 Honeymoon – Ferry to STEWART ISLAND, farmers' group. Stayed at FERNDALE HOUSE (boarding house at the time). Visit to ULVA ISLAND. Seasickness. Returned twice. Went to the church on the hill.

03.45 Returning to OTAHU FLAT then to RINGWAY RIDGES. Outbreak of war – husband's work essential. No memory of military call-up. Youngest brother just 21 when he went. Older brother married, sold farm, one or two children when he went. Both men returned. Feelings of men who did not do war service. Attitude towards HITLER. Listened to radio news reports. Home-made butter – hand milked house cows.

09.36 DONALD had bronchitis, probably due to damp low-lying land. House moved onto hill by D T KING LTD. Described Stayed in converted tram during the move. Site and installations described. House described – two bedrooms, sun porch, kitchen/dining room, lounge. 14.30 Twins at school when house shifted. Access from OTAHU FLAT via foot bridge to FAIRFAX ROAD. 15.59 War years – not aware of black marketing. Own vegetables. Clothing – further mention of H & J SMITH LTD, blankets, wool etc for twins. No memory of hawkers. Visit by 'religious crank'. Mentions dug-outs in some parts of New Zealand, none on their property. No air raid practices. Roland didn't talk about Home Guard training. Did nothing about black-outs. Received newspaper everyday. Retained newspaper deliveries until she couldn't read.

19.00 Entertainment during the war – Hall at FAIRFAX, son of local publican going into NAVY, young ones had a party night before, during night hall burnt down, open fireplace in part of building possible cause. Replacement of hall – described. Opened debt free.

21.40 Did not write to brothers while they were overseas as both had wives. Wrote to BRUCE MITCHELL, father of JOAN GLYNN, cousin of Roland. Wrote to her own cousin. Included general gossip, family news. Replies received. Jean sent parcels of shortbread and gingernuts, posted free via Post Office and Red Cross. Describes packaging.

24.35 War Casualties – effects after the war. Brother-in-law, newly married to MARION (Jean's sister) when he left, did not see her for five years – on return health good but did not sleep well. GUISE boy lost in war. 26.00 Conscientious Objectors – visit of policeman to house. Described her reactions to male who came to her door. Felt most people understood the objectors' situation. Further mention of Roland's health being reason for not going to war. Mentions McCROSTIE.

31.20 VE (Victory in Europe) and VJ (Victory in Japan) Days – Doesn't remember any of the events. Homecomings – Doesn't remember big gatherings.

32.39 Twins – still on OTAHU FLAT had arranged to go to INVERCARGILL for births. Facilities available in district unsuitable – Described. Booked in to ST HELEN'S HOSPITAL, Invercargill – free, had to pay at OTAUTAU and TUATAPERE. Petrol rationing a problem – needed special certificate to get enough to take wife to INVERCARGILL. Twins were premature (due July, born May). Describes events during pregnancy, birth and following days. She thought it was only one baby. JANET first born, then ELIZABETH. Twins taken to KARITANE. No car so only able to see babies each Sunday for four months. Elizabeth had to return to Karitane until aged seven months. Problems, including whooping cough, on returning home. Described. Visits by District Nurse JEAN and WAL MACKINTOSH (?) Mentioned JOCK and CHRIS MATHIESON. Mentioned COLAC BAY. Mentioned.

48.15 Son DONALD at school when sister APRIL born and Jean was nearly 40. MARGARET and JEAN GUISE (became Mrs MITCHELL) mentioned. Sunday activities described.

50.58 Farming – ploughing, replacing boundary fences, rabbits under gorse fences, gorse removed and burned. JIM TAYLOR. Mentioned

52.26 Move to Herbert Street, INVERCARGILL about 1962 due to Roland's heart problems results of rheumatic fever. DONALD still at Southland Boys' High School on to electrical apprenticeship. APRIL eight years old to WAVERLEY PARK SCHOOL then to JAMES HARGEST HIGH SCHOOL. KEN took over the farm. Married CATHERINE soon afterward. Restoration of glass house in Herbert Street. Roland worked for WATTS & GRIEVE LTD then MONTY MILLER working on second hand farm machinery. Attended WAVERLEY CHURCH across the road. DONALD'S illness and death. Roland died at Kew Hospital in 1990 cancer in lungs as well as heart problem. Jean went to unit at PEACEHAVEN in 2002. Previously booked for Jean and Roland but not advised. NORDY'S (NORDMEYER) Black Budget. Mentioned.

59.10 End of Track 3

Track 4

00.09 Bringing the twins home. Carried head-to-tail in a clothes basket. Son asked if they were new or second hand.

01.27 Instead of going to OTAUTAU SPORTS took picnic basket to APARIMA RIVER (farm boundary). Labour Day. Described. 02.09 Seldom had holidays. When brother returned from war looked after farm for two weeks. Holidays described. Children not taken. TIMARU, CROMWELL, WANAKA. Mentioned. 03.22 Day trip to STEWART ISLAND. Seasickness. Described

04.09 No trips to RIVERTON ROCKS. Train to Mr WALDON (married to a TROTTER), dentist. WAIKOURO, THORNBURY. Mentioned

05.04 Children holidayed with relations, ie Jean's sister and brother-in-law at BRYDONE.

05.28 First car – when at OTAHU FLAT, sold at clearing sale. Reason for sale explained. Move to RINGWAY an advantage. Roland and one of ORBELL boys went to town and returned with car unbeknown to Jean. When Donald died family wanted her to have his car, not suitable, traded-in on one for her. Drove without a license – other events described. Not a competent driver. Thinks all country people should take driving lessons right in the city. (interviewer's mother-in-law not satisfied unless parked outside shop she wanted to go to, over 60 when she learned to drive in INVERCARGILL) WAIRAKI. Mentioned.

09.50 Janet played basketball (netball). Not involved with Country Girls' Club. Bob went to North Island – wife inherited a neglected property – tidied it – then farmed at CUST and retired to RANGIORA. Ken and Catherine on family farm – farm sold and moved to EDIEVALE about 25 years. Girls worked in INVERCARGILL. Elizabeth, housekeeper with WOMEN'S DIVISION. Janet in Haberdashery at H & J SMITH LTD then to insurance office until her marriage. April did a variety of jobs – gardening, cooking in hotel – married into MILLIGAN family, had 2 boys. Husband developed manic depression. Marriage broken. April in LONDON visits New Zealand.

13.52 Trips to INVERCARGILL only for business or shopping. Describes incident with cheque (short-changed) at E HAYES & SON or BROAD SMALL LTD.

15.57 Finance. Family Benefit – grateful to receive it. Banked at Post Office. Feeling of independence. Cheque book and own bank account when she moved to town. Old Age Pension at 60. Women's change of attitude towards finance.

19.10 End of Track 4

Third Interview: Tuesday 23rd October 2007

Track 5

00.09 Church Life. Brought up as a Christian. Presbyterian Church in school room at WAIKOURO then to SCOTTS GAP school for services. Songs mostly from SANKEY book. Described. Family connections with SALVATION ARMY, meetings held in private homes. Open air meetings in OTAUTAU on Friday nights. Described. Intended being Salvation Army Officer but met husband. Involvement with Presbyterian Church after marriage. Church at CLIFDEN now used by a nurseryman to grow flowers for export. Married in Methodist Church on Main Street, Otautau – Army officers too young and Jean felt she wouldn't be properly married.

06.44 End of Track 5

Track 6

00.00 Continuation of church connections. FAIRFAX school, services taken by a man from OTAUTAU. Children taken to OTAUTAU Presbyterian Church. Aged ten years when she made commitment. Describes why and when the decision was made. Mother took Sunday School classes. COLLIE. Mentioned Own children attended Bible Class camps. Husband reluctant church goer, appointed a deacon at OTAUTAU. Built ramp at church. WALLACE COLLIE (builder). Mentioned Attended WAVERLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH when they moved to town. Ministers BOB WILSON, ARCH KIRKWOOD, DAVID GORDON. MARGARET (teacher and organist) and RON TOWNSEND Secretary of Women's Group. New church built. Catering committee raised money for building church.

08.10 Went to PEACEHAVEN – attended morning services during the week in chapel. 08.56 Husband's funeral service at WAVERLEY CHURCH taken by RON TOWNSEND. Church used now by NEW LIFE. Presbyterian congregation moved to NORTH CHURCH.

10.11 Services at LONGWOOD LIFESTYLE – attended Anglican but too formal for her. Attended Wednesday services taken by various people.

11.10 End of Track 6


  • 2007

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From the Record Group: 1 folder(s)

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From the Record Group: English


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Part of the Southland Oral History Project Repository