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Box 22


Contains 33 Results:

Abstract of John Edgar TAYLOR, 2021

 Item — Box: 22
Identifier: H00460002
Overview JOHN EDGAR TAYLORInterviewer: Jenny CampbellAbstracter: Linda CooperFirst Interview: 11 January 2011TRACK 100:00 Interview identification00:41 JOHN EDGAR TAYLOR, born in 193800:55 Interview agreement01:43 [FAMILY BACKGROUND] Born to EDGAR TAYLOR and JOAN [most likely JANE; Joan is his wife’s name] LUKE in OTATARA, VYNERS ROAD (ph) [VYNER ROAD] -- parents married in 1936 [1935]...
Dates: 2021

PULLEN, Ann Elizabeth interviewed by Lee Wadds

 Record Group — Box: 22
Identifier: H0357
Overview This interview covers Anne's early life in England during the WWII. She emigrated to New Zealand in 1964. Anne describes the voyage and her arrival in Auckland. She worked in Wellington/Levin before moving to Stewart Island and she talks about life on the island.
Dates: 2011

KENNEDY Irene Margaret interviewed by Joy Lietze

 Record Group — Box: 22
Identifier: H0031
Overview This interview covers Irene's early life in Browns and her time in the Women's War Service Auxiliary working in a flax mill in Tapanui. After the war she remained in Tapanui and worked first in the hospital and then in the Post Office where she worked as the local postie for 18 years. Irene was very keen on fishing, she fished actively for over 50 years and enjoyed meeting interesting people along the riverbank. Irene was Area Representative for Student Travel Schools.
Dates: 2010

Abstract of Irene Margaret KENNEDY , 2019

 Item — Box: 22
Identifier: H00310002
Abstract IRENE MARGARET KENNEDYInterviewer: Joy LietzeFIRST INTERVIEW: 4 JUNE 2010Abstracter: Courtney EllisonDISC 1: TRACK 100:00 Had two brothers in the AIRFORCE and wanted to join them but they wouldn’t let her. Mother had a cousin in INVERCARGILL who was going to TAPANUI as submatron of the girls hostel, so went to Tapanui. Housed workers at FLAX MILL. Went to Church every Sunday. Headmaster at the school was military man who would make...
Dates: 2019

DUFFY, Catherine Mary interviewed by Nancy Burnett

 Record Group — Box: 22
Identifier: H0264
Overview This interview is part of the Gorge Road Collection. In this interview Mary talks of her family history and immigration from Ireland. Her family moved to a farm close to the Waituna Lagoon. She describes Kapuka South School, transport to school, classroom setup and general school day of the era. The family had an orchard in Roxbourgh. Mary began playing the piano when at secondary school and details her various experiences playing in the community. She goes on to describe the family farm,...
Dates: 2016