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Awarua Communications Museum Oral History Collection, 2014-

Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 8 Collections and/or Records:

COSTIGAN, Leslie James (Les) interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 32
Identifier: H0235
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview Les tells of his employment at the Awarua Station where he lived in the hostel. He describes having to practice Morse code, the receiving and transmitting processes on older radio equipment, and receiving messages from ships all over the world. His job included manning the disaster watch for large ships using Morse code to provide safety for life at sea. He also describes Mayday calls. In 1974 he...
Dates: 2015

COTTER, Paul John and MUNRO, Barry Russell interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 31
Identifier: H0232
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview Paul and Barry recall and describe their experiences working for NZ Post Office as Radio Operators based at Awarua Radio, with some time each spent on the Chatham Islands and at Milford Sound. They also recall some of the emergency situations they were involved in e.g., distress calls from fisherman, steamships in distress and a call from a Frenchman sailing solo around the world. They describe the...
Dates: 2015

CRIGHTON, Gordon John (Jack) interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 31
Identifier: H0230
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview Jack recalls and describes his employment. First as a telephone operator at Waimahaka Post Office before transferring to the Lines Department in 1950 During the war he spent 3 years in the Air Force ass a radio operator. As an employee of the Lines department Jack worked in various areas of Southland becoming a foreman after 6 years. He enjoyed his work and details what it in entailed e.g., putting up...
Dates: 2015

DUSTON, Gordon Thomas interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 29
Identifier: H0212
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview Gordon recalls involvement with Awarua Communication Museum, fundraising for this and some of the identities involved in this project. He also looks at his career starting with his employment at the Post Office Lines Branch, marriage and joining Southland Tramping Club. He recalls his work on the Deep Cove Project, Tiwai Aluminum Smelter and various other businesses around Invercargill
Dates: 2014

HALL, John Thomas interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 32
Identifier: H0234
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. John discusses and describes his work with the Post Office Line Gangs around Southland. In particular to talks about the opening of the Hedgehope exchange and work down on Stewart Island exchange describing the laying of the cable for the new exchange. He goes onto to tell of his shift into the planning of the cable network. He worked for 42 years and recalls life after retirement and his involvement with the...
Dates: 2015

OSBORNE, Marie Olive interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 32
Identifier: H0239
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. Marie talks of family history and happy family life at Awarua where her father was the Station Agent. They lived in a railway house there. She tells of her education, employment and marriage. She and her husband built a house in Dipton Street. Her husband was a technician with the Post Office for 40 years. Marie worked for an accounting firm and when her husband retired she recalls the extensive overseas trip they had.
Dates: 2015

STRONG, June Marie Elizabeth interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 32
Identifier: H0254
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum collection. In this interview June recalls her time in a live in position at the hostel at Awarua Radio in the late 1950s. She discusses in detail her duties which included catering for the men’s breakfasts and dinners as well as organising the laundry to go off site to be processed. She describes the cottages that were built by German Prisoners of War.
Dates: 2016

WEST, Victor Clyde interviewed by Seona Craig

 Record Group — Box 31
Identifier: H0233
Overview This interview is part of the Awarua Radio Communications Museum Collection. Victor recalls his employment as a telephone repair person with the Post Office. He gives a history of the move from manual phones to push button phones as well as a detailed description of the cleaning and repair process.
Dates: 2015